Organelles of the cell; vocab of ch. 6.
34976541 | cytosol | semifluid substance where organelles are found. | |
34976542 | prokaryotic cell | no memb-bound organelles; no true nucleus (only nucleoid); capsule. | |
34976543 | nucleoid | region where cell's DNA is located. | |
34976544 | eukaryotic cell | memb-bound nucleus & organelles. | |
34976545 | cytoplasm | entire region between nucleus and plasma membrane. | |
34976546 | plasma membrane | selective barrier; allows pssg of O, nutrients, & wastes to service entire cell. | |
34976547 | nucleus | contains most genes in euk cell. | |
34976548 | nuclear envelope | encloses nucleus. | |
34976549 | nuclear lamina | netlike array of protein filaments; maintains shape of nucleus by spptg nuclear envel. | |
34976550 | chromosomes | carry genetic info. | |
34976551 | chromatin | proteins + DNA; when cell divides, they condense. | |
34976552 | nucleolus | small, spherical object w/in nucleus; makes ribosomes from rRNA. | |
34976553 | ribosomes | synthesize proteins. free & bound. | |
34976554 | endomembrane system | synth & transpt proteins, metab & movmnt of lipids, detox of poisons. | |
34976555 | vesicles | sacs made of membrane. | |
34976556 | endoplasmic reticulum | extensive network of membranes. | |
34976557 | smooth ER | synth lipids, detox of drugs/medicines; no ribosomes. | |
34976558 | rough ER | synth of proteins (may be secreted from cell or bcm part of the cell memb); ribosomes. | |
34976559 | glycoproteins | proteins cov bonded to carbs. | |
34976560 | transport vesicles | vesicles transporting sbstncs to and fro. | |
34976561 | Golgi apparatus | modifies, sorts, and packages sbstncs made by cell; sends them to vacuoles, other organelles, or out of cell. | |
34976562 | lysosome | memb sac of hydrolytic enzymes; animal cell uses to digest macromolecs. | |
34976563 | phagocytosis | lysosome engulfed by vacuole. | |
34976564 | autophagy | lysosome recycles self. | |
34976565 | food vacuole | formed by phagocytosis; are digested w/ lysosomes carrying hydrolytic enzymes. | |
34976566 | contractile vacuole | vacuole that pumps excess water from cell; maintains proper salt concen. | |
34976567 | central vacuole | only in mature plant cells; enclosed by memb (tonoplast). | |
34976568 | tonoplast | memb that encloses central vacuole. | |
34976569 | mitochondria | site of cell resp. | |
34976570 | chloroplasts | found only in plants & algae; convert solar energy to chem energy. | |
34976571 | peroxisome | membranous sacs containing enzymes used to break down hydrogen peroxide. | |
34976572 | cristae | folded, inner memb of mitochondria. | |
34976573 | mitochondrial matrix | 2nd compartment of mito; enlosed by inner memb. | |
34976574 | plastids | plant organelles; amyloplasts, chromoplasts, chloroplasts. | |
34976575 | thylakoid | flattened, interconn sacs. | |
34976576 | granum | each stack w/in thylakoid. | |
34976577 | stroma | fluid ouside thylakoid; contains chloroplast DNA, ribosomes, enzymes. | |
34976578 | cytoskeleton | network of fibers extending thru cytoplasm. | |
34976579 | motor proteins | cause movements of cilia, flagella. | |
34976580 | microtubules | part of cytoskel: hollow tubes; made of tubulin protein; provides struc sppt; involved in mvmnt & cell div. | |
34976581 | microfiliaments | part of cytoskel: solid fibers; made of actin protein; provides struc spptl; involved in mvmnt & cell div. | |
34976582 | intermediate fibers | rope-like strands of protein that help to form desmosomes and resist pulling forces on the cell. | |
34976583 | centrosome | microtubules grow from here. | |
34976584 | flagella | one or two long whip-like projections of some cells assist in the movement or locomotion of some cells like sperm cells. | |
34976585 | cilia | short, microtubule projections cover some cells that assist in the movement of some cells. | |
34976586 | basal body | struc identical to centriole. | |
34976587 | dynein | microtubule doublet. | |
34976588 | actin | globular protein. | |
34976589 | pseudopodia | cellular extensions. | |
34976590 | cytoplasmic streaming | circular flow of cytoplasm w/in cells. | |
34976591 | cell wall | extracellular struc of plant cells. | |
34976592 | extracellular matrix (ECM) | made of glycoproteins secreted by cells. | |
34976593 | plasmodesmata | perforations w/in a plant's cell walls; connects chem enviros of adjacent cells. | |
34976594 | tight junctions | impermeable connection between 2 adjacent cells that bind cells together into leakproof sheets. | |
34976595 | desmosomes | anchoring connections that prevent cells subject to stress from being pulled apart. | |
34976596 | gap junctions | connections between cell that allow adjacent cells to pass substances between neighboring cells; neighboring cells are joined by hollow tubes. |