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Chapter 16-Agricultural Revolution Flashcards

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128565716The Agricultural Revolution of the 17th and 18th centuries began where?in the low countries0
128565717What are the modern "low" countries?Netherlands and Belgium1
128565718What were two of Jethro Tull's major contributions to agriculture?iron plows and the seed drill (these made cultivation much faster and more efficient)2
128565719What ideas came from Charles Townsend?championed crop rotation (particularly turnips) and the use of fertilizers3
128565720What called for the fencing of common lands and was intended to use the land move rationally to achieve greater comercial results?the enclosure movement4
128565721How did the enclosure movement cause social turmoil?Some small farmers, without land to graze their livestock, were driven out of farming and went to the cities looking for employment...which didn't always exist others went to work for large landowners, who were actually increasing the amount of cultivated land, however, the independence of the small farmer was lost5
128578234What were some advantages of Industrialization?it afforded humans greater control over the forces of nature, helped upset the political structure of the Old Regime, raised the standard of living and generally helped overcome poverty (at least over time)6
128578235The Industrial Revolution began in Britain because...the social structure encouraged people to strive for the lives of their superiors, creating a consumer revolution that demanded more goods to be efficiently provided7
128660642Britain was the largest...free-trade area in Europe and had an excellent system of roads and waterways that operated without tolls or other trade barriers8
128660643The financial system was sound with a...heavy, but fair, tax system9
128660644What was created by James Hargreaves and broke the bottleneck between the productive capacity of the spinners and the weavers?the spinning jenny10
128660645What previous invention by James Kay that created this imbalance?the flying shuttle; dramatically increased the production of fabric but without enough thread, there was a breakdown in production (Hargreaves' spinning jenny solved this dilemma)11
128660646What was Richard Arkwright's invention that took production to the factory?the water frame12
128660647What three inventions show the difference between need and invention?spinning jenny, flying shuttle, and water frame13
128660648The obvious impact of the steam engine was that it regulated available energy but it also made possible the combination of...urbanization and industrialization14
128660649What was the largest city in Europe by the 18th century?London, England15
128660650The aspiration of the middle classes for social mobility conflicted with what?the determination of the nobles to maintain and reassert their own privileges and to protect their wealth16

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