Triangulo Capitulo 5: El Ocio vocabulario
40377191 | tener ganas de | to have the desire to | |
40377192 | hacer alarde de | to show off | |
40377193 | coleccionar | to collect | |
40377194 | la cerámica | ceramics | |
40377195 | el cuadro | painting | |
40377196 | el disco | record | |
40377197 | la miniatura | miniature | |
40377198 | la moneda | currency, coin | |
40377199 | la muñeca | doll | |
40377200 | el sello | stamp | |
40377201 | la tarjeta de deportes | sports (trading) card | |
40377202 | ir de camping | to go camping | |
40378052 | el botiquín de medicinas | medicine chest | |
40378053 | el/la campista | camper | |
40378054 | el equipaje | luggage, equipment | |
40378055 | la fogata | campfire | |
40378056 | la intemperie | the outdoors | |
40378057 | el/la montañero/a | mountaineer, climber | |
40378058 | la tienda de campaña | tent | |
40378059 | los motivos | motives | |
40378060 | calmarse | to calm down | |
40378061 | descansar | to rest, to relax | |
40378062 | entretenerse | to amuse/entertain oneself | |
40378063 | reír a carcajadas | to laugh out loud | |
40378662 | patrocinar las artes | to support/patronize the arts | |
40378663 | ir al cine | to go to the movies | |
40378664 | filmado | filmed | |
40378665 | el film | film | |
40378666 | la pantalla | screen | |
40378667 | la película | movie | |
40378668 | ir al teatro | to go to the theatre | |
40378669 | las butacas | seats, armchairs | |
40378670 | el estreno | premiere | |
40378671 | el guión | script, screenplay | |
40378672 | ir a un concierto | to go to a concert | |
40378673 | el disco compacto | CD | |
40378674 | el disco de vinilo | vinyl disc/record | |
40378675 | la guitarra | guitar | |
40378676 | la grabación | recording | |
40378677 | grabar | to record | |
40378678 | tocar un instrumento | to play an instrument | |
40378731 | las actividades | activities | |
40378732 | buscar aventuras | to look for adventures | |
40378733 | cazar perdices | to hunt partridges | |
40378734 | dar una caminata | to take a walk or hike | |
40378735 | esbozar dibujos | to sketch drawings | |
40378736 | hacer una cadena de flores | to make a flower chain | |
40378737 | ir a una fiesta | to go to a party | |
40378738 | jugar al boliche | to bowl, to go bowling | |
40378739 | jugar al escondite | to play hide and seek | |
40378740 | jugar a la rayuela | to play hopscotch | |
40378741 | leer tiras cómicas | to read comic books | |
40378742 | montar en bicicleta | to ride bikes | |
40379152 | advertir | to warn, to advise | |
40379153 | los afiches | posters | |
40379154 | aguardar | to expect, to wait for | |
40379155 | aplazar | to postpone | |
40379156 | aportar | to contribute | |
40379157 | arrancar | to start, to pull up, to uproot | |
40379158 | arrugar | to wrinkle | |
40379159 | comprobar | to prove | |
40379160 | cotidiano/a | daily, everyday | |
40379161 | el desarrollo | development | |
40379562 | los destellos | sparkles | |
40379563 | destacar | to stand out, to emphasize | |
40379564 | disponible | available, disposable | |
40379565 | entablar | to start, to begin | |
40379566 | el gatillo | trigger | |
40379567 | onírico/a | dream-like | |
40379568 | refunfuñar | to growl, to grumble | |
40379569 | risueño/a | smiling | |
40379570 | silbar | to whistle | |
40379873 | dibujar | to draw | |
40379874 | jugar al ajedrez | to play chess | |
40379875 | tejer un suéter | to knit a sweater | |
40379876 | pasearse | to take a walk or stroll | |
40379877 | montar a caballo | to ride horses | |
40379878 | participar en el tiro al arco y flechas | to participate in archery | |
40379973 | el pincel | paintbrush | |
40379974 | el lienzo | canvas | |
40379975 | la mochila | backpack | |
40379976 | la tabla y las piezas | board and pieces | |
40379977 | aguja e hilo | needle and thread | |
40379978 | el bastón | walking stick, cane | |
40379979 | las riendas y el bocado | reins and bit | |
40380664 | tener placer estético | to have aesthetic pleasure | |
40380665 | apreciar el medio ambiente | to appreciate the environment | |
40380666 | divertirse | to have fun | |
40380667 | regalarle algo a alguien | to give something to someone | |
40380668 | renovarse | to renew, to be renewed | |
40380669 | aliviar el estrés | to relieve stress | |
40380670 | evitar el aburrimiento | to avoid boredom | |
40380671 | darle la real gana | to feel like | |
40380672 | en mi época | in my time | |
40380673 | pasar rápido el tiempo | to quickly pass the time | |
40380674 | matar el tiempo | to kill time | |
40380675 | muchas veces | many times, frequently | |
40380676 | hacer mal tiempo | for the weather to be bad | |
40380677 | a tiempo | on time | |
40380678 | la hora de cenar | dinner time | |
40380679 | la conferencia | lecture | |
40380680 | la lectura | the reading | |
41113662 | corriente | common, normal | |
41113767 | la corriente | (water) current |