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Chapter 10 key terms Flashcards

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12969613Gothicatchitectural style during the middle ages (feminine)0
12969614VikingsScandinavian raiders who distrupted coastal europe1
12969615ManorialismSystem of economic relations between landlords and peasants, excanged labor for land2
12969616Moldboardheavy plow in northern Europe, deeper cultivation3
12969617Three-field system1/3 of land left unplanted each year4
12969618ClovisKing (Chief) of Franks (christianity)5
12969619CarolingiansRoyal house of the Franks6
12969620Charles MartelCarolingian monarch of the Franks ( defeated Muslims)7
12969621CharlemagneCarolingian monarchj established large empire in France and Germany8
12969622Holy Roman emperorsRulers in Germany and northern Italy following the breakup of Charlemagne's Empire9
12969623FeudalismRelationship among the military elite during Middle ages (greater lords provided protection for lesser lords)10
12969624Vassalsmilitary elite who recieved land from a lord in return for serivice11
12969625CapetiansFrench Dynasty, strong feudal monoarchy12
12969626William the ConquerorIvaded England from Normandy. english language to have a strong latin base13
12969627Magna Cartacharter issued by King John to limit the power of english kings14
12969628ParliamentsBodies representing privileged groups15
12969629Hundred Years warConflict between France and Europe16
12969630Pope Urban IIFirst crusade in 11 century17
12969631St. Clare of AssisiWomen's monastic order, dedication to the church18
12969632Gregory VIIPope who attemped to free the Catholic church from interference of feudal lords19
12969633Peter Abelardapllied Logic to Theology ( leading Christian)20
12969634St. Bernard of Clairvauxbelieved role of faith im preference to logic ( leading christian_)21
12969635Thomas Aquinascreator of great syntheses of medieval learning ( compared to Muslim al-Ghazali)22
12969636ScholasticismUse of Logic to resolve theological problems23
12969637TroubadoursSinging poets in France24
12969638Hanseatic Leagueorganization of north German and Scandinavian cities, commercial alliance25
12970641Black DeathPlague that struck Europe 1340 to 149026
12970642FranksGermanic people27
12970643Benedict of NursiaItalian abbot who founded a monastery at Monte Cassino28
12970644Three estatesChurches, Nobles, Urban Leaders29
12970645Ferdinand and IsabellaKing and Queen of Spain (reconquest from Muslins)30
12970646Investitureformal conferring of power to clergy usually with robes or christian symbols31
12970647Agustine of HippoBishop, formed basis for the doctrine of man's salvation32
12970648Roger Baconphilosopher and scientist, experimental science33
12970649Geoffrey Chaucerwrote The Canterberry Tales34
12970650BeowolfAnglo-saxon Epic poem35
12970651Romance of the RosePoem written by Guillaume de Lorris ( courtly love)36

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