Chapter 10 of American Pageant textbook; American History 101
974031111 | Washington | unanimously elected as President by the Electoral College in 1789; established the cabinet. | 0 | |
974031112 | Thomas Jefferson | secretary of state under 1st president; strict constructuralist viewpoint: if it's not there, you can't do it; strongly opposed National Bank idea, said it was unconstitutional and the states had the right to manage their own money | 1 | |
974031113 | Alexander Hamilton | secretary of the treasury; Federalist; liberal constructuralist viewpoint: | 2 | |
974031114 | Henry Knox | Secretary of War under Washington, trusted general of the American Revolution; entrusted to protect the nation from enemies | 3 | |
974031115 | James Madison | wrote the Bill of Rights, which was passed in 1791, | 4 | |
974031116 | Bill of Rights | passed by Congress in 1791; written by James Madison | 5 | |
974031117 | Judiciary Act of 1789 | created Supreme Court (chief justice & five associates) & federal district/circuit courts; established attorney general's office | 6 | |
974031118 | John Jay | first Chief Justice; American delegate who signed Treaty of Paris; New York lawyer and diplomat who negotiated with Britain and Spain on behalf of the Confederation; negotiated a treaty with Britain | 7 | |
974031119 | Thriving Government | created by Hamilton; shape the policies of the administration to support/favor the wealthy in hopes that their money/support would be lent to the government and then trickle down through society | 8 | |
974031120 | National Debt | Hamilton persuaded Congress to fund this at par so that the federal government would pay off its debts at face value plus interest | 9 | |
974031121 | National Credit | Hamilton strengthened this to create public confidence in the Treasury Dept. | 10 | |
974031122 | State Debt | Hamilton convinced Congress to take these on in order to create confidence in the government; states w/large debt = happy; small debt = unhappy | 11 | |
974031123 | Virginia | state that wanted DC, the federal district, because of the commerce/prestige it will bring | 12 | |
974031124 | Potomac | govt. assumed state debts & DC was put on this river; passed in 1790 | 13 | |
974031125 | keep debt | one of Hamilton's objectives; the more creditors to whom the govt. owed money, the more people that had a stake in govt. success | 14 | |
974031126 | Tariff Revenues | meant to pay interest on the huge debt and run the government | 15 | |
974031127 | First tariff law | imposed 8% on value of imports; passed in 1789 to create revenue and to protect small industries (Hamilton) | 16 | |
974031128 | 1791 | additional internal revenue passed; Hamilton convinced Congress to pass excise tax on a few things (whiskey) | 17 | |
974031129 | National Bank | Hamilton proposed the idea; wanted to print paper money to provide a stable national currency; Treasury could also deposit money | 18 | |
974031130 | South | opposition of the national bank idea | 19 | |
974031131 | North | support of the national bank idea | 20 | |
974031132 | 1791 NB | National Bank (NB), charter for 20 years, located in Philadelphia; created in this year --- " NB" | 21 | |
974031133 | Whiskey Rebellion | Pennsylvania, 1794; led by distillers who strongly opposed the 1791 excise tax on whiskey; federal troops sent in and ended the issue | 22 | |
974031134 | Political Parties | hadn't existed when Washington took office; Jefferson & Hamilton developed these groups through their feud | 23 | |
974031135 | 1790s | Jefferson/Madison organized their opposition to the Hamiltonian program; confined in to Congress; organized opposition grows; two-party system emerges | 24 | |
974031136 | 1793 | Washington's administration ends | 25 | |
974031137 | Federalists | formed by Washington's departure; led by Alexander Hamilton | 26 | |
974031138 | Jeffersonians | formed by Washington's departure, led by Jefferson and Madison; controlled the Presidency and Congress; better for the small people. What they wanted/liked: - weak central government - bulk of the power should be within the states - agriculture was the basis of the economy - Pro-French: advantage to support liberal - French ideas - didn't like national bank - Free-speech/free-press - minimal navy | 27 | |
974031139 | 1789 | French Revolution began peacefully | 28 | |
974031140 | French Revolution | entered a violent phase when France declared war on Austria in 1792; worsened when King Louis XVI was beheaded in 1793, the church was attacked, and the head-rolling Reign of Terror begun | 29 | |
974031141 | Federalists | at first, supported the French Rev.; then their view changed when the FR turned very violent; opposed the JDR idea of fighting Britain | 30 | |
974031142 | Neutrality Proclamation of 1793 | issued by Washington; stated that the country's neutrality from the Britain/France war; backed by Hamilton and the Federalists; opposed by JDRs | 31 | |
978585369 | British | those whose had retained the frontier posts on U.S. soil despite the peace treaty of 1783 | 32 | |
978585370 | fur trade | what valuable asset the London government didn't want to abandon in the Great Lakes region | 33 | |
978585371 | Miami Confederacy | alliance of 8 Indian nations who terrorized Americans; bought firearms from British | 34 | |
978585372 | Jeffersonians | thought that Americans should again fight Britain in defense of America's liberties | 35 | |
978585373 | Britain | Hamilton's hopes for economic development depended on trade with this country | 36 | |
978585374 | 1794 | John Jay sent to negotiate with Britain (in London) | 37 | |
978585375 | Jay's Treaty | British to leave U.S. soil and pay for damages for the seizures of American ships; Britain didn't pledging anything about future maritime seizures or about supplying arms to Indians; U.S. to continue to pay the debts owed to British merchants on pre-Revolutionary War accounts | 38 | |
978585376 | Pinckney's Treaty of 1795 | Spain, fearing an Anglo-American alliance, struck a deal with US; US gained free navigation of the Mississippi River and the large disputed territory north of Florida | 39 | |
978585377 | 1797 | John Marshall sent to France to negotiate with Talleyrand | 40 | |
978585378 | XYZ Affair | Mme de Villette, Jean Conrad Hottinguer, and Lucien Hauteral, French spokesmen wanted a bribe of $250,000 to talk to Talleyrand | 41 | |
978585379 | XYZ Affair consequences | preparations for war: Navy Department was created; Three-ship navy was expanded; United States Marine Corps was reestablished | 42 | |
978585380 | Convention of 1800 | Americans sent John Jay to renegotiate with France; Napoleon signed in order to get his hands free of a potential enemy. It annulled the French/US alliance, caused France to return American ships, and the US would have to pay the damages despite France causing them | 43 | |
978585381 | Federalist Congress | they passed series of oppressive laws aimed to decrease the number of JDRs | 44 | |
978585382 | Alien Laws | Raised the residence requirements for aliens from 5 to 14 years; President could deport/jail foreigners in times of peace/hostilities | 45 | |
978585383 | Sedition Act | If you were impeding of the policies of govt. or were falsely defaming you were liable to a heavy fine & imprisonment | 46 | |
978585384 | Federalists | supported a strong central govt. & the British; believed govt. should support private enterprise not interfere with it | 47 | |
978585385 | Jeffersonians | weak central govt.; Supported states' rights | 48 | |
978585386 | April 30, 1789 | date of Washington's oath of office | 49 |