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Ch. 29 "Dictatorships & the 2nd World War" AP Euro/ Mrs. Griffin/GeraldineG Flashcards

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65801452Totalitarianism• A political system that controls all aspects of human society, which includes political, social-cultural, and economic aspects. Usually, the state is controlled by a single political leader, faction, or class who has unlimited authority. • Totalitarian governments could be seen in Fascist Italy before and during WWII.0
65801453Fascism• Political ideology, birthed after WWI, in which it is necessary to have strong leadership and the ability to wage war in order to keep the nation strong. • Supports a single party state and a collective community. • Mussolini ruled Italy with a fascist government before and during WWII.1
65801454Five-Year Plan• A set of economic measures introduced by Stalin in order to speed up the Soviet Union's industrial development. It was considered to be a renewed attempt to mobilize and transform the Soviet society, in terms of the socialist. • The Five-Year Plan was introduced by Joseph Stalin in 1928, which he called "the revolution from above."2
65801455New Economic Policy (NEP)• An economic policy in which limited economic freedom was re-established in order to rebuild the USSR's economy after the civil war. • Lenin introduced the NEP in March 19213
65801456Collectivization• Domestic Policy in the Soviet Union pursued by Stalin from 1928 to 1940. • This policy sought to forcibly consolidate individual peasant farms into large, state-controlled enterprises. • Starting in 1929, peasants were forced to give up their land and animals, and join the collective farms. • Stalin believed that the use of the collectivization policy would immediately increase the food supply for urban populations, the supply of raw materials for processing industry, and agricultural exports.4
65801457Kulaks• A group of relatively affluent or well-off peasants in the Soviet Union. • In the 1930s, Stalin ordered his party workers to "liquidate them as a class." • They were stripped of their land and livestock, and were not permitted to join the collective farms. • Under the collectivization policy, many starved to death or were sent to forced-labor camps for "re-education."5
65801458Blackshirts• Mussolini's private army in Italy, during the period between WWI and the end of WWII. • They were a band of fascist toughs that were in charge of sabotaging, terrorizing, and eliminating the enemy of the fascist party: the Socialists.6
65801459Nazism• Ideology and practices of the Nazi Party led by Hitler before and during WWII. • Included biological racism, anti-Semitism and denounced capitalism and communism.7
65801460Führer• German word for 'leader' or 'guide.' • Hitler used it to describe the type of leader Germany needed in his book, Mein Kampf8
65801461Enabling Act• Act passed by the German Reichstag on March 23, 1933, which gave Hitler legal absolute dictatorial power for four years. • It gave the government, in this case Hitler, the authority to pass laws without parliamentary consent or control.9
65801462Appeasement• Foreign Policy adopted by Great Britain towards Nazi Germany from 1937 to 1939 in order to avoid another world war. • British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain believed that by granting Hitler everything he wanted war could be avoided.10
65801463Blitzkrieg• Also known as "lighting war" • Involves a coordinated military effort by tanks, mobilized infantry, artillery and aircraft, to create an overwhelming local superiority in combat power, to overwhelm an enemy and break through its lines. • It was used by Germany in WWII to inflict terror on its enemy.11
65801464New Order• Based on racial imperialism. • Political, economic, and social system that Hitler established in the 1940s. He believed that Germans were the master race, and those who were not German or racially related to the Germans were inferior. , Hitler's plan for organizing Europe into a single political and economic system ruled by Germany12
65801465Europe First• Strategy used by the U.S. and Great Britain during WWII. • They believed it was necessary to subdue Hitler first, in order to stop him from taking over the rest of Europe. To this, they directed a significant portion of their resources. Then, after they accomplished that, they put their resources into winning the war in the Pacific against Japan.13

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