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ch. 26-Imperialism

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136372368Third Worldthe less industrialized continents of Asia, Africa and South America
136372369opium tradethe transportation of the drug from India into China where it was forced upon the populace
136372370khediveEgyptian prince
136372371great migrationthe millions of people who left Europe in the 19th and early 20th centuries
136372372swallowsname for Italian farmers who had no intention of settling abroad permanently.
136372373great white wallsdiscriminatory practices used by the West to keep Asians out of their countries
136372374new imperialismThe second wave of Western imperialism, particularly between 1880-1914
136372375Afrikanersdescendants of the Dutch in South Africa
136372376Berlin ConferenceA meeting from 1884-1885 at which representatives of European nations agreed on rules colonization of Africa
136372377White Man's Burdenresponsibility of the West to introduce to the Third World the advantages of their society
136372378Great RebellionWhat was a revolt against the British in India in 1857?
136372379shogunthe hereditary military ruler of Japan
136372380samuraithe warrior noble class of Japan
136372381100 days of reformradical reform (educational, governmental, industrial, social, industrial, military etce) in China to meet foreign challenge; led by Sun Yat-sen. Failed. 1898
136372382Admiral PerryAmerican naval commander who used military superiority to open Japan to trade
136372383Qing Dynastythe last imperial dynasty of China (from 1644 to 1912) which was overthrown by revolutionaries; during the Qing dynasty China was ruled by the Manchu
136372384Immigrationpeople coming into a country
136372385Emigrationpeople leaving a country
136372386Panama Canalshort cut through the Americas in travel from Europe to the west coast of North America
136372387Suez Canalshort cut through the Arab Peninsula in travel from Europe to the Far East
136372388Muhammad AliEstablished strong independent Egyptian state ruled by his family. Built strong army, government reformed, improved agriculture and communication
136372389Hong Kongisland off the mainland of China won by the British as the result of the Opium Wars and the Treaty of Nanking
136372390Meiji Restorationthe return of the political power of the emperor provided by patriotic samurai
136372391imperialismA policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries poitically, socially, and economically.
136373604Boxer RebellionA 1900 Uprising in China aimed at ending foreign influence in the country.
136386927Sun Yat-SenChinese leader who led the revolution against the Qing (Manchu) Dynasty.
136386928Upper Caste HindusIn Britain-controlled India, this group had the most advancement opportunities
136386929Ahmed Arabileader of Egyptian nationalist party who best armed resistance to Western Imperialism
136386930Sino-British Warconflict between China and Britain over the opium trade that ended with the Treaty of Nanking
136386931J.A. HobsonThe radical English economist that said the motives of the New Imperialism movement had to do with the economy and not principles
136386932Spanish-American WarWar resulting in US acquisition of the Philippines from Spain
136386933Koreacountry colonized by Japan in 1910
136901467Sphere of InfluenceA foreign region in which a nation has control over trade and other economic activities.
139027734Boersearly term for inhabitants of South Africa, later to be known as Afrikaners
139027735Von TreitschkeGerman nationalist who thought a great country should take land in the 3rd world
139027736Cecil RhodesEnglish businessman who spearheaded the takeover of South Africa
139027737Battle of Omdurmanmajor victory for the English in Egypt that resulted in 11,000 deaths for the natives to only 18 losses to the Europeans
139027738HindusMajor religion in India. Their higher castes adminstrated India for the British
139027739Treaty of Nankingbrought Opium Wars to an end and resulted in the takeover of Hong Kong by British
139027740effective occupationrule coming out of Berlin Conference that held that a Western country could not control African land unless it settled the land

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