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ch 27 Flashcards

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130498208BuddhismReligion, based on Four Noble Truths, associated with Siddhartha Gautama (563--483 B.C.E.), or the Buddha; its adherents desired to eliminate all distracting passion and reach nirvana.0
130498209BunrakuJapanese puppet theater.1
130498210ChristianityReligion emerging from Middle East in the first century C.E. holding Jesus to be the son of God who sacrificed himself on behalf of mankind.2
130498211ConfucianismPhilosophy, based on the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Kong Fuzi (551-479 B.C.E.), or Confucius, that emphasizes order, the role of the gentleman, obligation to society, and reciprocity.3
130498212DaimyoPowerful territorial lords in early modern Japan.4
130498213Dutch learningEuropean knowledge that reached Tokugawa Japan.5
130498214Floating WorldsTerm for centers of urban culture in Japan under the Tokugawa shogunate.6
130498215JesuitsGroup founded by Ignatius Loyola in 1540 that maintained high educational standards and served worldwide as missionaries.7
130498216KabukiJapanese theater in which actors were free to improvise and embellish the words.8
130498217ManchusManchurians who conquered China, putting an end to the Ming dynasty and founding the Qing dynasty (1644-1911).9
130498218Mandate of HeavenChinese belief that the emperors ruled through the mandate, or approval, of heaven contingent on their ability to look after the welfare of the population.10
130498219MingChinese dynasty (1368-1644) founded by Hongwu and known for its cultural brilliance.11
130498220NagasakiOnly city in Japan open to the outside world where only Dutch merchants were permitted to trade.12
130498221Neo-ConfucianismPhilosophy that attempted to merge certain basic elements of Confucian and Buddhist thought; most important of the early Neo-Confucianists was the Chinese thinker Zhu Xi (1130-1200).13
130498222PatriarchySystem of social organization in which males dominate the family and where public institutions, descent, and succession are traced through the male line.14
130498223QingChinese dynasty (1644-1911) that reached its peak during the reigns of Kangxi and Qianlong.15
130498224Scholar-BureaucratsCivil servants, selected through rigorous examinations and schooled in Confucian texts and calligraphy, who governed the Chinese empire of the Qing dynasty.16
130498225ShintoismIndigenous Japanese religion that emphasizes purity, clan loyalty, and the divinity of the emperor.17
130498226ShogunJapanese military leader who ruled in place of the emperor.18
130498227TokugawaLast shogunate in Japanese history (1600-1867); it was founded by Tokugawa Ieyasu who was notable for unifying Japan.19
130498228UkiyoJapanese word for the "floating worlds," a Buddhist term for the insignificance of the world that came to represent the urban centers in Tokugawa Japan.20
130498229WanliChinese Ming emperor (r. 1572-1620) whose refusal to meet with officials hurried the decline of Ming dynasty.21
130498230Zhu XiNeo-Confucian Chinese philosopher (1130-1200).22

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