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Chapter 11 & 12 Flashcards

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256102471Arrianwhich of the following people wrote that Alexander the Great possessed, "great personal beauty, invincible power of endurance, and a keen intellect"?0
256102472Antigonusa general of Alexander the Great and king of Macedonia1
256102473Ptolemyan ancient dynasty of Macedonian kings who ruled Egypt from 323 BC to 30 BC2
256102474AeschylusGreek tragedian3
256102475Sophoclesone of the great tragedians of ancient Greece (496-406 BC)4
256102476Euripideswriter, used regular people instead of Gods, and tried to answer real life questions in playwrite5
256102477AristophanesGreek writer and comtemporary of Sophocles and Euripides. Was the "Father of Comedy" - used satire and fantasy to challenge problematic situations. Most famous: The Archarnians and The Lysistrata6
256102478Plebeianslower class, usually small farmers7
256102479Patriciansthe wealthy class in Roman society; landowners8
256102480Pax Romanathe Roman peace9
256102481Consula diplomat appointed by a government to protect its commercial interests and help its citizens in a foreign country10
256102482Tribunethe apse of a Christian church that contains the bishop's throne11
256102483Latifundiahuge estates owned by wealthy families12
256102484Stoicisman indifference to pleasure or pain13
256102485Judaismthe monotheistic religion of the Jews having its spiritual and ethical principles embodied chiefly in the Torah and in the Talmud14
256102486Essenessect of Jews of Judea who were uncompromising in their piety and their disgust with what they considered a corrupted priesthood; library is known as the Dead Sea Scrolls15
256102487CarthaginiansIn 264 and 202 B.C.E., Rome fought two protracted and bloody wars against Carthaginians. , These people were descendants of Phoenicians from Lebanon and settled in present-day Tunisia. They dominated the commerce of the western Mediterranean. Hannibal. Middle Republic16
256102488Julius CaesarRoman general and dictator. He was murdered by a group of senators and his former friend Brutus who hoped to restore the normal running of the republic.17
256102489Augustus CaesarThe first empreror of Rome, the adopted son of Julius Caesar, help Rome come into Pax Romana, or the Age of Roman Peace18
256102490Mariusa Roman general who was elected consul seven times- he is known for the big changes he made to the Roman army, making it easier for men to be Roman soldiers19
256102491SullaRoman general and dictator (138-78 BC)20
256102492Tiberius Gracchustribunes who attempted to introduce land and citizenship reform under the late Roman republic; both were killed by order of the Senate.21
256102493Gaius GracchusProposed using public funds to buy and sell grain to the poor at reduced prices (welfare program); Killed in a riot planned by his enemies. ; The Senate justified killings by claiming the Republic was in danger; Violence becomes "Law of the Land"22
256102494Jesus of Nazaretha teacher and prophet born in Bethlehem and active in Nazareth23
256102495Paul of TarsusA Jew from Asia Minor that played the most influential role in the spread of Christianity. Paul never met Jesus but he had a vision one day of speaking to him.24
256102496TacitusSenator and historian of the Roman Empire, wrote the Annals and the Histories.25
256102497Silk Roadsthe most famous of the trading routes established by pastoral nomads connecting the European, Indian, and Chinese; transmitted goods and ideas among civilizations26
256102498Monsoonsseasonal wind patterns that cause wet and dry seasons27
256102499NestoriansA Christian sect found in Asia; tended to support Islamic invasions of this area in preference to Byzantine rule; cut off from Europe by Muslim invasions28
256102500Manichaeisma religion founded by Manes the third century29
256102501Epidemic diseasesdevastated communities b/c they had no immunities and no medicines, smallpox, measles, and bubonic plague30
256102502Bubonic plaguethe most common form of the plague31
256102503Council of NicaeaChristian council that met in 325 to determine the question of the trinity; decided on the divinity of all three persons.32
256102504Council of Chalcedonan ecumenical council of the Christian Church held in Chalcedon in 45133
256102505Edict of Milan313 CE Constantine makes Christianity the primary religion of the Roman Empire34
256102506Tetrarchsfour rulers who divided rule of Empire35
256102507Zhang Qianfather of the silk road36
256102508NestoriusSyrian who was a Christian bishop and Patriarch of Constantinople in the early fifth century37
256102510TheodosiusHe divides the Roman Empire into two different empires (Roman & Byzantine). He also makes Christianity the only religion you could be.39
256102511St. Augustineearly christian leader who writes the book City of God that instructs how Christians are to be40
256102512Constantinea walled city in northeastern Algeria east of Algiers41
256102513Attila the HunA king of the Huns in the fifth century. His forces overran many parts of central and eastern Europe. His armies were known for their cruelty and wholesale destruction. He was called the "scourge of God."42
256102514Alaricking of the Visigoths who captured Rome in 410 (370-410)43
256102515Gregory the Wonderworkera tireless missionary with a reputation for performing miracles and who popularized Christianity in central Anatolia44
256102516St. Cyprianwhich of the following men recorded the suffering of Christians caused by epidemic diseases in his "On Morality"?45
256102517OdovacerGermanic general who deposed Romulus Augustulus (last Roman emperor in western half) in 476 CE46

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