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Ch.6 AP World History People, Places, and Events Flashcards

Princeton Review: Ancient Stuff- Around 8000 BCE to around 600 C.E.

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146755020Alexander the Greatson of Philip of Macedon, expanded Macedonian dominance beyond Greece to the Persian Empire and India.0
146755021Analects of Confuciusare considered a record of the words and acts of the central Chinese thinker and philosopher Confucius and his disciples, as well as the discussions they held.1
146755022Augustus Caesarformerly known as Ocativius, son of Julius Caesar. One of the three rulers in Rome's second triumverate. Under his reign, Rome became an empire.2
146755023Bronze Agethe latter part of the Neolithic Era is often to reffered to as this, because the people figured out how to make bronze.3
146755024Byzantiumthe city to which Constantine moved the capital of the Roman empire. This shifted all of the power to the East.4
146755025Calendarmany early civilizations developed these although they weren't very accurate. Ex: the Mayans built one that was accurate, the Egyptians also created one, and so did the Chinese5
146755026Code of Hammurabia series of social codes for every day life developed by King Hammurabi of Babylon, is often credited as a significant step toward our modern legal codes.6
146755027Constantinebecame the Roman Emperor in 322 C.E. He ordered the building of the city of Byzantium, which became the capital of a united Roman Empire by 340 C.E. Although he had an effective rule, he could not overcome Rome's external pressures.7
146755028Cuneiforma form of writing developed by the Sumerians.8
146755029Draco and Solontwo aristocrats who contributed to the creation of democracy in Athens and worked to maintain fair, equal, and open participation in the government by the people9
146755030Democracya political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them10
146755031Edict of Milanissued by the Emperor Constantine in Rome in 313 C.E. Ended the persecution of Christians by Roman pagans, who saw Christianity as a threat to their power and religion. By 391 C.E., Christianity became the official religion of the empire.11
146755032Eight Fold Pathin buddhism a set of guidelines on how to escape suffering (right understanding, right speech, right livelihood, right concentration, right mindfulness, right effort, right action, right intention)12
146755033Diocletianbecame emperor of Rome in 284 C.E. and tried to fix the increasing problems in the Roman Empire by dividing it into two regions run by co-emperors. Was not a good emperor and when he left power, Rome broke out into civial war.13
146755034Four Noble Truthsthe doctrines of Buddha: all life is suffering, the cause of suffering is ignorant desire, this desire can be destroyed, the means to this is the Eightfold Path.14
146755035Delian Leaguean alliance established between Athens and the other city-states of ancient Greece. This alliance was formed against aggression from the participants' mutual enemies.15
146755036Golden Age of Periclesthe period after the Persian Wars during which Greece enjoyed peace and prosperity under the leadership of Pericles. The Parthenon was made during this time, philosophy and the arts flourished during this age16
146755037Great WallA wall built by ShiHuangDi during the Qin Dynasty to protect china nomad invaders in the north.17
146755038Han dynastyDuring this time period (200 B.C.E. to 200 C.E.), the Chinese developed paper, very accurate sundials, and calendars; developed the civil service system based on the teachings of Confucius; this ensured that government officials would be highly educated and great communicators. To ensure great candidates, they developed a rigourous civil service examination. During this dynasty, Buddhism spread and trade thrived along the Silk Road to the Mediterranean18
146755039Hellenismthe principles and ideals associated with classical Greek civilization19
146755040Hunsa large nomadic group believed to be from northern Asia whose armies menaced the Han, Gupta, and Roman Empires. Their attacks devastated the Roman and Gupta Empires, but then the Han Empire was able to successfully beat them back.20
146755041Indian Ocean Tradelinks East Africa, India and China21
146755042Neolithic Revolutionalso called the Agricultural Revolution, represents the span of several thousand years from approx. 8000 B.C. to 3000 B.C., when groups of people transitioned from a nomadic lifestyle to a farming and city lifestyle; the ability to grow food and domesticate livestock allowed people to stay in the same place for a longer period of time and rely on a constand food supply22
146755043Hinduismbegan and practiced in India. both a religious and social system (the caste system); believe in one supreme force called Brahma, the creator, and Shiva, the destroyer. Ultimate Goal is to reach Moksha, the highest state of being.23
146755044Iron AgeThe period of history, succeeding the Bronze Age, when people first learned to extract iron from ore and use it to forge tools, weapons and other objects. The first organized production of objects developed in southwestern Asia shortly after 2000 B.C.24
146755045Jewish Diasporathe scattering of the Jewish people outside their homeland beginning about 586 BCE25
146755046Julius Caesarone of the three rulers of the first triumvirate in ancient Rome. Ruled over southern Gaul and other parts of Europe. The Roman Senate went to war with Caesar's followers, which resulted in Caesar becoming Rome's first emperor ("emperor for life"); assasinated by his senators in 44 B.C.E26
146755047Legalismpracticed by some in China, specifically during the Qin dynasty. based upon the belief that peace and order could only be obtained through a centralized government, harsh punishment, and unquestioned authority.27
146755048Mayan Civilizationdominated southern Mexico and parts of Central American from 300 B.C. from 800 B.C. Their civilization was a collection of city states ruled by the same king. counstructed pyramids, used hieroglyphics, developed a complex calendar system, and built tremendous cities.28
146755049Pax Romanaperiod of peace and prosperity that lasted for 200 years after the rule of the Roman emperor Augustus Caesar.29
146755050MesopotamiaThe region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers; birthplace of the Sumerian and Babylonian Civilizations.30
146755051Pyramidsthese were architectural projects built by the Babylonians (ziggurats), and the ancient Egyptians31
146755052Qin dynastythis Chinese dynasty was extremely short, lasting only from 221 B.C. to 206 B.C. Despite the brief reign, the dynasty was best down for connecting the seperate fortification walls that eventually became the Great Wall of China. The empire was well organized, centralized, and territorial. The dynasty's first emperor was Qin Shihuangdi32
147106727Roman RepublicThe period from 507 to 31 B.C.E., during which Rome was largely governed by the aristocratic Roman Senate33
147106728Punic Warsthere were three of these wars between Rome and Carthage (264 through 146 B.C.E.)34
147106729What was the result of the 1st Punic War?Rome gained control of Sicily.35
147106730What was the result of the 2nd Punic War?Hannibal made headway for Carthage, but eventually had to back down, letting Rome retain control of the western Mediterranean.36
147106731What was the result of the 3rd Punic War?Rome invaded Carthage and burned it to the ground.37
147106732Roman SenateA council whose members were the heads of wealthy, landowning families. Originally an advisory body to the early kings, in the era of the Roman Republic the Senate effectively governed the Roman state and the growing empire.38
147106733Persian Warsthese wars served to unite all of the Greek polises against their mutual enemy, Persia.39
147106734Shang CivilizationChina's first dynasty almost 2000 BC. It was a city state that had writing, bronzes, and appearance of social classes, believed in supreme deity and lesser ones, observed movements of the stars and planets40
147106735Peloponnesian WarAthens and Sparta fought each other in this war that took place in 431 B.C.E. The conflict began with a trade dispute involving the city of Corinth. Although Sparta won, they didn't destroy Athens out of respect for the city-state's alliance in the Persian War.41
147106736Shi Huang DiThe first ruler of China's Qin dynasty. He used harsh Legalist policies to keep the Chinese in check, but also aided China by standardizing measurements throughout China. He also started building the Great Wall of China, and completed various other building projects to improve the welfare of the Chinese people.42
147106737Siddhartha Gautamafounder of Buddism; born a prince; left his father's wealth to find the cause of human suffering; also know as Buddha43
147106738Silk Road Tradea major trade route over land from China to the Roman Empire44
147106739The TorahThe first 5 books of the Bible; sacred text of Judaism45
147106740The Vedas of Hinduismone of the sources of prayers, verses, and descriptions of the origins of the universe, guide Hindus46
147106741ZigguratsMassive towers usually associated with Mesopotamian temple complexes.47
147106742Socrates, Plato, and Aristotleancient Greek philosophers who believed that the truth could be discerned through rational thought and deliberate and careful observation, and that virtue and the quest for goodness would lead to eternal peace and happiness. "the fathers of rational thinking"48
147106743Zhou Mandate of Heaventhe Zhou Dynasty of China (lasting from around 1100 to 256 B.C.E.) believed in this, which said that heaven would grant the Zhou power only as long as its rulers governed justly and wisely49
147106744Wu TiA early Han leader and the most famous ruler of the dynasty; along with other early Han leaders, expanded Chinese territory and set up formal training, based on Confucian philosophy, for bureaucrats50
147106745VisigothsGermanic peoples who had adopted Roman Law and Christianity. Roman authorities used these people to defend the empire's border. However, when the Huns began to press on the Visigoths in the early 5th century, the Visigoths had nowhere to go but Rome. in 410 C.E., the Visigoths sacked Rome, and by 476 C.E. they deposed the Roman emperor; this completed the fall of the western half of the Roman Empire.51

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