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Cells Flashcards

Cells notes

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138800963Prokaryotic OrganismsBacteria and Archae (Small cells)
138800964Eukaryotic OrganismsProtists, Animals, Plants, and Fungi
138800965Components of Eukaryotic CellsCytosol Plasma membrane Cell wall Organelles
138800966CytosolIntracellular fluid
138800967Plasma MembraneCell membrane Surrounds cell and some organelles
138800968Cell Wall contains:Cellulose Chitin *Rigid structures for support
138800969CellulosePlants (polymer of glucose)
138800970ChitinFungi (modifies polysaccharide)
138800971Ribosomes"Lumps" of RNA (ribosomal RNA) and protein, 2 subunits Involved in synthesis of proteins using RNA as templates Endoplasmic reticulum (attached)
138800972CytosolCytosolic proteins (just floating free)
138800973Nuclear membrane of membrane-bound organellelsDouble membrane (nuclear envelope) Contains nuclear pore complexes Allows RNA and proteins to pass through
138800974Chromatin of membrane-bound organellesDNA and associated proteins Supported by nuclear matrix Strands of proteins and RNA meshwork
138800975Nucleolus of membrane-bound organellesMade of RNA and proteins Synthesis of ribosome's
138800976Endomembrane systemMakes proteins and lipids Membranous sacks and tubes
138800977Components of the Endomembrane systemEndoplasmic reticulum Vessicles Golgi complex
138800978Endoplasmic ReticulumAttached to nuclear envelope
138800979Rough Endoplasmic ReticulumStudded with ribosomes
138800980Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum is the Synthesis of:Secreted proteins (exocytosis) Cell membranes (lipids and proteins) Some other organs
138800981Smooth Endoplasmic ReticulumNo ribosomes Tubular, not flat sacks
138800982Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulim is the Synthesis/Metabolizing of:Synthesizing lipids Metabolizing drugs and hydocarbons "Cyp" enzymes
138800983VessiclesTransport of materials Cell membranes ↔ extracellular fluid Between ER and golgi and other organelles
138800984Golgi ComplexLooks like a "stack of pancakes" Vesicles fuse on one side (CIS) and bud off other side (TRANS) Proteins transported from stack to stack Golgi is used for modifying proteins Eg. Adding/removing carbon hydrates (glycoproteins)
138800985What type of Endoplasmic Recticulum are Proteins and PhospholipidsRough ER
138800986Order of the Endomembrane SystemBud into vesicles → golgi, vessicles→ outside cell membrane and other organelles
138800987VacuolesLarge, mostly stationary, membrane-bound sacs Eg. Plant-central vacuole
138800988Functions of VacuolesResponsible for maintaining hydrostatic pressure which keeps the plant rigid Functions as a storage compartment for pigments and toxins
138800989LysosomesHas an acidic pH inside Contains digestive enzymes which will digest certain components of cells Will fom from budding off the golgi apparatus
138800990Functions of LysosomesFuse with phagocytic vessicles (aka phagosome food vacuoles) Autophagy (eating itself)- digest worn out organelles (eg. Mitochondria)
138800991Energy-Related organellesMitochondria Chloroplasts
138800992MitochondriaOxidize carbohydrates and lipids to make ATP and use O2 which releases energy Can be used to build macromolecules
138800993What type of membrane does Mitochondria haveDouble membrane (inner and outer) Inner is folded into Cristae Matrix in center Has a singular DNA molecule (circular)
138800994ChloroplastsFound in plants in algae Where photosynthesis takes place
138800995Thylakroids"pancake- shaped" sacs inside the chloroplasts Around the thylakroids→ stroma (empty space)
138800996What type of membrane does Chloroplasts haveDouble membrane (inner and outer) Single circular DNA molecule
138800997CytoskeletonMeshwork of fibrous proteins
138800998MicrofilamentsMade of actin Supporting the cell (reinforcement) Changing the cell shape (sliding filaments)
138800999MicrotubulesHollow tubes of the protein tubulin support the cell Function like "tracks" for transporting vessicles Motor proteins bind to vessicles "walk" along microtubules
138801000Intermediate filamentsReinforcing the cell and nuclear membrane hold organelles in place
138801001Eukaryokes CiliaLocated on the outside of the cell Short, numerous and hair-like Move protists Found on epithelia (internal "skin" single cell layer) Move fluids around Cigarette smoke destroys cilia
138801002Eukaryokes FlagellaLocated on the outside of the cell Long, whip-like A cell only has one or a few Used for swimming (sperm)
138801003Structure of Cilia and FlagellaSurrounded by cell membrane Doublets of mirotubles 9 doublets around the outisde A single pair on the inside A 9 + 2 arrangement
138801004Prokaryotic cells Cell WallMade of peptidoglycons, polysaccharides, and polypeptides Capsule is made of glycolipids (made up of carbohydrates and lipids)
138801005Prokaryotic cells FlagellaEvolved independently from eukaryotes flagella They spin around and pull the cell through the water Bacteria could have 1 or more flagella (if present) Could have pilli (which is not cilia) used for attachment to environment and exchange of plasmids
138803559NucleoidIs not a true nucleus, does not have a nuclear envelope May have a singular circular chromosome (DNA)
138803560PlasmidsAre small, circular, extra chromosomal DNA molecules Do not contain essential genes May contain genes that allow survival in stressful environment (Eg. Exchanging antibiotic resistance) Closest thing to sexual reproduction
138803561Some membrane-bound organellesContains some, but more limited than in Eukaryotes a. Photosynthetic-membranes b. Magnet-sensing c. Some enzymatic reactions
138803562Internal features of Prokaryotic cellsNucleoid Ribosome Plasmids Some membrane-bound organelles Cytoskeleton
138808022CytoskeletonLimited to the periphery of the cell Does not have an extensive cytoskeleton
138808023Characteristics of ProkaryotesHas no nucleus Has limited cytoskeleton Has limited organelles Has an extensive cytoskeleton Peptidoglycon cell wall
138808024Characteristics of EukaryotesHas a nucleus Has an extensive amount of organelles Has an extensive cytoskeleton Has a cellulose cell wall for plants and a chitin cell wall for fungi
138808025Deveolpment of Oganellels- Endomembrane SystemDeveloped through the enfolding of cell membrane which lead to the Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi, and nuclear envelope
138808026MitochondriaMitochondria came from purple bacteria
138808027ChloroplastChloroplast came from photosynthetic bacteria
138808028Evidence of the Endosymbiont theorySingle circular chromosome The presence of a double membrane The size of mitochondria and chloroplasts are about the size of bacteria Chloroplasts and mitochondria can divide by binary fission which are the only organelles to do so

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