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Campbell-Reece Chapter 31: Fungi Flashcards

From the AP Biology textbook

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977075558ExoenzymesPowerful hydrolytic enzymes fungi secrete to break down food into particles that the fungi can absorb0
977075559SaprobesFungi decomposers1
977075560HyphaeNetwork of tiny filaments composed of tubular cell walls; can be separated by septa or be coenocytic2
977075561ChitinFlexible and strong nitrogen-containing polysaccharide found in fungal cell wall3
977075562MyceliumMass of interwoven hyphae; grows rapidly to make up for non-motility.4
977075563Septa"Walls" with pores that divide the hyphae into multiple cell compartments; they have pores large enough to allow ribosomes, mitochondria, and nuclei to flow from cell to cell5
977075564CoenocyticFungi with a continuous cytoplasmic mass. They have no septa and are similar to plasmodial slime molds.6
977075565MycorrhizaeMutually beneficial relationships between plant roots and fungi; helps with the absorption of nutrients7
977075566Ectomycorrhizal fungiMycorrhizae plants that form sheaths of hyphae over the surface of a root8
977075567Endomycorrhizal fungiMycorrhizae plants that have the hyphae (one example is haustoria) penetrate the plant root9
977075568PheromonesSexual signaling molecules that allow fungi reproduce10
977075569PlasmogamyUnion of cytoplasm of two parent mycelia; primary form of sexual reproduction in fungi11
977075570HeterokaryonA mycelium that has different nuclei; this phenomenon occurs when plasmogamy occurs. Some haploid cells fuse together right away, while others stay far away from each other. The result is multiple nuclei12
977075571DikaryoticFungi with two haploid nuclei13
977075572KaryogamyWhen fungi nuclei fuse together; this is the only stage in which diploidy exists in most fungi.14
977075573MoldFungi that can reproduce asexually15
977075574YeastsAsexual fungi that live in moist or liquid environments; one example is yeast.16
977075575DeuteromycetesA.k.a imperfect fungi; Fungi with no sexual stage. (Perfect refers to the sexual stages of plants/fungi; it is a botanical term)17
977075576OpisthokontsMembers of the clade Opisthokonta. Consists of fungi, animals, and protistan relatives.18
977075577zoosporesFlagellated spores19
977075578ZygomycetesPhylum Zygomycota; fungi responsible for rotting molds of food. Example: Rhizopus stolonifer20
977075579ZygosporangiumStructure that forms as a result of plasmogamy in Zygomycetes21
977075580GlomeromycetesPhylum Glomeromyceta; have arbuscular mycorrhizae, which is when the tips of hyphae branch into treelike structures know as arbuscules. 90% of all plants have such symbiotic partnerships with glomeromycetes22
977075581AscomycetesPhylum Ascomycota; produce sexaul spores in saclike asci. A.k.a. Sac fungi23
977075582AsciSacs in which spores are produced in Ascomycetes24
977075583AscocarpsFruiting bodies of Ascomycetes25
977075584ConidiaAsexual fungi spores of Ascomycetes26
977075585BasidiomycetesPhylum Basidiomycota; has a diploid stage called basidium. A.k.a. club fungus27
977075586BasidiocarpsElaborate fruiting bodies of basidiomycetes. A mash room is an example of one28
977075587LichensFungus-Photosynthetic organism hybrid. Usually microorganisms held in mass of hyphae29
977075588SorediaSmall bundles of hyphae with embedded algae30
977075589MycosisFungal infection that parasitize humans; example is ringworm.31
977075590ErgotsPurple structures found on rye as a result of fungal infection32
977075591Saccharomyces cerevisiaeImportant yeast fungi for baking and brewing33
977075592PenicilliumAscomycete fungi that makes penicillin34
977075593Phanerochaete chrysosporiumWhite rot; helps digest wood35

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