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Ch3 Prenatal Development, Birth, and the Newborn Baby Flashcards

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6789916204Period of Zygote (Conception-2 weeks)Cells drift from Fallopian tubes to uterus, first cell duplication is not until 30 hours after conception. Blastocyst forms and embryonic disk becomes organism and trophoblasts becomes protective layering which forms amnion. Implantation occurs during this time. yolk sac produces blood cells until other organs take over. Placenta and Umbilical cord form. Placenta permits food, oxygen, and waste products to be exchanged. Umbilical cord contains 1 vein that delivers nutrient rich blood and 2 arteries for waste products. -Teratogens have no impact0
6790024646Implantation-Trophoblast forms amnion that encloses organism in amniotic fluid (helps keep temp constant and provides cushion from movement) -Yolk sac produces blood cells until other organs take over -30%of zygotes don't survive1
6790032877Placenta and Umbilical Cord-End of 2nd week, chorion is formed, surround amnion, villi or blood vessels emerge from chorion -As villi burrow into uterine wall, placenta develops Placenta permits food, oxygen, and waste products to be exchanged -Placenta is connected the baby via umbilical cord (1-3ft) which contains 1 vein that delivers nutrient rich blood and 2 arteries for waste products.2
6789916861Period of Embryo (2-8 weeks)Embryonic disk forms ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. Ears, eyes, nose, jaw, and neck, arms, legs, fingers toes form. Intestines grow, heart develops chambers, liver and spleen take over production of blood cells. Posture becomes more upright. Neurons start to develop and travel to locations. responds to touch. -Serious defects from teratogens likely to occur because foundation for body parts is being laid3
6790040145EctodermNervous system and skin4
6790040948MesodermMuscles, skeletal, circulatory, other organs5
6790042741EndodermDigestive system, lungs, urinary tract, and glands -folds over neural tube (primitive spinal cord)6
67900476682nd month-eyes, ears, nose, jaw, neck, arms, legs, fingers, toes form -intestines grow, heart develops chambers, liver and spleen take over production of blood cells -posture becomes upright -7 weeks: neurons develop in neural tube, then travel to permanent locations in the brain -can sense world and respond to touch -apx. 1in long, 1/7ounce7
6789917856Period of Fetus (9th week-End)Organs, muscles, nervous system become organized and connected. Fetus moves, genitals are formed, fingernails, tooth buds, eyelids form. End of 1st trimester -Teratogen damage usually minor, organs can be strongly affected8
67900552222nd trimester (17-20 weeks)-mother can feel movement -glial cells (support and feed neurons) continue to increase even after birth -brain weight becomes 10x bigger and neurons form synapses -20 wks, can be stimulated and irritated by sounds, sight begins to emerge, lungs and brain still immature9
6790066415Vernixprotects skin from chapping in amniotic fluid10
6790067070Lanugowhite, downy hair over entire body, helps vernix stick11
6790075359Third Trimester-Age of viability (22-26 weeks) -between 7-8 months baby will need O2 assistance because CO2 exchange usually isn't ready -cerebral cortex (intelligence) enlarges, fetus spends more time awake -20 weeks: not awake -28 weeks: 11% of the time awake, rises to 16% before birth -between 30-34 weeks sleep/wake cycles increase -fetus develops personality, fetal activity linked to infant temperament (more active, better adjusted) -23-30 weeks, pain killers should be used -30-36 weeks, respond to auditory stimuli, have short memories, distinguish tone and rhythm of voices and sounds -at 8 months a layer of fat is added to assist temp regulation -fetus receives antibodies from mother and turns upside down12
6790095583TeratogenAny environmental agent that causes harm during prenatal period -Effects can be physical, psychological, delayed health effect, etc. -bidirectional influences13
6790096447Teratogen- DoseLarge doses over time negatively impact fetus14
6790097932Teratogen- HeredityGenetic make up of mom and baby, some can withstand harmful environment better than others15
6790100944Teratogen- Other negative influencePresence of several negative factors (other teratogens, poor nutrition, lack of medical care) can worsen impact16
6790105645Teratogen- AgeEffects of teratogens vary with age of organism. Sensitive periods wants to develop rapidly and if environment is harmful, damage occurs and recovery is difficult17
6789922191List the do's and don'ts for a healthy pregnancy.Do's: make sure you are vaccinated, see a doctor as soon as you can, eat a well balanced diet, take vitamin/mineral supplements, obtain literature about prenatal development, keep physically fit, avoid emotional stress, get plenty of rest, enroll in a prenatal and childbirth education class with your partner or other companion. Don'ts: take any drugs without consulting a doctor, don't smoke, don't drink alcohol, don't engage in activities that might expose your embryo or fetus to environmental hazards, such as radiation or chemicals, don't engage in activities that could expose your embryo or fetus to harmful infectious diseases, don't go on a diet, don't gain too much weight.18
6789923044Describe the three stages of childbirth. How does the baby adapt to labor and delivery?1. dilation and effacement of the cervix- longest stage. contractions become more frequent and powerful, causing cervix to widen and thin forming a clear channel from uterus to vagina 2. delivery of the baby- contractions and mother pushing forces baby down and out 3. delivery of placenta- final contractions and pushes. placenta detaches from uterine wall. -high levels of stress hormones help the baby withstand oxygen deprivation by sending rich supply of blood to brain and heart. It also prepares baby to breath by absorbing any remaining liquid in lungs and expanding the bronchial tubes, bringing infant to alertness19
6789925035How do the diverse capacities of newborn babies (i.e. newborn reflexes, newborn states, and sensory capacities) contribute to their first social relationships?When a baby searches and successfully finds the nipple, sucks easily during feedings, grasps when touches is likely to get loving responses and helps parents feel competent. They cry to communicate letting parents know they need food, comfort, or stimulation. Smell helps babies identify their mothers. Babies can hear stress patterns in voices and respond positively or negatively towards them. Happy babies are likely to get more social interaction from adults.20
6789925679Describe the ways to soothe a crying baby, and explain why each method is effective. What strategies do most Western parents employ?-Talk softly or play rhythmic sounds- continuous, monotonous, rhythmic sounds are more effective than intermittent sounds. -Pacifier- sucking helps babies control their own level of arousal -Massage baby's body- stroking baby's torso and limbs with continuous, gentle motions relaxes baby's muscles -Swaddle baby- restricting movement and increasing warmth often soothe a young infant -Lift baby to shoulder and rock or walk- physical contact, upright posture, and motion is effective soothing technique, they become quietly alert short car ride or walk in baby carriage -Swing in cradle- gentle, rhythmic motion helps lull baby to sleep -Combine several methods listed- stimulating several senses at once is often more effective than stimulating only one -Let baby cry for short period- sometimes baby responds well to this and will fall asleep *Western parents employ lifting baby over shoulder and rocking or walking. Or, swaddling baby.21
6790000048ConceptionDay 14 of menses, ovum is released from corpus luteum and goes into fallopian tube. If feritlization doesn't occur then corpus luteum shrinks and lining of uterus is discarded22
6790008605Sperm-1/500 inch -male produces 300 million/day -goes through cervix into fallopian tube -can live up to 6 days but fertilization only occurs 2 days before and the day of ovulation23
6794284659ThalidomideUsed in 1960s and caused gross deformities of arms, legs, ears, hearts, kidneys, and genitals, as well as intellectual disabilities24
6794295393Diethylstibestrol (DES)1945-1970, synthetic hormone that was prescribed to prevent miscarriages -Daughters of these mothers would get vagina cancer, malformed uterus, infertility, premature babies, low birth weight, and miscarriage -Men showed increased risk of genital abnormalities and testes cancer25
6794316341Accutane (isotretinoin)Exposure during first trimester results in eye, ear, skull, brain, heart, and immune system abnormalities. Extremely potent, common acne drug.26
6794326886AspirinLinked to low birth weight, post-birth death, poor motor development, low intelligence27
6794332213CaffeineLinked to low birth weight28
6794334360AntidepressantsLinked to prematurity, birth complications, respiratory distress, high infant blood pressure29
6794341387Heroin/MethadoneLess attentive in 1st year, motor development is slow, some get better after infancy, others are jittery and inattentive -Linked to prematurity, low birth weight, physical defects, breathing abnormalities, post-birth death, born drug addicted, feverish, irritable, trouble sleeping, cries are shrill and piercing -About 4% of women use coke/heroin/methadone during pregnancy30
6794363280CocaineConstricts blood vessels, causing restricted oxygen to the fetus, can alter production and functioning of neurons and chemical balance -Linked to defects in eye, bone, genitals, urinary tract, kidneys, heart, brain hemorrhages and seizures, severe growth retardation -Perceptual, motor, attention, memory, and language deficits, impulse-control problems -Some studies show no major negative findings of cocaine usage31
6794399027Marijuanalinked to small head size, attention, memory, academic difficulties, impulsivity, over-activity, depression, anger, and aggression32
6794412851Tobacco-Constricts blood flow to the uterus causing abnormal placenta. -About 14% of mother's smoke during pregnancy -Linked to low birth weight, miscarriage, prematurity, cleft lip/palate, blood vessel abnormalities, impaired heart rate and sleep breathing, infant death, asthma, cancer -Less attentive to sounds, muscle tension, colic, more excitable when touched, short attention spans, impulsive, low IQ, disruptive, aggressive -Reduces nutrient transfer and CO levels rises damaging CNS, slowing body growth33
6794453531Alcohol-Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD): range of physical, mental, and behavioral outcomes caused by prenatal alcohol exposure -Interferes with production and migration of neurons in primitive neural tube and draws oxygen away from the baby preventing cell growth because oxygen is needed to metabolize the alcohol -25% drink during pregnancy and is likely to be repeated the next generation -Composed of FAS, p-FAS, and ARND34
6794489567Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)Slow growth, short eyelid openings, thin upper lip, smooth/flat philtrum (cupids bow), brain injury (memory, language, communication, attention span, over-activity, planning/reasoning, motor coordination, social skills) -FAS babies fail to catch up in physical size and mental impairment is permanent35
6794512399Partial Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (p-FAS)2/3 facial abnormalities, brain injury in at least 3 areas, mothers usually drank less, paternal consumption around time of conception can alter genes36
6794524433Alcohol Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder (ARND)3 areas of mental functioning are impaired, typical growth and no facial abnormalities37
6794559882RadiationMiscarriage, underdeveloped brains, physical deformities, slow physical growth, increased risk of childhood cancer, abnormal brain activity, low IQ, language and emotional disorders38
6794575620Environmental Pollution-Industrial contaminants (around 75,000 used in US) found in blood, can impair prenatal development, and increase health problems and disorders39
6794591141MercuryCauses physical deformities, intellectual disorders, abnormal speech, difficulty chewing and swallowing, coordination issues, cognitive and motor deficits due to neurons not being properly formed and migrated , attention, verbal issues -Seafood can contain mercury and is best to refrain from in pregnancy (swordfish, albacore tuna, shark)40
6794626092Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)Cause low birth weight, discolored skin, deformed gums and nails, brain wave abnormalities, delayed cognitive development41
6794633383LeadRelated to prematurity, low birth weight, brain damage, physical defects42
6794636325DioxinsLinked to brain, immune system, thyroid damage, increased breast and uterine cancer, seems to impair Y bearing sperm in fathers43
6794647617Rubella VirusDeath, deafness, eye, heart, genital, urinary tract, intestines, bone, dental, and intellectual disabilities -Low birth weight, mental illness, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, thyroid, immune system dysfunction -100K cases in developing countries -About 5% affected by viruses44
6794668550HIV/AIDS-95% in developing countries -30% in South Africa are HIV positive, 20-30% chance of passing it on to the baby -By 6 months, weight loss, diarrhea, respiratory illness, brain damage -50% die by 1 year, 90% by 3 years -Antiretroviral drug reduced prenatal transmission by 95%45
6794691346Cytomegalovirus-Most frequent, transmitted through respiratory or sex -Herpes Complex2 (genital herpes, transmitted by sex) -Invade mothers genitals affecting the baby46
6797673456Other VirusesChicken pox, mumps47
6797679787Bacterial VirusesChlamydia, Syphilis, Tuberculosis48
6794702801ToxoplasmosisMost common parasite from raw or under cooked meat and from feces of infected cats -40% pass to fetus -First trimester leads to eye and brain damage, later infection is linked to mild visual and cognitive issues -Malaria is another parasitic disease49
6794730262Exercise-Healthy, physically fit women with regular to moderate exercise result in high birth weight -Frequent, vigorous exercise in late pregnancy results in low birth weight50
6794744939Healthy Weight Gain25-30lbs51
6794752268Prenatal malnutritionResults in damage to CNS, loss in brain weight, distort structure of liver, kidney, pancreas, and other organs, cardiovascular disease, adulthood diabetes, usually catch respiratory diseases, irritable, unresponsive to stimulus -need adequate vitamins and minerals52
6794765920Folic AcidPrevents 70% of abnormalities (anencephaly, spina bifida) -Reduces risk of physical defects (left lip/palate), urinary tract and limb deformities, can reduce prematurity and low birth weight -Recommended 0.4 mg/day -Bread, flour, rice, pasta, and other grains must be fortified with folic acid in US53
6794787168WICreaches about 90% of low income women for food packages54
6794791462Intense AnxietyAssociated with miscarriage, prematurity, low birth weight, infant respiratory distress, irritability in first 3 years55
6794798157StressReduces oxygen to uterus because its going to other organs -Epinephrine and cortisol are released and maternal hormones can cross placenta resulting in rise in fetal heart rate, blood pressure, glucose, and activity -Permanently effects neurological capacity to handle stress, weakened immune system, anxiety, short attention span, anger, aggression, over-activity, low IQ, low birth weight, postnatal maternal anxiety, low SES -Stress is reduced with social support56
6794836415Rh Factor IncompatibilityWhen mom is Rh- and dad is Rh+, baby can inherit fathers blood type and the mother will form antibodies which can destroy fetus RBCs, reducing O2 supply -intellectual disabilities, miscarriage, heart damage, death -first born rarely affected, chance increases with each pregnancy -vaccines exist for this57
6794851243Maternal Age-Complication rates increase between 50-55 -Most teenagers come from low SES and don't receive proper health care58
6794891870Newborn AppearanceAvg 20in, 7.5lbs, boys longer and heavier usually -head is large, bowed legs and short, round face, chubby cheeks, large foreheads, big eyes59
6794919892Apgar ScaleAssess newborns physical condition 0, 1, 2. Combined score of 7+ indicated good condition. 4-6 baby needs breathing assistance and other vitals. 3 or below infant is in danger. -2 readings are given. Made at 1 and 5 mins after birth60
6794938767Approaches to Childbirth-before late 1800s birth took place at home and was family oriented -industrial revolution brought crowds to cities, along with new health problems, moving birth to hospitals -1950/60s, natural birth movement was to make hospital birth comfortable and rewarding -Freestanding birth centers: permit greater maternal control, choice of positions, presence of family/friends, and contact between parents and babies61
6794960189Natural (Prepared) Birth-group of techniques developed by Dick-Read and Lamaze aimed at reducing pain and medical intervention and making childbirth a rewarding experience 1. Classes- learn about anat/phys of labor/delivery 2. Relaxation and breathing techniques- aimed at counteracting pain of contractions 3. Labor coach- teaches partner how to aid during childbirth, reminding her to relax and breath, massaging her back, and offering encouragement and affection -having social support often helps births have less complications, Apgar scores are higher, and more likely to breastfeed62
6794982115Home Delivery-Mostly popular in England, Netherlands, and Sweden -Many handled by midwives -Complications rarely occur if a trained professional is there63
6794990162AnoxiaInadequate supply of oxygen during birth64
6794992291Breech positionBaby is turned so that feet or butt is first65
6794998658Fetal Monitoring-Electric instruments that track babies heart rate during labor -used in 80% of births, monitor is strapped around moms abdomen or threading a recording device into the cervix and placing under baby's scalp -can falsely detect distress leading to more C-sections and maternal discomfort66
6795011355Labor and Delivery Medication-analgesics (pain relievers) and anesthetics (pain blocker) -epidural analgesia limits pain reductions to pelvic region -weakens contractions, prolongs labor, has effects on baby67
6795021753C-Section-Have increased in last 40 years, usually for complications -Natural labor after C-section can lead to uterine rupturing and infant death. "Once a C-section, always a C-section" -Requires more recovery time, drugs can make newborn sleepy, unresponsive, and increased risk of breathing difficulties68
6795037474Preterm and Low Birth Weight Infants-born 3+ weeks before 38 weeks or below 5.5lbs are preterm -less than 3.5lbs usually don't survive -Brain abnormalities, frequent illness, inattention, over-activity, sensory impairments, poor motor coordination, language delays, low IQ, learning issues, emotional/behavioral problems -1/13 of babies, 60% or twins and 90% of triplets are preterm69
6795053120PretermInfants born several weeks or more before due date -Their development has much to do with parent-child relationship -Isolette: Plexi-glass enclosed bed regulates temp, air is filtered70
6795055660Small to DateBelow expected weight considering pregnancy length -more likely to die, catch infections, brain damage, small, low IQ, less attentive, immature, weakened stress management -Babies carried to term are more likely to be better cognitively71
6795075083Special Infant Stimulation-Hammocks, water beds, heart beat, soft music, mother's voice, touch, kangaroo care -promote weight gain, predictable sleep patterns, and alertness72
6795079877Kangaroo careSkin to skin, fosters oxygeneration of baby's body, temp regulation, sleep, breastfeeding, alertness, and survival, provides stimulation of all senses73
6795090787Infant Caregiving SkillsClasses can help improve adult-child interaction, maybe necessary to achieve lasting changes74
6795095589Birth Complication, Parenting, and Resilience-long term difficulties occur if birth was traumatic -children exposed to Low SES, family disorganization, mentally ill parents developed learning, behavioral, and emotional problems -supportive home environment can restore growth75
6795111668Rooting Reflexfinding nipple -disappears after 6 months76
6795113572Stepping ReflexWalking response -fat babies cant lift legs for this reflex -disappears after 6 months77
6797780361Babinski ReflexStroke sole of foot from toe to heal, toes fan out and curl as foot twists in -disappears 8-12 months78
6795124576States of arousalDegrees of sleep/wakefulness -quiet alertness=fussing/crying more alert/aware babies receive more social stimulation leading to increased cognitive skills -sleep enhances memory/learning79
6795136294Newborns sleep how much each day?16-18 hrs/day80
6795139857SleepBabies spend more time in REM, 50% of time, which is vital for CNS growth -disorganized sleep can indicate brain damage, behavioral issues, delayed motor, cognitive, and language development, SIDS81
6795150185Crying-need food, comfort, or stimulation -young infants cry because physical needs (hunger, temp, noise, pain) -increases first 6 weeks then declines82
6795154759Abnormal crying-CNS distress -shrill, piercing, shorter in duration -colic: persistent crying, subsides between 3-6 months83
6795164755Touch-stimulates early growth and emotional development -mouth, palms and soles of feet -newborns can distinguish shape and texture -feel pain intensely, offering a nipple with sugar solution helps reduce crying and discomfort, smell of milk -research suggests touch releases endorphins (pain killers) -severe pain can overwhelm CNS and can disrupt capacity to handle stressors, heighten pain sensitivity, sleep disturbances, feeding problems, and difficulty calming84
6795231817Taste and Smell-relax face with sweet, purse with sour, arch like mouth when bitter -4 month old's prefer salty taste -mothers diet during gestation fills amniotic fluid and can influence what babies like -smell helps babies feed and identify mother -odor of human milk is more attractive to newborns than animal milk85
6795253278Hearing-newborns prefer complex sounds (noises/voices) to pure tones -can identify tones, rhythm, syllables, stress patterns, pos/neg/neutral, and languages -prefer slow, high pitched, expressive voice86
6795264240Vision-Retina is not fully developed -optic nerve and lens are weak -visual activity is limited because they can't focus -can clearly see at 20ft what adults can see at 600ft, close images are blurred, eye movements are slow and inaccurate -color comes at 4 months87
6795280520Neonatal Behavioral Assessment (NBAS scale)Evaluates newborns reflexes, muscle tone, state changes, responsiveness to physical and social stimuli, etc. -Asian/Native American babies are less irritable than white because they hold and comfort at signs of discomfort88
6795289541NICU Network Neurobehavioral Scale (NNNS)Designed for use of risk for development problems with low birth weight, preterm, substance exposure, etc. -used to recommend appropriate interventions and guide parents in meeting unique needs89
6795299452Adjusting to New Family Unit-Oxytocin influences contractions, let down of milk, calm, relaxed mood promotes responsiveness to baby in mom -Prolactin (milk production hormone) and androgens (sex hormones) increase in father, induced by contact with mom and baby90

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