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Chapter 12: The Cell Cycle and Chapter 13: Meiosis

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61699697mitosisnuclear division that does not create genetic diversity
61699698gametessex cells whose purpose is to fuse with one another (syngamy)
61699699syngamythe fusion of two gametes, which produces a zygote
61699700zygoteone cell created by the fusion of two gametes
61699701embryoa multicellular zygote
61699702binary fissionthe way in which prokaryotes and bacteria divide when an exact copy of a cell is made, and then the copy and original split
61699703somatic cellsnon-sex cells
61699704sister chromatidscopies of DNA before they become chromosomes; they are still bound at the centromere; they have the same alleles and the same genes
61699705histonesprotein groups that are present in DNA to help organize it
61699706separate, repair, organize, make mRNAroles of proteins in DNA
61699707homologous chromosomespairs of chromosomes; each one in the pair has the same length, same shape, and same genes in same spot, but can have different alleles
61699708allelesdifferent forms of the same gene
61699709haploid cellscells that have one type of chromosome (no homologous pairs)
61699710diploid cellscells that have two of each type of chromosome (homologous pairs); gives an insurance policy against mutations that can kill you
61699711haploid cellsn
61699712diploid cells2n
61699713prophasechromatin fibers become tightly coiled, nucleoli disappear, each duplicated chromosome appears as two identical sister chromatids joined at their centromeres and along arms, mitotic spindle begins to form, centrosomes move away from each other
61699714metaphasecentrosomes are at opposite poles of cell, chromosomes convene on the metaphase plate, for each chromosome kinetochores of sister chromatids are attached to kinetochore microtubules coming from opposite poles
61699715anaphasebegins when cohesin proteins are cleaved, allowing two sister chromatids of each pair to part suddenly--each chromatid becomes a chromosome; daughter chromosomes move toward opposite ends of cell, cell elongates, two ends of cell are symmetric
61699716telophasetwo daughter nuclei form, nuclear envelopes arise from fragments of parent cell, nucleoli reappear, chromosomes decondense
61699717cytokinesisdivision of cytoplasm that finalizes the creation of daughter cells; animal cells have cleavage furrow, plant cells have cell plate
61699718cell cyclethe life of a cell from the time it is formed from a dividing parent cell until its own division into two cells
61699719mitosisthe division of the nucleus
61699720meiosiscell division which yields nonidentical daughter cells that have only one set of chromosomes; only occurs in gametes
61699721mitotic phaseincludes both mitosis and cytokinesis; shortest part of cell cycle
61699722interphasea long phase of the cell cycle that accounts for 90% of the cycle
61699723G1 phase"first gap" in which the cell grows; lasts 5-6 hours
61699724S phase"synthesis" in which the cell continues to grow and chromosomes are duplicated; lasts 10-12 hours
61699725G2 phase"second gap" in which the cell grows and prepares to divide; lasts 4-6 hours
61699726M phasethe cell divides, the cycle repeats (lasts under an hour)
61699727mitotic spindlea structure that forms within a cell during prophase; consists of fibers made of microtubules and associated proteins; uses microtubules from the cytoskeleton, which partially disassembles before the mitotic spindle is formed; adding subunits of tubulin elongates spindle and taking them away shortens it
61699728centrosomea sub-cellular region containing material that functions throughout the cell cycle to organize the cell's microtubules
61699729asterthe radial array of short microtubules that extends from the centrosome
61699730kinetochorea structure of proteins associated with specific sections of chromosomal DNA at the centromere; present in each of two sister chromatids of a replicated chromosome
61699731metaphase platethe imaginary plate that forms during metaphase at which the centromeres of duplicated chromosomes align
61699732cleavagethe process by which cytokinesis occurs
61699733cleavage furrowthe first sign of cytokinesis in animal cells, which is represented by a shallow groove in the cell surface near the old metaphase plate
61699734cell platethe sign of cytokinesis in plant cells in which vesicles derived from the Golgi move along microtubules to the center of the cell where they coalesce
61699735origin of replicationa specific place on the bacterial chromosome at which cell division begins
61699736checkpointa control point in the cell cycle where stop and go-ahead signals regulate the cycle; signals are transmitted via signal transduction
61699737G0 phasea nondividing, stalled state that ensues when no go-ahead signal is received by the cell at the G1 checkpoint
61699738cyclina protein that has a cyclically fluctuating concentration in the cell to be active
61699739MPFthe activated form of cyclin that triggers prophase of mitosis and phosphorylates other enzymes that catalyze individual steps of prophase
61699740CDKsenzymes in an inactive form that are present in consistent concentrations over the cell cycle; *most significant enzyme in regulating cell cycle
61699741growth factorsmolecules present in the cell cycle that act like hormones in that they cause a chemical change and send chemical signals; necessary for cell division
61699742mutagensfactors that cause mutations
61699743carcinogensfactors that cause cancer
61699744anchorage dependencethe need for a cell to attach itself to something else when dividing; cancer cells lack this
61699745sporeone haploid cell, does not fuse during syngamy, divides by mitosis
61699746sporophytethe multicellular diploid stage of a plant; makes spores
61699747gametophytethe multicellular haploid stage of a plant; makes gametes
61699748alternation of generationsdemonstrated by the plant life cycle because it alternates from sporophyte (diploid) to gametophyte (haploid)
61699749synapsisoccurs when homologous chromosomes find one another to create a group of four strands of chromatin (known as a tetrad); occurs during prophase I
61699750tetrada group of four strands of chromatin that is formed during synapsis in prophase I
61699751crossing overthe exchange of exactly corresponding regions of two homologous chromosomes in a tetrad; causes genetic variation; occurs roughly 2-3 times per tetrad
61699752gametogenesisthe creation of gametes
61699753spermatogenesisthe creation of sperm
61699754oogenesisthe creation of eggs
61699755density-dependent inhibitiona phenomenon in which crowded cells stop dividing; cancer cells lack this
61699756transformationthe sign of abnormal behavior in a normal cell that qualifies it as a cancer cell
61699757benign tumora tumor that consists of cells that remain at the original site
61699758malignant tumora tumor that consists of cells that become invasive enough to impair organ function
61699759metastasisoccurs when tumor cells can enter blood vessels and travel to other parts of the body to grow
61699760ectopic pregnancyoccurs when the embryo implants itself in the fallopian tube and begins to grow there; the baby will not survive, the mother can be endangered
616997611number of divisions in mitosis
616997622number of divisions in meiosis
616997632number of daughter cells in mitosis
616997644number of daughter cells in meiosis
62195361nonvascular plantsplants known as bryophytes; classic example is moss
62195362nonvascular plantsplants that typically form in large patches of green on the forest floor, dead logs, or bricks; do not contain xylem or phloem; usually are present only in sporophyte stage
62195363gametangiathe structures in which gametes are made; only present in gametophytes
62195364archegoniathe structures within gametangia that make eggs
62195365artheridiathe structures within gametangia that make sperm
62195366sporangiathe location on a plant at which spores are made; located in the capsule of the diploid sporophyte
62195367vascular plantsplants the evolved second; contain xylem and phloem but lack seeds; classic example is a fern
62195368frondsfern leaves that grow from the base of the plant, originating in a curled state so that they unravel as they grow
62195369fiddleheadan immature frond
62195370soriblack or brown structures on the underside of frond leaflets (known as sporangi) that are evidence for spore production
62195371seed plantsplants that evolved third; called gymnosperms
62195372seed plantsplants without fruits or flowers; produce naked seeds because they are not surrounded by fruit; examples include conifers, cycads, and Ginkgo trees
62195373flowering plantsplants that have seeds, vascular tissues, flowers, and fruits; most successful group in kingdom plantae
62195374flowering plantsplants known as angiosperms or anthophytes
62195375stamenthe male structure on a flower that is composed of a stalk and a bulb
62195376filamentthe stalk of a stamen
62195377antherthe bulb of a stamen that makes pollen
62195378carpelthe female structure on a flower that is composed of the ovary, ovules, style, and stigma; sometimes called a pistil
62195379stylethe stalk that comes from the ovary
62195380stigmathe top of the style on the carpel that receives the pollen
62410243central cella cell that contains two haploid nuclei and is present within the ovule of a flowering plant
62410244seven-cell female gametophytea structure contained inside each ovule that makes haploid eggs
62410245double fertilizationone sperm fertilizes an egg and the other sperm fertilizes the central cell, which produces endosperm
62410246tube cellthe cell from a male plant that grows down the style to the opening of the micropyle; grows a pollen tube

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