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Ch 43 Immune System

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361497109Innate immunityRelies on recognition & responses rely on shared pathogen traits
361497110Barrier defensesSkin and mucous membranes. Physical and acidic secretions.
361497111Lysozymean enzyme found in saliva and sweat and tears that destroys the cell walls of certain bacteria
361497112cellular innate defensescombat pathogens that get through skin. Include leukocytes & antimicrobial proteins`
361497113Neutrophilswhite blood cells (WBC) that ingest & destroy microbes through phagocytosis
361497114Monocytesphagocytic WBC that migrate into tissues & develop into macrophages
361497115Macrophagegiant phagocyte
361497116EosinophilsWBC that defends against parasites by moving next to the parasite and releasing hydrolytic enzymes
361497117Antimicrobial proteinsinterferons and complement system
361497118interferonprotein produced by cells in response to being infected by a virus; helps other cells resist the virus
361497119complement system30ish proteins that help with immunity like to lyse invading cells
361497120inflammatory responsetriggered by damage to tissue by physical injury/entry of pathogens. Lots of chemical signals released
361497121histaminesreleased by basophils & mast cells in response to injury to trigger dilation & permeation. Basically lets in room for the ambulances.
361497122Natural killer (NK) cellshelp recognize & remove diseased cells
361497123Acquired immunityLymphocyte receptors provide pathogen-specific recognition
361497124antigensforeign molecules that elicit response by lymphocytes. B & T cells recognize them by specific receptors
361497125B cellsmade in bone marrow. Receptors bind to intact antigens
361497126T cellsmade in thymus. Receptors bind to antigens that are displayed by antigen- presenting cells (APCs) on their MHCs
361497127antibodiesproteins that are secreted by B cells during immune response
361497128B/T cell activationantigen binds to a B/T cell
361497129Clonal selectionB cell makes 2 clones of cells to make thousands of cells all specific to fight antigen
361497130effector cellscombat the antigen
361497131memory cellslive long, bear receptors for same antigen so that they can quickly respond and fight infections
361497132MHCsMajor histocompatibility complex molecules. proteins that are made from a certain group of genes
361497133Class I MHCfound in almost all cells in body except RBCs
361497134Class II MHCmade by dendritic cells, macrophages, & B Cells
361497135Primary immune responseoccurs when body is first exposed to an antigen & WBC is activated
361497136Secondary immune responsewhen same antigen is encountered later. Faster & greater magnitude
361497137Humoral immune responseimmune response by B cells. Make antibodies
361497138Cell-mediated immune responseimmune response by T cells. Identify & destroy infected cells
361497139Helper T cellsaid both humoral and cell-mediated responses by increasing the activity of killer cells and stimulating the suppressor T cells by secreting cytokines
361497140cytotoxic T cellsdestroy infected body cells. Are CD8 T cells.
361497141Modes of antibody actionneutralization, opsonization, lysis
361497142Neutralizationantibodies bind the pathogen's surface proteins, which also prevents it from entering & infecting cells
361497143opsonizationResults in increased phagocytosis of the antigen
361497144lysiscaused by activation of the complement system
361497145Active Immunitydevelops naturally in response to an infection. Can also develop from vaccines.
361497146Passive Immunityoccurs when person receives antibodies like fetus from placenta and infants via milk
361497147MHC moleculesresponsible for rejections of tissue/organ transplants. These molecules must match for success of transplants.
361497148Allergiesoverreaction of the immune system to antigens
361497149Autoimmune diseasesLupus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis Immune system turns against particular molecules in body and damages the body's healthy cells
361497150HIVinfects helper T cells

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