1188311199 | light microscope | visible light is passed through the specimen and then through glass lenses. 1000x, 200nm | 0 | |
1188311200 | organelles | membrane enclosed structures within eukaryotic cells | 1 | |
1188311201 | electron microscope | focuses a beam of electrons through a specimen or onto its surface, 2nm | 2 | |
1188311202 | scanning electron microscopy | 3-D image on surface of specimen | 3 | |
1188311203 | transmission electron microscopy | studies the internal structure of cells | 4 | |
1188311204 | cell fractionation | breaking up cells to study their components. done with centrifuging, with the largest cell components going to the bottom each time | 5 | |
1188311205 | cytosol | semifluid jellylike substance inside all cells in which subcellular components are suspended | 6 | |
1188311206 | all cells have | plasma membrane, cytosol, chromosomes, ribosomes | 7 | |
1188311207 | eukaryotic cell | most of the DNA is in the nucleus, which is bounded by a double membrane | 8 | |
1188311208 | prokaryotic cell | DNA is concentrated in the nucleoid, a region not bounded by a membrane | 9 | |
1188311209 | cytoplasm | interior of cells, region between the plasma membrane and the nucleus, it holds the organelles. | 10 | |
1188311210 | plasma membrane | boundary of each cell functions as a selective barrier that allows the passage of enough oxygen and nutrients and waste to service the entire cell | 11 | |
1188311211 | microvilli | thin projections from the surface of a cell that increases surface area without an increase in volume | 12 | |
1188311212 | flagellum | motility structure present in some animal cells, composed of a cluster of microtubules within an extension of the plasma membrane | 13 | |
1188311213 | centrosome | region where the cell's microtubules are initiated; contains a pair of centrioles | 14 | |
1188311214 | cytoskeleton | reinforces cell's shape; functions in cell movement; components are made of protein: microfilaments, intermediate filaments, microtubules | 15 | |
1188311215 | peroxisome | organelle with various specialized metabolic functions; produces hydrogen peroxide as a by product, then converts it to water | 16 | |
1188311216 | mitochondria | organelle where cellular respiration occurs and most ATP is generated | 17 | |
1188311217 | Lysosome | digestive organelle where macromolecules are hydrolyzed | 18 | |
1188311218 | golgi apparatus | organelle active in synthesis, modification, sorting, and secretion of cell products | 19 | |
1188311219 | ribosomes | complexes that make proteins; free in cytosol or bound to rough ER or nuclear envelope | 20 | |
1188311220 | Nuclear envelope | double membrane enclosing the nucleus, perforated by pores: pore complex; continuous with ER | 21 | |
1188311221 | nucleolus | nonmembranous structure involved in production of ribosomes; a nucleus has one or more nucleoli, ribosomal RNA | 22 | |
1188311222 | Chromatin | material consisting of DNA and proteins; visible in a dividing cell as individual condensed chromosomes | 23 | |
1188311223 | Endoplasmic Reticulum | network of membranous sacs and tubes;active in membrane synthesis and other synthetic and metabolic processes; has rough and smooth regions. | 24 | |
1188311224 | central vacuole | prominent organelle in older plant cells; functions include storage, breakdown of waste, hydrolysis of macrmolelcules, enlargement of this is a major mechanism in plant growth | 25 | |
1188311225 | chloroplast | photosynthetic organelle, converts energy of sunlight to chemical energy stored in sugar molecules | 26 | |
1188311226 | plasmodesmata | channels through cell walls that connect the cytoplasms of adjacent cells | 27 | |
1188311227 | cell wall | outer layer that maintains cell's shape and protects cell from mechanical damage; made of cellulose, other polysaccharides, and protein | 28 | |
1188729172 | nucleus | contains most of the genes in an eukaryotic cell in chromosomes that are reduced to chromatin by proteins. | 29 | |
1188729173 | nuclear lamina | netlike array of protein filaments that maintain the shape of the nucleus by mechanically supporting the nuclear envelope | 30 | |
1188729174 | endomembrane system | nuclear envelope, ER, golgi apparatus, lysosomes, vacuoles and vesicles, and plasma membrane | 31 | |
1188729175 | vesicles | sacs made out of membrane that transport membrane segments and keeps the endomembrane system connected | 32 | |
1188729176 | cisternae | the membranous tubules and sacs, the ER lumen is the space within these sacs | 33 | |
1188849730 | glycoproteins | proteins that have carbohydrates covalently bonded to them. secretory proteins | 34 | |
1188849731 | cisternal maturation | golgi cisternae move in a cis (receiving) to trans (shipping) direction | 35 | |
1198142330 | phagocytosis | engulfing smaller organisms or food particles, forms a food vacuole that fuses with a lysosome | 36 | |
1198142332 | autophagy | lysosome recycles the cell's own organic material | 37 | |
1198142334 | vacuoles | large vesicles derived from the endoplasmic reticulum and golgi apparatus. food types and contractile types (pump excess water out). | 38 | |
1198142336 | endosymbiont theory | an early ancestor of eukaryotic clls englufed an oxygen using nonphotosynthetic or photosynthetic prokaryotic cell. the engulfed cell formed an endosymbiont relationship until over time they became one organism | 39 | |
1198142338 | similarities between mitochondria and chloroplasts | double membrane, DNA, ribosomes, autonomous organelles | 40 | |
1198142341 | cristae | infoldings on the mitochondria, give inner mitochondrial membrane a larger surface area | 41 | |
1198142343 | mitochondrial matrix | contains the DNA, ribosomes, and enzymes used by cell resp to make ATP, enclosed by inner membrane | 42 | |
1198142345 | thylakoids | flattened, interconnected sacs in chloroplasts, where light reactions occur | 43 | |
1198142347 | granum | stacks of thylakoids | 44 | |
1198142349 | stroma | fluid outside thylakoids, where calvin cycle occurs | 45 | |
1198142351 | plastids | closely related plant organelles to chloroplasts | 46 | |
1198142353 | motor proteins | attach to receptors on vesicles can walk them along microtubules or microfilaments. ATP powers the movement. | 47 | |
1198142355 | microtubules | hollow rods constructed form globular protein tubulin (a dimer made of two subunits). shape, support cell, tracks for motor proteins, chromosome movement | 48 | |
1198142357 | centriole | 2 make a centrosome, composed of nine sets of triplet microtubules | 49 | |
1198142359 | cilia | locomotive appendage, occur in large numbers, work like oars, or signal recieving antenna, 9+2 arrangement | 50 | |
1198142361 | microfilaments | two intertwined strands or actin, muscle contraction, cytoplasmic streaming and division in animal cells | 51 | |
1198142363 | basal body | 9+0 arrangement, anchors cilia and flagellum, like centrioles | 52 | |
1198142365 | dyneins | allow bending movements of cilia and flagella. | 53 | |
1198142367 | intermediate filaments | fibrous proteins supercoiled into thinker cables, anchors nucleus and organelles, formation of nuclear lamina | 54 | |
1198142369 | myosin | a motor protein that causes the contraction of muscle cells. | 55 | |
1198142371 | primary cell wall | first cell wall of a young plant cell, thin and flexible | 56 | |
1198142373 | middle lamella | between adjacent cells, thin layer rich in sticky polysaccharides called pectins | 57 | |
1198142375 | seconardy cell wall | strong and durable matrix that affords the cell protection and support | 58 | |
1198142377 | extracellular matrix | like plant cell wall in animal, glyocoproteins and carbohydrates | 59 | |
1198142379 | collagen | forms strong fibers outside the cells embedded in proteoglycan complexes | 60 | |
1198142381 | proteoglycan complex | consists of hundreds small proteins with carbohydrates attached to a sing long polysaccaride molecule | 61 | |
1198142383 | fibronectin | attaches the ECM to integrins embedded in the plasma membrane | 62 | |
1198142385 | integrins | membrane proteins with two subunits, bind to ECM on one side and proteins attached to microfilaments on the other. transmits signals from external to interior of cell | 63 | |
1198142387 | tight junctions | prevent fluid from moving across a layer of cells, neighboring cells are tights pressed against each other | 64 | |
1198142389 | desmosomes | function like rivets, fastening cells together into strong sheets | 65 | |
1198142391 | gap junctions | provide cytoplasmic channels from one cell to an adjacent cell, like plasmadesmada | 66 |