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Chapter 21 Flashcards

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149783752Winston ChurchillBritish prime minister0
149783753Franklin RooseveltPresident of the United States1
149783754Joseph StalinCommunist dictator of the Soviet Union2
149783755Tehran Conference1943, the Soviet govt encouraged the western powers to open a new front in France3
149783756Yalta Conference1945, the countries could not agree on a cooperative approach to handling post-war Germany so Germany was divided into four occupation zones: Britian, the US, France and the Soviet Union4
149783757Postdam ConferenceJuly 1945, war in Europe was over but still going on in the Pacific5
149783758Truman Doctrine"I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjunction by armed minorities or by outside pressures"6
149783759Marshall Plana program that provided loans to aid the nations of western Europe to rebuild war-torn lands7
149783760United Nations Charterratified on October 24, 1945; drafted by United States, Britian, Russia, and China8
149783761General Assemblyone of the two main bodies created by the united nations charter; had representitives from all member states9
149783762Security Councilone of two main bodies created by rhe united nations charter; dominated by major Allied powers10
149783763Korean Warbegan when communist North Korea invaded non-communist South Korea in 1950; lasted until 195311
149783764"Limited War"a new style of fighting that emerged during the post-World War II era; from the Korean War12
149783765Ho Chi Minhled a nationalist rebellion against the French; was a MArxist in Moscow who defeated the French on the battlefield and installed a communist regime in the nothern half of the country in 1954.13
149783766Vietnam Wara prolonged war (1954-1975) between the communist armies of North Vietnam who were supported by the Chinese and the non-communist armies of South Vietnam who were supported by the United States14
149783767Cuban Missile Crisisthe 1962 confrontation bewteen US and the Soviet Union over Soviet missiles in Cuba15
149783768Sputnika satellite launched into space by the U.S.S.R in 195716
149783769Space Racethe 'competition' between the U.S.S.R and the U.S to see who could accomplish the most quicker17
149783770Containmentpreventing the spread of communism beyond areas where it has already spread18
149783771Mao ZedongChinese communist leader (1893-1976)19
149783772Chiang Kai-shekLeader of the Nationalist Party in China after 192520
149783773"Two Chinas"People's Republic of China (PRC), Republic of China21
149783774Cultural Revolutiona much more profound reform in that it encompassed political and social change, as well as economic22
149783775Deng-XiaopingCommunist Party leader who forced Chinese economic reforms after the death of Mao Zedong23
149783776Samuel HuntingtonAmerican revolutionary leader who signed the Declaration of Independence and was president of the Continental Congress (1731-1796)24
149783777Decolonizationformer colonies becoming independent countries25
149873021Mohandas K. Gandhian english-educated Hindu who practiced law in South Africa; he came from a well-to-do-family but showed sympathy for poor by dressing like them; lead followers on 80-mile walk to salt mines26
149873022Civil Disobediencepeacefully breaking unjust laws27
149873023Muhammad Ali Jinnahleader of the Muslim League28
149873024Jawaharlal NehruGandhis successor; supported the creation of a modern industrial India29
149873025W.E.B Du Boisan American scholar that led the All-African People's Conference30
149873026Blaise DiagneSenegalese political leader that led the All-African People's Conference31
149873027Kwame NkrumahAfrican leader from Ghana; led the movement in Ghana, and after indepenence was won in 1957, he convened the All-African People's Conference at Accra (Ghanas capital), the first time that the conference was held in Africa32
149873028Jomo KenyattaAfrican leader from Kenya33
149873029African National Congress (ANC)formed in 1913 as a party of protest, but was unable to convince the white govt to liberalize its racial policies34
149873030Apartheidsegregation of races35
149873031Nelson MandelaSouth African statesman who was released from prison to become the nation's first democratically elected president in 1994 (born in 1918)36
149873032Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk)unified Turkey as an independent country in 192337
149873033Pahlavi Dynastydynasty in Iran founded in the 1920s by Colonel Reza Khan38
150354822Ayatollah Ruhollah KhomeiniShi'ite philosopher and cleric who led the overthrow of the shah of Iran in 1979 and created an Islamic republic39
150354823Islamic Fundamentalismemphasized literal interpretation of Islamic texts, social conservatism, and political traditionalism40
150354824League of Arab Statesregional organization designed to strengthen and unite countries with Arab majorities41
150354825Gamel Abdel NasserEgypts new nationalist leader42

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