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Ch. 2: Atoms, Molecules, and Ions

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256747359atomic theoryexplanation of the structure of matter in terms of different combinations of very small particles
256747360atomminute particle of which matter is composed; the smallest part of an element that can enter into chemical reaction
256747361compoundtype of matter composed of atoms of two or more elements chemically combined in fixed proportions
256747362chemical reactionrearrangement of atoms present in reacting substances to give new chemical combinations present in the substances formed
256747363law of multiple proportionswhen two elements form more than one compound, the masses of one element in these compounds for a fixed mass of the other element are in ratios of small whole numbers
256747364atomic symbolone- or two-letter notation used to represent an atom corresponding to a particular element
256747365nucleuspositively charged central core of an atom; contains most of the atom's mass
256747366electronvery light, negatively charge particle that exists in the region around the positively charged nucleus
256747367cathodenegative electrode
256747368anodepositive electrode
256747369cathode raysrays that originate from the cathode, or negative electrode, in a gas-discharge tube
256747370coulomb (C)unit of electric charge
256747371nuclear modelmost of the mass of an atom is concentrated in a positively charged center, called the nucleus, around which negatively charge electrons move
256747372protonnuclear particle having a positive charge equal to +e (e being the charge on an electron) and a mass more than 1800 times that of an electrons
256747373atomic number (Z)number of protons in an atomic nucleus; identifies the element
256747374elementsubstance whose atoms all have the same atomic number
256747375neutronneutral particle of mass almost identical to that of a proton, but without electric charge
256747376mass number (A)total number of protons and neutrons in a nucleus
256747377nuclidean atom characterized by a definite atomic number and mass number
256747378nuclide symbolsymbol for a nuclide in which the mass number is written as a superscript and the atomic number as a subscript on the left of the symbol for the element
256747379isotopesatoms whose nuclei have the same atomic number but different mass number
256747380mass spectrometerinstrument used to determine atomic mass
256747381atomic mass unit (amu)mass unit equal to exactly one-twelfth the mass of a carbon-12 atom
256747382atomic weightaverage atomic mass for the naturally occurring element, expressed in atomic mass units
256747383mass spectrumchart recording from the mass spectrometer that shows the relative number of atoms for various masses
256747384fractional abundancefraction of the total number of atoms that is composed of a particular isotope
256747385periodic tabletabular arrangement of elements in rows and columns, highlighting the regular repetition of properties of the elements
256747386period (of periodic table)elements in any one horizontal row of the periodic table
256747387group (or periodic table)elements in any one column of the periodic table
256747388main-group (representative) elementselements in the A groups of the periodic table
256747389transition elementselements in the B groups of the periodic table
256747390inner-transition elementstwo rows of elements at the bottom of the periodic table
256747391lathanidesfirst of the two rows of inner-transition elements
256747392actinidessecond of the rows of inner-transition elements
256747393alkali metalselements in Group IA of the periodic table
256747394halogenselements in Group VIIA of the periodic table
256747395metalsubstance or mixture that has a characteristic luster or shine and is generally a good conductor of heat and electricity; elemental metals are to the left of the staircase line on the periodic table
256747396malleableable to be hammered into sheets
256747397ductileable to be drawn into wire
256747398nonmetalelement to the right of the staircase line on the periodic table; exhibits characteristics different from those of metals
256747399metalloid (semimetal)element bordering the staircase line on the periodic table; exhibits both metallic and nonmetallic properties
256747400semiconductorselements that, when pure, are poor conductors of electricity at room temperature but become good conductors at higher temperatures
256747401dopingadding small amounts of other element to pure semiconductor elements to make them very good electrical conductors
256747402chemical formulanotation that uses atomic symbols with numerical subscripts to convey the relative proportions of atoms of the different elements in the substance
256752086moleculedefinite group of atoms that are chemically bonded together and, as a group, electrically neutral
256752087molecular substancesubstance composed of molecules of all which are alike
256752088molecular formulagives the exact number of different atoms of an element in a molecule
256752089structural formulachemical formula that shows which atoms are bonded to one another in a molecule
256752090polymersvery large molecules that are made up of a number of smaller molecules repeatedly linked together
256752091monomersthe small molecules that are linked together to form a polymer
256752092ionelectrically charged particle obtained from an atom or chemically bonded group of atoms by addition or removal of one or more electrons
256752093anionnegatively charged ion
256752094cationpositively charged ion
256752095ionic compoundcompound composed of cations and anions
256752096crystalsolid having a regular three-dimensional arrangement of either ions, atoms, or molecules
256752097formula unitgroup of atoms or ions explicitly symbolized in the chemical formula
256752098organic compoundsmolecular substance that contain carbon
256752099hydrocarbonscompounds containing only hydrogen and carbon
256752100functional groupsreactive portion of a molecule that undergoes predictable reaction
256752101alcoholmolecule that contains an —OH functional group
256752102etherorganic molecule that contains an oxygen atom between two carbon atoms
256752103chemical nomenclaturesystematic naming of chemical compounds
256752104organic compoundsmolecular substances that contain carbon combined with other elements, such as hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen
256752105inorganic compoundscompounds composed of elements other than carbon
256752106monatomic ionion formed from a single atom
256752107Stock systemsystem for naming compounds in which a Roman numeral within parentheses follows the first-named element ot indicate its charge or oxidation number
256752108oxidation stare or oxidation numberhypothetical charge assigned in accordance with certain rules; denoted with a Roman numeral following the name of the metal atom
256752109-ousin an older system of nomenclature, a suffix added to the stem name of an element to indicate the cation of lower charge; also indicates the oxoacid with fewer oxygen atoms
256752110-icin an older system of nomenclature, a suffix added to the stem name of an element to indicate the cation of higher charge; indicates the oxoacid with more oxygen atoms; also indicates an acid solution obtained from binary compounds of hydrogen and nonmetals
256752111-idesuffix added to the stem name of the element to name monatomic anions or the more electronegative element in binary compounds
256752112polyatomic ionion consisting of two or more atoms chemically bonded together and carrying a net electric charge
256752113oxoanion (oxyanion)anion composed of oxygen with another element, which is the central element
256752114acidmolecular compound that can yield one or more hydronium ions, H3O+, an an anion for each acid molecule when the acid dissolves in water
256752115oxoacidacid containing hydrogen, oxygen, and another element
256752117-atesuffix denoting the oxoanion with the greater number of oxygen atoms
256752118-itesuffix denoting the oxoanion with the lesser number of oxygen atoms
256752119hypo-prefix denoting the oxoacid or oxoanion with the least number of oxygen atoms in the series
256752120per-prefix denoting the oxoacid or oxoanion with the greatest number of oxygen atoms in the series
256752121acid anionsanions that have hydrogen atoms they can lose as hydronium ions, H3O+
256752122di-Greek prefix meaning two
256752123thio-prefix meaning an oxygen in the root ion name has been replaced by a sulfur atom
256752124binary compoundcompound composed of only two elements
256752125hydro-prefix added to the stem name of the nonmetal to name the acid solution obtained from binary compound of hydrogen and nonmetals
256752126hydratecompound that contains water molecules weakly bound in its crystals
256752127chemical equationsymbolic representation of a chemical reaction in terms of chemical formulas
256752128reactantstarting substance in a chemical reaction; appears to the left of the arrow in a chemical reaction
256752129productsubstance that results form a chemical reaction; appears to the right of the arrow in a chemical equation
256752130coefficientnumber that appears in front of a formula in a chemical equation and gives the relative number of molecules or formula units of a substance involved in the reaction
256752131(g)phase label placed after a formula in a chemical equation to indicate that the substance is a gas
256752132(l)phase label placed after a formula in a chemical equation to indicate that the substance is a liquid
256752133(s)phase label placed after a formula in a chemical equation to indicate that the substance is a solid
256752134(aq)phase label placed after a formula in a chemical equation to indicate that the substance is in aqueous (water) solution
256752135catalystsubstance that speeds up a reaction without undergoing any net change itself
256752136balanceddescribes a chemical equation having correct coefficients
256752137balancing by inspectiontrial-and-error method of balancing a chemical equation by writing appropriate coefficient until there is the same number of any one elemental atom on each side of the arrow

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