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Ch. 27 Vocab. Flashcards

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147580393White Man's Burden-idea that many European countries had a duty to spread their religion and culture to those less -civilized, "Duty" of Europeans to spread Christianity and Western Civilization -A poem by British poet Rudyard Kipling commenting on American imperialism -It created a phrase used by imperialists to justify the imperialistic actions the U.S. took. -the idea that it is the responsibility of people of European descent to take care of people of other races due to their perceived superior culture, technology, government, etc.0
147580394Quinine-controlled attacks of malaria which until the 1800s had decimated Europeans attempting to colonize in mosquito infested land. The discovery of quinine was a major advancement that was crucial to European imperialism and expansion. -drug that comes from certain chinchona trees1
147580395Battle of OmdurmanBritish victory over the Mahdi in the Sudan in 1898. General Kitchener led a mixed force of British and Egyptian troops armed with rapid-firing rifles and machine guns -opened the door for British colonial rule in Sudan -British army with machine guns and six gunboats encountered a Sudanese force on the Nile River -British lost 368, Sudanese lost 11,0002
147580396Colonialismthe political, social, economic, and cultural domination of a territory and its people by a foreign power for an extended time for the purpose of exploiting its natural resources and labor3
147580397Scramble for AfricaSudden wave of conquests in Africa by European powers in the 1880s and 1890s. Britain obtained most of eastern Africa, France most of northwestern Africa. Other countries (Germany, Belgium, Portugal, Italy, and Spain) acquired lesser amounts.4
147580398Henry StanleyBritish-American explorer and journalist of Africa, famous for his expeditions in search of Dr. David Livingstone. He helped King Leopold II establish the Congo Free State.5
147580399King Leopold IIKing of Belgium (r. 1865-1909). He was active in encouraging the exploration of Central Africa and became the ruler of the Congo Free State (to 1908).6
147580400Berlin ConferenceConference that German chancellor Otto von Bismarck called to set rules for the partition of Africa. It led to the creation of the Congo Free State under King Leopold II of Belgium7
147580401AfrikanersSouth Africans descended from Dutch and French settlers of the seventeenth century. Their Great Trek founded new settler colonies in the nineteenth century. Though a minority among South Africans, they held political power after 1910. (735)8
147580402Cecil RhodesBorn in 1853, played a major political and economic role in colonial South Africa -He was a financier, statesman, and empire builder with a philosophy of mystical imperialism -Africa made a fortune in gold and diamond mining helped colonize the territory now known as Zimbabwe9
147580403DeBeers-De Beers is active in helping to establish a sustainable, integrated diamond industry and further the wider economic goals of the South African government -accounts for 70% of world's diamonds10
147580404South African War1899-1902 war between british and Boers, may be caused by the rise of Africaker nationalism, British claim over Orange free state and Transvaal paved the way to single south african state in 191011
147580405Natives Land Act- 1913 - first major piece of legislation separating areas for Europeans and Africans and limited African land owndership to Natives -Reserves on 8% of countryside12
147580406Cape Colouredsmulatto children produced from sexual relations of Boers with Black slave and Hottentot women13
147580407Menelikking of Ethiopia from 1889-1911 began modernize his country, Western schooling, latest weapons and European officers to train army, beat Italy when invaded at battle of Adowa14
147580408Queen Liliuokalani-Queen of Hawaii who gave the U.S. naval rights to Pearl Harbor in 1887. Deposed by American settlers in 1893. -took the throne after her brother died -Was forced to give up her throne when the U.S. marines were sent. -descended to the hawaiin throne in 1891 and she disliked the american influence in Hawaii and tried to regain power. -was forced out of power by a revolution started by American business interests15
147580409William McKinley25th president responsible for Spanish-American War, Philippine-American War, and the Annexation of Hawaii, imperialism. Is assassinated by an anarchist16
147580410Emilio AguinaldoLeader of the Filipino independence movement against Spain (1895-1898). He proclaimed the independence of the Philippines in 1899, but his movement was crushed and he was captured by the United States Army in 1901.17
147580411Chinchona treetree the produces quinine which controlled attacks of malaria which until the 1800s had decimated Europeans attempting to colonize in mosquito infested land. The discovery of quinine was a major advancement that was crucial to European imperialism and expansion.18
147580412Monroe DoctrineIssued by Monroe as a result of Spanish colonies declaring their independence. It was warned Europe to stay out of the Western Hemisphere. It was issued to keep Europe out of the Western Hemisphere.19
147580413Spanish-American War(1898) War fought between the US and Spain in Cuba and the Philippines. It lasted less than 3 months and resulted in Cuba's independence as well as the US annexing Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.20
147580414Platt AmendmentThis amendment to the new Cuban constitution authorized U.S. intervention in Cuba to protect its interests. Cuba pledged not to make treates with other countries that might compromise its independence, and it granted naval bases to the United States, most notable being Guantanamo Bay.21
147580415Free-Trade ImperialismEconomic dominance of a weaker country by a more powerful one, while maintaining the legal independence of the weaker state. In the late nineteenth century, free-trade imperialism characterized the relations between the Latin American republics.22
147580416Panama CanalShip canal cut across the isthmus of Panama by United States Army engineers; it opened in 1915. It greatly shortened the sea voyage between the east and west coasts of North America. The United States turned the canal over to Panama on Jan 1, 2000 (746), -It cost $400,000,000 to build. Columbians would not let Americans build the canal, but then with the assistance of the United States a Panamanian Revolution occurred. The new ruling people allowed the United States to build the canal.23

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