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AP World History

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251839328Agrarian revolutionchange in farming methods in the 1600s that improved the quality and quantity of farm products0
251839329City-statesbasic units of Sumerian civilization1
251839330Civilizationa society with cities, a central government, job specialization, and social classes2
251839331CuneiformSumerian writing made by pressing a wedge-shaped tool into clay tablets3
251839332Domesticationthe taming of animals for human use, such as work or as food4
251839333Ideographic symbolspictographic characters grouped together to create new concepts; typical of Chinese writing; allowed for easier and more complex communication5
251839334Matrilinealbased on or tracing descent through the female line6
251839335Neolithic Revolutionthe shift from hunting of animals and gathering of food to the keeping of animals and the growing of food on a regular basis around 8,000 BC7
251839336Nomadspeople with no permanent home; move from place to place in search of food,8
251839337Paleolithic Age; (OLD STONE:)characterized by the use of stone tools and hunting and gathering, extending from about 2 million years ago to 10,000 years ago.9
251839338Pastoralisma type of agricultural activity based on nomadic animal husbandry or the raising of livestock to provide food, clothing, and shelter`10
251839339Prehistoricbefore written history11
251839340Social differentationis the process by which different statuses develop in any group, organization, or society.12
251839341Zigguratstemples built by Sumerians to honor the gods and goddesses they worshipped13
251839342HammurabiKing of the Babylonian empire; creator of the Code of Hammurabi, for Sumer & Mesopotamia, Babylonian king who codified the laws of Sumer and Mesopotamia (died 1750 BC)14
251839343Analectsa record of the words and acts of the central Chinese thinker and philosopher Confucius and his disciples15
251839344Daoismphilosophical system developed by of Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu advocating a simple honest life and noninterference with the course of natural events16
251839345dynastya sequence of powerful leaders in the same family17
251839346Great WallChinese defensive fortification built to keep out northern nomadic invaders; began during the reign of Shi Huangdi.18
251839347LegalistsChinese philosophy believed that people were evil by nature and that only strict laws and harsh punishments would make society better.19
251839348"mean people"people of the lowest status; did unskilled jobs; wore a green scarf to show their status; punished harsher for crimes;20
251839349Silk Roadsthe most famous of the trading routes established by pastoral nomads connecting the European, Indian, and Chinese; transmitted goods and ideas among civilizations21
251839350Shi Huangdifounder of the Qin dynasty and China's first emperor22
251839351Confuciusfounder of confucianism; chinese philosphere and teacher; his belifs,known as confusoinism greatly influenced chinese life23
251839352Lao-ziChinese philosopher, founder of Taoism, which emphasizes the Tao, the inevitable and harmonious way of the universe.24
251839353Wudiruled the chinese empire from 140-86 b.c; brought the han dynasty to its peak; expanded the chinese empire; made confusionism the state religion25
251839354dharmaIn Hindu belief, a person's religious and moral duties26
251839355Guptasdynasty the succeeded the Kushans in the 3rd century CE; built empire that extended to all but the southern regions of Indian subcontinent; less centralized than Mauryan Empire; claimed divine rule; demanding system of taxation; established universities27
251839356gurusOriginally referred to as Brahmans who served as teachers for the princes of the imperial court of the Guptas28
251839357karma(Hinduism and Buddhism) the effects of a person's actions that determine his destiny in his next incarnation29
251839358Mahabharata(Hinduism) a sacred epic Sanskrit poem of India dealing in many episodes with the struggle between two rival families30
251839359mandala"Sacred circle": Buddhist diagram of the cosmos; sand painting; represents the impermanence of life31
251839360Mauryasdynasty established in Indian subcontinent in 4th century BCE following invasion by Alexander the Great The first great indian empire. Created by chandragupta.32
251839361nirvana(Hinduism and Buddhism) the beatitude that ends the cycle of reincarnation33
251839362RamayanaA Hindu epic written in Sanskrit that describes the adventures of the king Rama and his queen34
251839363reincarnationthe Hindu or Buddhist doctrine that person may be reborn successively into one of five classes of living beings (god or human or animal or hungry ghost or denizen of hell) depending on the person's own actions35
251839364Sanskrit(Hinduism) an ancient language of India (the language of the Vedas and of Hinduism)36
251839365stupasStone shrines built to house pieces of bone and personal possessions said to be relics of the Buddha; preserved Buddhist architectural forms.37
251839366untouchablesLOWEST LEVEL OF INDIAN SOCIETY; not considered a real part of the caste system; often given degrading jobs; their life was extremely difficult38
251839367UpanishadsA group of writings sacred in Hinduism concerning the relations of humans, God, and the universe., A group of writings sacred in Hinduism concerning the relations of humans, God, and the universe.39
251839368BuddhaAn Indian prince named Siddhartha Gautama, who renounced his wealth and social position. After becoming 'enlightened' (the meaning of Buddha) he enunciated the principles of Buddhism.40
251839369Chandragupta MauryanHe founded India's first empire. He was an Indian prince who conquered a large area in the Ganges River valley soon after Alexander invaded western India.41
251839370AshokaThird ruler of the Mauryan Empire in India (r. 270-232 B.C.E.). He converted to Buddhism and broadcast his precepts on inscribed stones and pillars, the earliest surviving Indian writing.42
251839371Chandra GuptaWho: Ruler and founder of the Gupta Dynasty. What: Unified all the provinces in the Ganges Valley. Where: Ganges Valley, north India. When: ~320-?. Why: Founded the Golden Age in India43

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