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Chapter 1 : The Chemistry of Life Flashcards

The Chemical context of life:Chemical elements and compounds, Atoms and molecules, Water and the fitness of the environment:the effects of water's polarity, Dissociation of water molecules, the structure and function of macro molecules: polymer principles, carbohydrates-fuel and building material, lipids-diverse hydrophobic molecules, proteins-many structures, many functions, nucleic acids-informational polymers, Metabolism energy and life, enzymes

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739164182AtomsThe smallest unit of an element that still retains the property of the element
739164183Neutrons and protonsClose together in the nucleus of the atom, neutral/positive charge
739164184ElectronsQuickly moving, negatively charged, in the cloud of the nucleus
739164185Atomic NumberNumber of protons in an element
739164186Mass NumberNumber of protons and neutrons
739164187Chemical BondsInteractions between valence electrons of atoms
739164188Covalent BondsWhen valence electrons are shared by two electrons
739164189Non-polar Covalent BondsElectrons are shared equally between two atoms
739164190Polar Covalent ElectronsWhen two atoms have different electronegativities, unequal sharing of electrons
739164191Ionic BondsTwo bonded atoms attract the shared electrons so unequally that the more electronegative atom steals the electron from the less electronegative atom, forms salts
739164192Hydrogen BondsTheir weak bonds form between molecules, positively charged hydrogen atom of one molecule is attracted to the negatively charged atom of another molecule
739164193Organic MoleculesHave different properties as a result of their structures, dependent on the identity of their functional group
739164194Hydroxyl Group-OHAlcohols such as ethanol, methanol, hydrophilic and polar in nature
739164195Carboxyl-COOHCarboxylic acids such as fatty acids and sugars, hydrophilic and polar
739164196Carbonyl- COR or -COHKetones and aldehydes such as sugars ,hydrophilic and polar
739164197Amino group -NH2Amines such as amino acids, hydrophilic and polar
739164198Phosphate groups -PO3Organic phosphates including ATP DNA and Phospholipids hydrophilic and polar
739164199Methyl Group -CH3Found in butane, hydrophobic
740663303Structure of Water2 hydrogens with 1 oxygen, v-shaped (polar) makes it able to form hydrogen bonds, maximum of 4 at a time
740663304AdhesionClinging of one substance to a water molecule
740663305TranspirationWater evaporates form the leaves of plants which is why water molecules are able to be pulled up by capillary action through plants
740663306CohesionWater molecules have the ability to cling to each other.
740663307Specific HeatAmount of heat required to raise or lower the temperature of a substance by 1 degree C. water has a high specific heat which allows it to moderate its temperature
740663308States of WaterSolid (least dense, forms a crystal lattice structure), liquid, gas (steam)
740663309Hydrogen IonProton with a charge of +1
740663310Hydroxide Ion (OH-)Water molecule that lost its proton
740663311Hydronium Ion (H3O+)Water molecule that gains the proton
740663312DissociationBalancing out of protons
740663313Aqueous SolutionA solution that has water as a solvent
740663314PolymersLong chain molecules made up of repeating units that are either the same as or very similar to each other
740663315MonomersSmall units that make up polymers
740663316Condensation (Dehydration Reaction)2 monomers are combined and 1 molecule is released
740663317HydrolysisA polymer is broken down into monomers after the addition of water
7406633184 Basic Types of MacromoleculesCarbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids
740663319MonosaccharidesSimplest ring structured sugars, like glucose and fructose. (C6H12O6)
740663320DisaccharidesMade up of 2 monosaccharides that have undergone a condensation reaction, like sucrose maltose and lactose
740663321PolysaccharidesPolymers of monosaccharides, store carbohydrates in organisms, starch in plants and glycogen in animals
740663322CellulosePolymer of glucose, makes up thick walls of plant's cells,
740663323ChitinMade up of a variation of glucose with a nitrogenous arm, makes up arthropod shell (crabs, lobsters)
740663324FatsLarge molecules that are created by dehydration synthesis reaction between smaller molecules. They are made up of a glycerol molecule and three fatty acid molecules
740663325Saturated Fatty AcidsContain no double bonds between carbon atoms
740663326Unsaturated Fatty AcidsContain at least one double bonds between carbon atoms
740663327Polyunsaturated Fatty AcidsContain two or more double bonds between carbon atoms
740663328Adipose CellsWhere fat is stored in mammals
740663329PhospholipidsMake up cell membranes. Have a glycerol backbone (hydrophilic) and two fatty acid tails (hydrophobic).
740663330SteroidsMade up of four rings that are fused together. Example is cholesterol.
740663331ProteinsPolymers made up of amino acid monomers.
740663332Amino AcidsOrganic molecules that contain a carboxyl group and an amino group as well as an R group
740663333Peptide bondsJoin amino acids to make proteins in a dehydration synthesis reaction.
740663334Primary Structure of a ProteinSequence in which amino acids are joined
740663335Secondary Structure of a ProteinHydrogen bonding creates two 3D shapes: coiled (alpha helix) accordion shape (beta pleated sheet)
740663336Tertiary Structure of a ProteinInteractions between side chains of the protein (hydrophobic, van der waals forces and disulfide bridges)
740663337Quaternary Structure of a ProteinAssociation of two or more polypeptide chains into one giant macromolecule or functional protein.
740663338Denatured ProteinBecomes unraveled due to heat or change in Ph, make it become inactive
740663339DNAInherited from cell to cell parent to offspring, molecules are very long, they are polymers of nucleotide monomers.
740663340Parts of a NucleotideNitrogen base, 5 carbon sugar (pentose), and a phosphate group
740663341PurinesNitrogenous bases adenine (A), guanine (G)
740663342PyrimidinesNitrogenous bases cytosine (C), Thymine (T), and Uracil (U)
740663346DeoxyribosePentose sugar in DNA
740663347RibosePentose sugar in RNA
740663348Phosphodiester bondsJoin nucleotides together in DNA and RNA. In DNA- two polynucleotide chains wrap around each other in a helical shape, RNA- is a single polynucleotide.
740663349EnergyCapacity to do work.
743788737Kinetic energyThings that move have Kinetic Energy
743788738Potential EnergyObject at rest has it
743788739ThermodynamicsStudy of energy transformations that occur in matter
743788740First Law of ThermodynamicsEnergy of the universe is constant and that energy can be transferred and transformed, though it cannot be created or destroyed.
743788741Second Law of ThermodynamicsEvery energy transfer or transformation increases the entropy in the universe
743788742Entropy SAmount of disorder or randomness in the universe
743788743Free Energy GSystems energy that is able to perform work when the temperature of the system is uniform
743788744HSymbol for total energy of a system
743788745formula for free energyChange in G=change in H -temperature X change in S
743788746Exergonic ReactionEnergy is released, making change in G negative
743788747Endergonic ReactionRequires energy in order to proceed, absorb free energy, makes change in G positive
743788748ATPPrimary source of energy for the cell made up of nitrogenous base adenine, bonded to ribose and a chain of three phosphate groups
743788749ADPWhen ATP releases a phosphate group, it becomes ADP
743788750CatalystsSubstances that can change the rate of a reaction without being altered themselves in the process
743788751EnzymesProteins that are biological catalysts
743788752Activation EnergyThe amount of energy it takes to start a reaction
743788753SubstrateThe reactant that the enzyme acts on
743788754Enzyme-Substrate ComplexHeld together by weak reactions, where an enzyme and substrate meet together
743788755Active SitePart of the enzyme that binds the substrate
743788756Competitive InhibitorsReversible Inhibitors that compete with a substrate for the active site on the enzyme
743788757Noncompetitive InhibitorsBind to another site on the enzyme other than the active site, causes the enzyme to change shape preventing the substrate from binding to the active site

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