organs, hormones, function
21721996 | hormones of anterior pituitary | GH, PRL, ACTH, TSH, gonadotropic, FSH, LH, ICSH | |
21721997 | growth hormone (GH) | stimulates growth in skeletal muscle and bones; maintains blood sugar balance | |
21721998 | prolactin (PRL) | stimulate and maintains milk production after childbirth | |
21721999 | adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) | regulates activity of adrenal cortex | |
21722000 | thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) | influences growth and activity of thyroid gland | |
21722001 | gonadotropic hormone | regulates hormonal activity of gonads | |
21722002 | follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) in females | stimulated development of follicles in ovaries; mature follicles produce estrogen | |
21722003 | follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) in males | stimulates sperm development | |
21722004 | lutenizing hormone (LH) | triggers ovulation; causes ruptured follicle to produce progesterone and estrogen | |
21722005 | interstitial cell stimulating hormone (ICSH) | stimulates testosterone production | |
21722006 | hormones of posterior pituitary | oxytocin, ADH | |
21722007 | oxytocin | stimulates contractions of uterus, milk ejections, labor; stops postpartum bleeding | |
21722008 | antidiuretic hormone (ADH) | inhibits urine production; causes kidneys to reabsorb water; increases blood pressure | |
21722009 | thyroid gland location | in throat below Adam's apple | |
21722010 | thyroid hormone | controls rate glucose is burned; converts to body heat and chem energy; impt for growth and dev of reproductive and NS | |
21722011 | calcitonin | decreases blood calcium levels | |
21722012 | hormones of thyroid gland | thyroid hormone, calcitonin | |
21722013 | parathyroid gland location | on thyroid gland | |
21722014 | parathyroid hormone (PTH) | increases blood calcium levels; stimulates kidneys & intestines to absorb more calcium; breaks down bones | |
21722015 | Adrenal Gland location | on top of kidneys | |
21722016 | hormones of adrenal cortex | mineralcorticoids, glucocorticoids, sex hormones | |
21722017 | mineralcorticoids | regulates mineral levels in blood; kidney is target organ; stimulated by humoral factors | |
21722018 | atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) | prevents aldosterone release | |
21722019 | glucocorticoids | helps body resist long-term stressors; increases blood glucose levels; controls effects of inflammation from edema | |
21722020 | sex hormones | produced in small amounts; males=androgens; females=estrogen | |
21722021 | hormones of adrenal medulla | catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine) | |
21722022 | catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine) | stimulates by sympathetic NS; increases heart rate, blood pressure, blood glucose levels and dilates lung passageways | |
21722023 | pancreatic islets location | pancreas | |
21722024 | hormones of pancreatic islets | insulin, glucagon | |
21722025 | insulin | released by beta cells when hi levels of blood glucose; takes glucose out of blood to be used by cells | |
21722026 | glucagon | released by alpha cells when low levels of blood glucose; stimulates break down of glyogen to glucose to be released in blood | |
21722027 | hormones of pineal gland | melatonin | |
21722028 | melatonin | "sleep trigger"; established day-night cycle; regulates mating in animals; coordinates hormone fertility in humans; prevents maturing of reprod. sys. before adult body size | |
21723499 | thymus gland location | upper thorax posterior to sternum | |
21723500 | hormones of thymus gland | thymosin | |
21723501 | thymosin | programs T-lymphocytes (in immune system) | |
21723502 | ovaries location | female pelvis | |
21723503 | hormones of ovaries | estrogen, progesterone | |
21723504 | estrogen | stimulates development of secondary characteristics in females; prepares uterus for fertilization; menstrual cycle; maintains pregnancy and milk production | |
21723505 | progesterone | menstrual cycle; quiets uterus muscles during pregnancy; prepares for lactation | |
21723506 | corpus luteum | produces and secretes mainly progesterone (and some estrogen) | |
21723507 | testes location | in the scrotum | |
21723508 | hormones of the testes | androgens (i.e. testosterone) | |
21723509 | testosterone | stimulated by LH; causes development of male sex characteristics; stimulates male sex drive | |
21723510 | effects of hyposecretion of testosterone | sterility in males |