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Chapter 16 1450-1750 Flashcards

The Transformations of the West

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256695684Absolute MonarchyGovernment developed during the rise of nation-states where monarchs passed laws without parliaments, appointed armies and bureaucracies.0
256695685Catholic ReformationRestatement of Catholic beliefs in response to Protestant Reformation. It established councils that revived Catholic doctrine.1
256695686Edict of Nantes1598. Grant of tolerance to Protestants in France, after civil war between Catholic and Protestant factions.2
256695687English Civil War1640-1660. Religious disputes, mixed with constitutional issues concerning monarchies power. Ended with restoration of monarchy in 1660, and execution of previous king.3
256695688EnlightenmentIntellectual movement in France (18th Century) Scientific advances and study of human society, belief that rational laws could describe social behavior.4
256695689Francis IKing of France, Renaissance monarch, patron of arts, new controls of Catholic church, against Holy Roman Emperor. (16th Century)5
256695690Frederick the GreatPrussian King, attempted introducing Enlightenment to Germany. Introduced freedom of religion, increased state control and economy6
256695691Glorious Revolution1688. The english overthrow of James II. Resulted in affirmation of parliament, basic sovereignty over the king7
256695692HumanismFocused on humankind being center of intellectual & artistic endeavor. Method of study, study of ancient languages8
256302618Italian Renaissance1300-1450. Cultural and political movement. Featured art and literature with more priorities than the ones from the Middle Ages.9
256695693J. CalvinFrench Protestant. Stressed doctrine of predestination, and the idea of wider access to government and public education. Calvinism.(16th Century)10
256695694John LockeEnglish philosopher, said people could learn everything through senses and power of gov. came from the people. Offered possibility of revolution to overthrow tyrants (17th Century)11
256302619Martin LutherGerman Monk who initiated the Protestant Reformation. He accepted state control over church.12
256695695Mary WollstonecraftFeminist thinker during the Enlightenment, said new political rights should also apply to women13
256695696MercantilismEconomic theory, gov. promotion of limitation fo imports from other nations and internal economies to improve tax revenues. (popular in 17th & 18th Century)14
256695697Niccolo MachiavelliAuthor of "The Prince", emphasized realistic discussions of how to seize and maintain power. Influential writer of Italian Renaissance (16th Century)15
256695698ProtestantismWave of religious dissent against Catholic church, included variety of religious beliefs. It began with Martin Luther's attack on Catholic beliefs.16
256695699Scientific RevolutionPeriod of scientific advances, resulted in change of traditional beliefs in Middle Ages, scientists: Copernicus, Galileo, Issac Newton (17th Century)17
256695700Thirty Years WarWar within Holy Roman Empire, German protestants & allies (Sweden, France, Denmark) vs. Emperor & his ally (Spain). Ended 1648 with Treaty of Westphalia18
256695701Treaty of Westphalia1648. Ended Thirty Years War. Granted right to individual rulers, within Holy Roman Empire, to let them choose their religion (Protestant or Catholic)19

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