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Ch. 3 AP World History Flashcards

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9560588Alexander the Greatinvaded India; made Indian contacts w/ Hellenistic culture0
9560589Aryansindo-european migrants; hunting & herding peoples from central Asia; started agriculture; info about preclassical period comes from their literary epics; encouraged tight village organization; emphasized patriarchal control; religion of many gods/goddesses;1
9560590Maurya Dynasty1st people to unify much of the entire subcontinent; developed bureaucracy w/ postal service; didn't have a long lasting effect on society; depended heavily on large armies;2
9560956Ashoka(269-323 BCE); Chandragupta's grandson; gained control of all but India's southern tip; supporter of Buddhism; spread it throughout India but respected other religions; built extensive networks of roads;3
9560957Guptasbegan rule in 320 CE; produced a greater impact than Mauryan Dynasty; intermarried & negotiated w/ local princes to expand influence; Huns overturned them in 535 CE; claimed appointment by gods & supported Hinduism b/c Hindu's believed in such gods; demanding taxation system; promoted Sanskrit; uniform law codes; sponsored general services (i.e. road building...); "Golden Age" in Indian history; Indian drama flourished; important work in science & math; vast university center; important discoveries in astronomy & medicine; art moved from realistic portrayals of the human form to stylized representation;4
9560958Caste Systemtook shape during Vedic & Epic ages; regulated social relationships & work roles; promoted public order; more complex after Epic Ages; 5 initial classes 300 jati (subcategories); born into caste; could fall to lower caste by marriage or unsuitable job; could go up through gain in wealth; gave India the most rigid overall framework for a social structure of any of the classical civilizations; provided way for people of different statuses to live together w/o conflict; promoted tolerance; outright slavery avoided; low-caste: few legal rights, suffered abuse;5
9560959Untouchableslowest class; performed unskilled, "dirty" jobs such as transporting dead bodies;6
9560960Hinduismgave rise to important religious dissent; religion of India's majority; started in Vedic & Epic ages; no single founder; strictly ritualistic to high-soaring mysticism: varied; able to adapt to different needs of various groups and to change w/ the circumstance;7
9560961Sanskrit1st literary language8
9560962Upanishadsepic poems w/ mystical religious flavor; advanced idea of mystical contact w/ divine essence; attacked conventional Brahman view of religion;9
9560963Dharma: law of moral consequences (Buddhism); moral consequences of actions & the need to act; stresses inner study & meditation;10
9560964Vishnu & ShivaHindu gods; V: the preserver; S: the destroyer;11
9560965Buddhismspread & retained coherence through example & teachings of monks; attracted followers in India; Brahman opposition was strong;12
9560966Panchatantraa story collection in the Gupta period;13
9560967Tamilssouthern Indians who traded cotton, silk, dyes, drugs, gold, and ivory w/ seafaring people;14
9560968Buddhachallenged Vedic/Brahman beliefs; "enlightened one"; Siddhartha Gautama; lived as Hindu mystic for 6 years; accepted reincarnation, rejected caste; all worldly things decay; saw salvation arising form the destruction of the self; nirvana; considered divine;15
9560969Himalayasnorthern mountain ranges; provided important passes through mts. linked India to M. Eastern cultures;16
9560970Vedassacred books; contained info about preclassical period; "Veda" = Knowledge17
9560971Mahabharata & RamayanaM= India's greatest epic poem; both deal w/ real & mythical battles;18
9560972VarnasAryan social classes; Kshatriyas (warrior/governing), Brahmins (priests) at top; then Vaisyas (traders/farmers), Sudras (common laborers) and last Untouchables19
9560973Jatismaller subgroups under the caste system20
9560974IndraAryan god of thunder & strength21
9560975Chandragupta Mauyrain 322 BCE-seized power along Ganges river; 1st of Maurya Dynasty; style of ruling was highly autocratic; in old age became religious ascetic & died peacefully after passing empire onto son;22
9560976Kushanscame into central India from northwest; greatest king: Kanishka, converted to Buddhism but hurt religions population;23
9560977KautilyaChandragupta's chief minister; wrote a book that told rulers what methods would work to keep power; encouraged efficient authority, but didn't spread political values or sense of important of political service;24
9560978Gurusmystics in Hinduism;25
9560979Brahmabasic holy essence; formed part of everything in the world; after many "good" lives, soul achieves full union & no more suffering;26
9560980Reincarnationsouls don't die when bodies do; come back as an animal or person27
9560981Yoga"union"; allowing the mind to be free to concentrate on the divine spirit28
9560982Bhagavad Gitaan Indian classic sacred hymn29
9560983Nirvanaa world beyond existence; (Buddhism)30
9560984Kamasutra"laws of love"; written in 4th century CE; discusses relationships between men & women;31
9560985Stupasspherical shrines honoring Buddha;32

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