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Chapter 12 Flashcards

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251417532Abbesshead of a convent for nuns0
251417533Abbothead of a monastary1
251417534Anti-Semitismhostility toward or discrimination against2
251417535Benficein the Christian Church, a position, such as a bishopric, that consisted of both a sacred office and the right of the border to the annual revenes from the position3
251417536Black Deaththe outbreak of plague (mostly bubonic) in the mid-fourteenth century that killed from 25 to 50 percent of Europe's population4
251417537Chivalrythe ideal of civilized behavior that emerged among the nobility in the eleventh and twelfth centuries under the influence of the church; a code of ethnics knights were expected to hold5
251417538Commercial Capitalismeconomic system in which people invested in trade and goods in order to make a profit6
251417539Common Lawlaw common to the entire kingdom of England, imposed by the king's courts beginning in the twelfth century to replace the customary law used in country and feudal courts that varied from place to place7
251417540Demesnethe part of a manor retained under the direct control of the lord and worked by the serfs as part of their labor services8
251417541Diocesethe area under the jurisdiction of a christian bishop9
251417542Fiefa landed estate granted to a vassal in exhange for military services10
251417543Gothicarchitectural style that reached peak in thirteen century, marked by ribbed vaults, pointed arches, and flying buttresses11
251417544Great Schismthe crisis in the late medieval church when there were first two and then three popes; ended by the Council of Constance12
251417545Guildan association of pople with common interests and concerns, especially people working in the same craft13
251417546Heresya teaching different from the official of universal beliefs of the church14
251417547Lay Investiturethe practive in which a layperson chose a bishop and invested him with the symbols of both his temporal office and his spiritual office15
251417548Liberal Artsthe seven areas of study that formed the basis of education in medieval and early modern Europe16
251417549Manoran agricutural estate operated by a lord and worked by peasants who performed labor services and paid various rents adn fees to the lord in exchange for protection and sustenance17
251417550Missi Dominici"messengers of the lord king", two officials who were sent out by Charlemagne to ensure that the counts were following the King's orders18
251417551Monasticismkey to spread of Christianity in Europe, group of monks living together to devote time to religious and social service, influence of Saint Benedict19
251417552Pogramsmassacres, as in the pogroms launched against the Jews of Germany in 135120
251417553RenaissanceFrench for "rebirth", intellectual and artistic movement launched in Italy and spread out to rest of Europe21
251417554Rhetoricthe art of persuasive speaking, in the Middle Ages, one of the Seven Liberal Arts22
251417555Romanesquepopulr architectural style seen in cathedrals in the eleventh and twelfth centurties, built in basilica shape23
251417556Scholasticismthe philosophical and theological system of the medieval schools which emphasized rigorous analysis of contradictory authorities24
251417557Serfa peasant who is bound to the land and obliged to provide labor services and pay various rents and fees to the lord, considered unfree but not a slave25
251417558Subinfeudationthe practice in which a lord's greatest vassals subdivided their fiefs and had cassals of their own26
252370941Three-field systemin medieval agriculture, the practice of dividing the arable land into three fields so that one could lie fallow while the others were planted in winter grains and spring crops27
252370942Vassala person granted a fief, or landed estate, in exchange for providing military services to the lord and fulfilling certain other obligations28
252370943Wergeld"money for a man" in early Germanic law, a person's value in monetary terms, which was paid by a wrong-does to the family of the person who had been injured or killed29
252370944Yersinia Pestiabacteria that caused the Black Death30

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