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Ch. 33 AP World Flashcards

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178609918globalizationtrends building since 1970s; growing trade, travel, new technologies bringing parts of world into closer integration & interaction0
178609919World Trade Organizatoin (WTO)est. by world's major trading powers in 1995; encourages reducing trade barriers & enforces international trade agreements; membership of 149 nations by 2006; protesters fear low-cost foreign manufacturers shrink job opportunities in MDCs/demand continuing tariff protection for local farmers1
178609920weapons of mass destructionnuclear, chemical, biological weapons; U.S. strived that Iraq clear & present danger b/c it had WMDs that it might supply to terrorists like bin Laden2
178609921terrorismcame to attention in 2000 when non-Iranian Muslim groups claimed to act for religious reasons; comparatively weak militant use inhuman & lethal acts to convince a frightened public that danger is everywhere & the government is incapable of protecting them; from the 1980s onward its effectiveness increased b/c of satellites communications & news' publicizing; used by secular Palestinians confronting Israel, national separatists like the Tamils in Sri Lanka, Basques in Spain, Chechens in Russia, Catholic & Protestant extremists in Northern Ireland, racialist militia in Rwanda & Darfur3
178609922Usama bin Ladenleader of Muslim groups; communicated w/ groups through video & audio; born into wealthy Saudi family & educated as engineer; fought against S.U. in Afghanistan & recruited & trained fighters called al-Qaeda; family disowned him & Saudi Arabia stripped of citizenship; called for holy war (jihad) & portrayed U.S. as evil puppet master manipulating non-Muslim (Israel, India, Russia) and Muslim (Egypt, Algeria, Saudi Arabia) governments to murder & oppress innocent Muslims4
178609923Universal Declaration of Human Rightspassed by UN's General Assembly in 1948; "a common standard of achievement for all peoples and nations"; 30 articles condemn slavery, torture, cruel & inhuman punishment, unrestricted arrest, expulsion, detention; freedom of movement, assembly, thought; rights to life, liberty, security of person; impartial public trials; education, employment, leisure; Article 2: "Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, or political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, or other status"5
178609924nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)bodies that are altruistically concerned for human welfare & development6
178609925cultural imperialismmost pervasive elements of global culture have origins in West7
178609926global pop cultureheavily American at 1st; Latin American soap operas (telenovelas) had big following in Americas, eastern Europe, etc.; Bombay, India (largest producer of films in world) made films for international audience; martial arts filmmakers in Hong Kong - Ang Lee's Academy Award-winning Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000); Matrix trilogy (1999 - 2003)8
178609927global elite cultureEnglish, modern science, & higher education9

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