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Ch. 23 Flashcards

AP World

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308682737Population Revolutionhuge growth in population in Western Europe beginning about 1730; prelude to industrialization0
308682738ProtoindustrializationPreliminary shift away from an agricultural economy; workers became full- or part-time producers who worked at home in a capitalist system in which materials, work, orders, and sales depended on urban merchants; prelude to the Industrial Revolution.1
308682739Louis XVIKing of France (1774-1792). In 1789 he summoned the Estates-General, but he did not grant the reforms that were demanded and revolution followed. Louis and his queen, Marie Antoinette, were executed in 1793.2
308682740Declaration of the Rights of Man and the CitizenA document, issued during the French Revolution that guaranteed certain human rights and other freedoms.3
308682741Napolean BonaparteOverthrew French Directory in 1799 and became emperor of the French in 1804. Failed to defeat Great Britain and abdicated in 1814. Returned to power briefly in 1815 but was defeated and died in exile.4
308682742Congress of ViennaMeeting of representatives of European monarchs called to reestablish the old order after the defeat of Napoleon5
308682743Liberalisma political orientation that favors progress and reform6
308682744Socialisma political theory advocating state ownership of industry7
308682745nationalismpride in one's nation8
308682746French Revolution of 1830Second rebellion against Bourbon monarchy; a liberal movement resulting in the creation of a bourgeois government under a moderate monarchy9
308682747Belgian Revolution of 1830Produced Belgian independence from the Dutch; established a constitutional monarchy.10
308682748Reform Bill of 1832This bill gave representation to most people in England11
308682749James WattScottish engineer and inventor whose improvements in the steam engine led to its wide use in industry (1736-1819)12
308682750Factory Systema method of production that brought many workers and machines together into one building13
308682751Revolutions of 1848Democratic and nationalist revolutions that swept across Europe. The monarchy in France was overthrown. In Germany, Austria, Italy, and Hungary the revolutions failed.14
308682752Louis PasteurFrench chemist and biologist whose discovery that fermentation is caused by microorganisms resulted in the process of pasteurization (1822-1895)15
308682753Karl Marxfounder of communism16
308682754Feminist Movementthe movement aimed at equal rights for women17
308682755Mass Leisure Culturean aspect of the later industrial revolution; decreased time at work and offered opportunities for new forms of leisure time, such as vacation trips and sports and theatre18
308682756Conservativeresistant to change19
308682757imperialisma policy of extending your rule over foreign countries20

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