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Chapter 10 Vocab Flashcards

Just some vocabulary from chapter 10 of the AP World History textbook (Authors: Stearns, Adas, Schwartz, and Gilbert. Fourth Edition)

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104250516manorialismThe system of economic and political realtions between landlords and their peasant laborers.0
104250517three-field systemOne of three fields was left unused for one year (it rotates) so that it has time to regain fertility.1
104250518feudalismSocial organization created by exchanging grants of land, or fiefs, in return for formal oaths of allegiance and promises to loyal service. It also helped to link military elites.2
104250519parliamentsBodies representing not individual voters, but privileged groups (such as nobles and the church.3
104250520investitureThe practice of state appointment.4
104250521scholasticismDominant philosophical apprach; called this because of its base in the schools; based on use of logic to resolve theological problems5
104250522guildsGroups of people int he same business or trade in a single city.6
104250523Middle AgesFall of the Roman Empire to the 15th century; featured gradual recovery formt he shock of Rome's collapse and growing interaction with other societies.7
104250524Magna Carta"Great Charter"; confirmed feudal right against monarchial claims.8
104250525Hundred Years' War14th century; long battle between the national monarchies of France and England (over territory).9
104250526GothicArchitectual style; featured pointed arches and flying buttresses.10
104250527Hanseatic LeagueFormed by cities in northern Germany and southern Scandinavia; encouraged trade11
104250528Black Death1348; plague; significantly reduced Europe's population and affected its social structure.12
104250529VikingsSeagoers form Scandinavia; constantly raided western Europe.13
104250530serfsAgricultural workers who received some protection form lords; worked on manors and were obligated to turn over part of their goods and to remain on the land.14
104250531ClovisWarrior chieftain; converted to Christianity in 496 C.E. to gain greater prestige over local rivals; this gave him a small dominion over the Franks.15
104250532CarolingiansTook over Frankish monarchy in northern France, Belgium, and western Germany.16
104250533CharlemagneCarolingian ruler; "Charles the Great"; established substantial empire in France and Germany around 800.17
104250534Holy Roman EmperorsRulers who reigned over Germany and northern Italy; merged Christian and classical claims.18
104250535vassalsLesser lords of manors; owed their lords military service, some goods or payments, and advice.19
104250536William the ConquererDuke of Normandy; extended tight feudal system to England.20
104250537Urban IIPope; lanuched 1st Crusade in 1095; promised crusaders full forgiveness of sins if they died in battle.21
104250538Gregory VIIPope; reform-minded; tried to purify the church and free it form interference by feudal lords.22
104250539Peter AbelardWrote in Paris the treatise called "Yes or No", in which it shwoed several logical contradictions in established interpretations of doctrine.23
104250540Bernard of ClairvauxPowerful monkl successfully challenged Abelard; stressed the importance of mystical union with God; believed that reason was dangerous and proud and that God's truth must be received through faith alone.24
104250541Thomas AquinasItalian-born monk who taught at the University of Paris; maintained the basic belief that faith came first, but greatly expanded the scope given to reason; sought rationality.25

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