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Chapter 25: The Age of Nationalism

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146227356Louis NaploenSuceeded in economic reform in France, eventually becoming emperor. He was popular among the people and worked for them diligently, even as it meant giving up power to the Assembly.
146227357Venetia and LombardyItalian states controlled by Metternich's Austria
146227358Guiseppe MazziniIdealistic patriot who preached a centralized democratic rebuplic based on universal sufferage and the will of the people. Ideas later smashed by Austria
146227359Vincenso Giobertia Catholic priest who called for a federation of existing states under the presideny of a progressive Pope.
146227360SardiniaA liberal, progressive state that other Italian states looked up to.
146227361Pius IXA pope who people originaly looked up to but then rationalism, socialism, seperation of church and state and religious liberty.
146227362Count Camillo Benso di Cavoura dominant figure in Sardinian government who supported an alliance between the aristocracy and the middle class. He made a fortune in industrialization before begining in politics. He supported a unified Northern Italy. Goading Austria into attacking Cavour lost when allied France changed sides and supported Austria.
146227363Giuseppe GaribaldiLed a violent revolution to free Italy from monarchy and the Pope.
146227364Red ShirtsGroup of guerilla soldiers who marched Rome to free Italy from oppression. They were led by Guiseppe Garibaldi and sucessfully stopped by Cavour.
146227365ZollvereinGerman customs union that included all German states except Austria.
146227366Otto von Bismarcka political leader who led Prussia to unite Germany and made it the foremost European nation within a decade. After successful wars he attempted to creat an alliance system. Passed the first social security laws, accident insurance,
146227367Danish WarDenmark tried to claim Schleswig-Holstein and wound up at war with most German States.
146227368Austro-Prussian WarDecisive seven week war between Austria and Prussia in which Prussia crushed Austria troops using railways and needleguns. After the war Bismark allowed them easy peace terms which won Prussia some support from Austria in later wars. Venetia was ceded to Italy.
146227369Franco-Prussian War1870-1871 Bismarck began this war to get the southern German states to join Germany. Prussia won easily in the battle of Sedan. Napoloen was captured. In the Hall of Mirrors William I was proclaimed Emperor of Germany.
146227370North German ConfederationConfederation of German states excluding Austria which Bismarck created after the Austro-Prussian War. Each state had a local government but William I and Bismarck made up the federal government and the legislative government was made up of two houses that shared equality in making laws. With this Bismarck made peace with Parliament
146247564Homestead Act of 1862gave western land to settlers in the United States
146247565Thirteenth Amendment of 1865ended slavery in the United States
146247566Crimean WarWar over dispute between Russia and France over who should protect the Christian shrines in the Ottoman Empire. Russia was thuroughly defeated due to its lack of modernization.
146247567Tsar Alexander IITsar during the Crimean War. Preached reform from above. Assasinated by terrorists.
146247568Sergei Witte1892-1903 Russia's minister of finance who was inspired by Fredrich List. Believed that Russia's backwardness was threatening Russia's greatness and power. State owned railways grew rapidly. High protective tariffs. Gold standards of civilized war. Encouraged Westerners to come and industrialize Russia.
146247569zemstvonew institutional of local government, elected by a system of towns, peasant villlages and noble landowners.
146247570Great Reformestablishment of the zemstvo in Russia
146247571Great Reformreformed legal system (independant courts and equality before the law) in Rusia
146247572Great Reformrelaxed censorship in Russia
146247573Great Reformrelaxed policies and education laws towards Jews in Russia
146247574Revolution of 1905People wanted to match economic progress with political progress. Nationalism, workers, peasants and the army away in Machuria. Began with Bloody Sunday. Ended with the October Manifesto
146247575Russo-Japanese WarFebruary 1904 War between newly open Japan and Russia in which Russia lost due to a lack of railways and outdated guns. Caused the Revolution of 1905
146247576October Manifestogranted fill civil rights and promised a popularly elected Duma with real power in Russia. Ended the Revolution of 1905
146247577Fundamental Lawsnew constitution in Russia, 1906.
146247578Peter StolypinRussian chief minister who changed the electoral laws of the Duma. Tried to encourage enterprising peasants.
146247579Reichstagpopularly elected German lower house.
146247580KulturkampfStruggle against the Catholic Church by Bismarck. Failed.
146247581William IISecond German Emperor, forced Bismarck to resign when Bismarck tried to renew the law banning the Socialism Democratic Party.
146247582Adolphe TheirsLeader of the national assembly. French
146258239Leon GambettaFrench politician from a humble background with great eloquence who helped establish Parliamentary supremacy
146258240Jules Ferryunder his leadership small towns and villages established free compulsory school for boys and girls as well as public tax supported schools. French
146258241John Stuart Millwanted to safeguard individual differences and unpopular opinion. English
146258242Disraeliextended the right to vote to all middle-class males and the best-paid workers. English
146258243Third Reform Bill of 1884gave almost every male the right to vote in England
146258244People's budgetdesigned to increase spending on social welfare services in England.
146258245UlsteritesProtestant Irishmen who wished to remain so. Centered in Ulster
146258246Zionismbelief in the creation of a Jewish state
146258247Revisionismeffort to modernize Marxian documents

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