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Chapter 24: AP World History Vocabulary Flashcards

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233492279Imperialismwhen a stronger country takes over a weaker one.0
233492280NationalismPride in one's country and wanting to see your country as number one.1
233492281White Man's BurdenBy Kipling Because Europeans were more advanced they had the duty to take over less developed areas and civilize them.2
233492282Social Darwinismtheory that states the survival of the fittest.3
233492283Realpolitikpolitics based on practical and material factors rather than on theoretical or ethical objectives4
233492284Colonyterritory completely controlled by another country.5
233492285Sphere of Influencewhen one country controls another's economy6
233492286annexationto make a territory part of your own7
233492287trade concessionunequal one-sided trade agreement8
233492288protectoratepuppet nation foreign affairs are controlled by a foreign power9
233492289Empirea vast area of land controlled by a single power10
233492290Lonely Native Syndromewhen educated Africans no longer fits into their society11
233492291Plasseywhen the British defeated the French and Indians(from India).12
233492292Robert Clivearchitect of the British victory at Plassey.13
233492293CornwallisReformer of the British East India Company because there was corruption14
233492294Nawabruler of Bengal15
233492295Nabobpeople who had bad manners and conspicuous consumption of these upstarts.16
233492296Utilitarianismsocial and political theory about how people should be treated and what the government show do.17
233492297Evangelical Movementreligious movement that pushed social reform, spread education and put an end to slavery.18
233492298Zulua tribe in South Africa.19
233492299Miscegenationrelationships between different races20
233492300Great Trekthousands of Boers moved north away from the British to the veld (grassy plain)21
233492301Boer WarBritish will win and take over all of South Africa.22
233492302Isandhlwanathe war between the Zulus and the British23
233492303Kamehamehaunified Hawaiian kingdom and encouraged trade between European merchants and Hawaii.24
233492304White DominionColonies where white settlers made up most of the population25
233492305Tropical DependenciesColonies where the white settlers were the minority and ruled over the indigenous people26
233492306Cecil RhodesA British Entrepreneur in South Africa that manipulated political situation for the gold and diamonds in Boer Republics.27
233492307Captain CookTraveled to the Hawaiian islands which opened to trade up to the West.28
233492308Great MaheleDocument passed that gave Europeans some Hawaiian land.29

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