The Americas on the Eve of invasion
242201754 | Toltecs | Powerful postclassic empire in central Mexico (900-1168 C.E.). It influenced much of Mesoamerica. Aztecs claimed ties to this earlier civilization. | 0 | |
242201755 | Aztecs | Native American Empire who lived in Mexico. Their capital was Tenochtitlan. They worshipped everything around them especially the sun. Cortes conquered them in 1521. fought off frequent conquer attempts | 1 | |
242201756 | Tenochtitlan | Capital of the Aztec Empire, located on an island in Lake Texcoco. Its population was about 150,000 on the eve of Spanish conquest. Mexico City was constructed on its ruins. | 2 | |
242201757 | Inca | Largest and most powerful Andean empire. Controlled the Pacific coast of South America from Ecuador to Chile from its capital of Cuzco. | 3 | |
242201758 | Pachacuti | Ruler of Inca society from 1438 to 1471; launched a series of military campaigns that gave Incas control of the region from Cuzco to the shores of Lake Titicaca | 4 | |
242201759 | Topac Yupanqui | Son of Pachacuti; took over Chimor (1471-1493), the largest remaining rival of the Incas | 5 | |
242201760 | Huayna Capac | Incan Ruler who helped the Empire reach its height of glory in 1500s through conquests and supress of rebellions | 6 | |
242201761 | Split inheritence | Inca custom where power went to successor of king, but goods and wealth went to male descendants | 7 | |
242201762 | Temple of the Sun | Inca religious center located at Cuzco, held mummies there | 8 | |
242201763 | Curacas | local Incan rulers who got privelages (dress, and access to resources) in turn for their loyalty | 9 | |
242201764 | Tambos | Way stations used by Incas as inns and storehouses; supply centers for Inca armies on move; relay points for system of runners used to carry messages | 10 | |
242201765 | Mita | in the Incan empire, the requirement that all able-bodied subjects work for the state a certain number of days each year. | 11 | |
242201766 | Quipu | an accounting device created by the Incas which was comprised of a set of knotted strings that could be used to record data. | 12 | |
242201767 | Anasazi | an early Native American people who lived in the American southwest. built impressive cliff dwellings. | 13 | |
242201768 | Hopewell | Native American culture which centered in the Ohio valley from 200 to 500 C.E.; known for earthen burial and defensive mounds. | 14 | |
242201769 | Pochteca | Aztec merchants. Extremely wealthy. Had a huge quantity of material goods etc. But explicitly forbidden to take part in political hierarchy so as not to throw off the balance of power. | 15 | |
242201770 | Metates | mortar, ground stones used for processing grains | 16 | |
242201771 | Tihuanaco and Huari | Precursor states in Peru that broke to form Incan empire After downfall, served as centers of agriculture and pop. density Cheifdoms and states fought for control | 17 | |
242201772 | Viracucha | Supreme creation god of the Incas. | 18 | |
242201773 | Huacas | holy Incan shrines; mountains, stones, caves, rivers, tombs, temples, etc; places of worship and prayer | 19 |