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Chapter 26 Vocabulary Flashcards

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155083722Abdul HamidOttoman sultan who attempted to return to despotic absolutism during reign from 1878 to 1908; nullified constitution and restricted civil liberties; deposed in coup in 19080
155083723Ahmad OrabiStudent of Muhammad Abduh; led revolt in 1882 against Turkish influence in Egyptian army; forced khedive to call on British army for support1
155083724al-AfghaniMuslim thinker at the end of the 19th century; stressed need for adoption of Western scientific learning and technology; recognized importance of tradition of rational inquiry2
155083725Muhammad AbduhDisciple of al-Afghani; Muslim thinker at end of 19th century; stressed need for adoption of Western scientific learning and technology, recognized importance of tradition of rational inquiry3
155083726Boxer RebellionPopular outburst in 1898 aimed at expelling foreigners from China; failed because of intervention of armies of Western powers in China; defeat of Chinese enhanced control by Europeans and the power of provincial officials4
155083727CixiUltraconservative dowager empress who dominated the last decades of the Qing dynasty; supported Boxer Rebellion in 1898 as a means of driving out Westerners5
155083728compradorsWealthy new group of Chinese merchants under the Qing dynasty; specialized in the import-export trade on China's south coast; one of the major links between China and the outside world.6
155083729KangxiConfucian scholar and Manchu emperor of Qing dynasty from 1661 to 1722; established high degree of Sintification among the Manchus7
155083730Khalifa AbdallahiSuccessor of Muhammad Achmad as leader of Mahdists in Sudan; established state in Sudan; defeated by British General Kitchener in 15988
155083731khedivesDescendants of Muhammad Ali in Egypt after 1867; formal rulers of Egypt despite French and English intervention until overthrown by military coup in 19529
155083732Lin ZexuDistinguished Chinese official during the early 19th century; charged with stamping out the opium trade in southern China; ordered blockade of European trading areas in Canton and confiscation of opium; sent into exile following the Opium War10
155083733Mahdi Muhammad AchmadHead of a Sudanic Sufi brotherhood; claimed descent from Prophet; proclaimed both Egyptians and British as infidels; launched revolt to purge Islam of impurities; took Khartoum in 188311
155083734MameluksMuslim slave warriors; established a dynasty in Egypt; defeated the Mongols at Ain Jalut in 1260 and halted Mongol advance12
155083735Mahmud IIOttoman sultan; built a private, professional army; fomented revolution of Janissaries and crushed them with private army; destroyed power of Janissaries and their religious allies; initiated reform of Ottoman Empire on Western precedents13
155083736NurhaciArchitect of Manchu unity; created distinctive Manchu banner armies; controlled most of Manchuria; adopted Chinese bureaucracy and court ceremonies in Manchuria; entered China and successfully captured Ming capital at Beijing14
155083737Opium WarFought between the British and Qing China beginning in 1839; fought to protect British trade in opium; resulted in resounding British victory, opening of Hong Kong as British port of trade15
155083738PuyiLast emperor of China; deposed as emperor while still a small boy in 191216
155083739Selim IIISultan who ruled Ottoman Empire from 1789 to 1807; aimed at improving administrative efficiency and building a new army and navy; toppled by Janissaries in 180717
155083740Suez CanalBuilt across Isthmus of Suez to connect Mediterranean Sea with Red Sea in 1869; financed by European investors; with increasing indebtedness of khedives, permitted intervention of British into Egyptian politics to protect their investment18
155083741Taiping rebellionBroke out in south China in the 1850s and early 1860s; led by Hong Xiuquan, a semi-Christianized prophet; sought to overthrow Qing dynasty and Confucian basis of scholar-gentry19
155083742Tanzimat reformsSeries of reforms in Ottoman Empire between 1839 and 1876; established Westernstyle university, state postal system, railways, extensive legal reforms; resulted in creation of new constitution in 187620
155083743Muhammad AliWon power struggle in Egypt following fall of Mamluks; established mastery of all of Egypt by 1811; introduced effective army based on Western tactics and supply and a variety of other reforms; by 1830s was able to challenge Ottoman government in Constantinople; died in 184821
155083744Young TurksOttoman Turkish intellects who were determined to restore the 1876 constitution and resume far-reaching reforms within the empire; they overthrew the sultan but could not bring themselves to give up the empire ruled by Turks for over 600 years but stopped when World War I began22

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