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Chapter 13 Flashcards

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56422620Popular SovereignityThe idea that legitimate(정당한) political authority resides ( 속하다) not in kings, but rather in the people who make up society.0
56422621The Social Contractpublished in 1762 by Jean-Jaques Rousseau. He argued that members of a society were collectively the sovereign(군주). All individuals would participate derectly in the formulation of policy and the creation of laws. In the absence of royalty, aristocrats, or other privileges elite, the general will of the people remained the most important element.1
56422622John Lockewrote the Seconed Treatise of civil Government and held that government was ased ona a contractual agreement between indiciduals of a civil society. Rulers are appointed to protect and promote the common interest of the people. Any ruler who violated these rights was subject to deposition. "Father of Enlightenment thought"2
56422623Jean Jacuques Rousseauwho identified with the working people and in his book, The Social Contract, argues that all members of a society were collectively the sovereign. In an ideal society, he felt, all individuals would participate directly in the running of the government.3
56422624Candidewas a humorous novel written by Voltaire in which the main character travels around Europe, the Americas and even the Middle East in search of the "best of all possible worlds." What Voltaire really does is indirectly expose the corruption, hypocrisy of Europe's nobility dominated society.4
56424430Frederick the Greatwas the King of Prussia, an Enlightened Despot(폭군) and victor of the Seven-Year's War. He had a visson of a united Germany and, although he exerted(가하다) extremerly tight control of his Prussian subjects and used daring military strategies to expand the size and strength of his kingdom, he nevertheless saw himself as the "first servand of the state."5
56424431Catherine the Greatof Russia was an Enlightened Despot but intended to hold on to her power. She made limited reforms in the law and bureaucracy. She improved technology, education and patronized the arts. Under her patronage Russian Literature begins to flourish and a class, the Intelligentsia, begin the intellectual task of bringing Russia into the modern world. She granted the nobles a Charter of Rights and spoke out against serfdom(농노). But after Pugachev's rebellion anad the French Revolution, she cooled towards the Enlightenment. She allied herself with the nobility and closed Russia to the Enlightenment learning.6
56424432Joseph llwas the son of the Austrian Empress, Maria Theresa, and the brother of marie Antoinette. He was perhaps the greatest of the Enlightenment monarchs. He traveled among his subject in disguise, to learn their problems and his efforts to improve their lives earned him the title of the Peasant Emperor. He gave freedom of worship to Protestants and Jews, ended censorship and curbed the power of the Catholic Church. He even abolished serfdom. After his death, his brother and successor canceled his reforms.7

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