372538652 | How did Alfred Thayer Mahan Promote American overseas expansion? | Arguing that domination of the seas through naval power was the key to world domination. | |
372538653 | What were some factors that propelled America toward overseas expansion in the 1980's? | The desire to expand overseas agricultural and manufacturing exports, the need to find new African and Asian source of raw materials for American Industry | |
372538654 | Why did president Grover Cleveland refuse to annex Hawaii? | White planters had illegally overthrown Queen Liluokalani against the wishes of most native Hawaiians. | |
372538655 | Why did America first become concerned with the situation in Cuba? | Americans sympathized with Cuban rebels in their fight for freedom from spanish rule. | |
372538656 | Before the sinking of the U.S.S. Maine, why was the American public's indignation towards Spain so prominent? | William Randolph Hearst's sensational newspaper accounts of Spanish atrocities in Cuba | |
372538657 | Even after the Maine exploded, why did the United States not immediately declare war on Cuba? | President McKinley was reluctant to get into a war | |
372538659 | What were the main colonial territories that the United States acquired in the Spanish-American War? | The Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and the Phillipines | |
372538660 | On what did President William McKinley base his decision to make the Philippines an American colony? | The belief that the Phillipines would be the first step toward an American empire in Chine | |
372538661 | What were some arguments that pro-imperialist Americans used for why the Phillipines should be seized? | Patriotism, Religion, and Economic Opportunities | |
372538662 | What was the most immediate consequence of American acquisition of the Philippines? | A guerrilla war between United States and Filipino Rebels | |
372538663 | In the Open Door notes, what did the Secretary of State John Hay called on the imperial powers to do? | Respect Chinese rights and permit economic competition in their spheres of influence | |
372538664 | As President, what gained Theodore Roosevelt political strength? | His personal popularity with the public and his belief in direct action | |
372538665 | How did Roosevelt overcome Columbia's refusal to approve canal treaty? | He encouraged Panamanian rebels to revolt and declare independence from Columbia | |
372538666 | What was Theodore Roosevelt's slogan that stated his essential foreign policy principle? | "Speak softly and carry a big stick" | |
372538667 | What is a remote pacific site of a naval clash between the United States and Germany in 1889? | Samoan Islands | |
372538668 | What is the South American nation that nearly came to blows with the United States in 1892 over an incident involving the deaths of American sailors? | Chile | |
372538669 | What is the term for the sensationalistic and jingoistic pro-war journalism practiced by W. R. Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer? | Yellow Journalism | |
372538670 | What is the American battleship sent on a "friendly" visit to Cuba that ended in disaster and War? | U.S.S. Maine | |
372538671 | What is the site of the dramatic American naval victory that led to U.S. acquisition of rich, Spanish-owned Pacific islands? | Manila Harbor | |
372852383 | What is the colorful volunteer regiment of the Spanish-American War led by an inexperienced but politically influential colonel? | Rough Riders | |
372852387 | What is the Carribean island conquered from Spain in 1898 that became an important American colony? | Puerto Rico | |
372852391 | What is the Supreme Court cases of 1901 that determined that the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights did not apply in colonial territories under the American flag? | Insular Cases | |
372852394 | What is John Hay's clever diplomatic efforts to preserve Chinese territorial integrity and maintain American access to China? | Open Door Policy | |
372852398 | What is the anti-foreign Chinese revolt of 1900 that brought military intervention by Western troops, including Americans called? | Boxer Rebellion | |
372852400 | What is the diplomatic agreement of 1901 that permitted the United States to build and fortify a Central American canal alone, without British involvement, called? | Hay-Pauncetote Treaty | |
372852403 | What is the name of the nation whose senate in 1902 refused to ratify a treaty permitting the United States ti build a canal across its territory? | Columbia | |
372852407 | What is the name of the questionable extension of a traditional American policy; declared an American right to intervene in Latin American nations under certain circumstances? | Roosevelt Corollary | |
372852410 | What is the name of the diplomatic understanding of 1907-1908 that ended a Japanese American crisis over treatment of Japenese immigrants to the U.S? | Gentleman's Agreement | |
372852413 | What is the name of the imperialist advocate, an aggressive assistant navy secretary, Rough Rider? | Theodore Roosevelt | |
372852416 | What is the name of the Harvard philosopher and one of the leading anti-imperialists opposing U.S. acquisition of the Philippines? | William James | |
372852419 | What is the name of the Spanish general whose brutal tactics against Cuban rebels outraged American public opinion? | "Butcher" Weyler | |
372852421 | What is the name of the Native Hawaiian ruler overthrown in a revolution led by white planters and aided by U.S. troops? | Queen Liliuokalani | |
372852426 | What is the name of the scheming French engineer wo helped stage a revolution in Panama and then became the country's new "instant" foreign minister? | Philippe Bunau Varilla | |
372852429 | What is the name of the American naval officer who wrote influential books emphasizing sea power and advocating a big navy? | Alfred Thayer Mahan | |
372852432 | What is the name of the naval commander whose spectacular May Day victory in 1898 opened the doors to American imperialism in Asia? | George E. Dewey | |
372852435 | What is the name of the vigorous promoter of sensationalistic anti-Spanish propaganda and eager advocate of imperialistic war? | William R. Hearst | |
372852437 | What is the name of the New York politician who successfully schemed to get TR out of New York and into the vice presidency in Washington? | Thomas Platt | |
372852439 | What is the name of the American clergyman who preached Anglo-Saxon superiority and called for stronger U.S. missionary effort overseas? | Josiah Strong | |
373096330 | What is the name of the President who initially opposed war with Spain but eventually supported U.S. acquisition of the Philippines? | William McKinley | |
373096331 | What is the name of the leading Democratic politician whose intervention narrowly tipped the Senate vote in favor of acquiring the Philippines in 1899? | William Jennings Bryan | |
373096332 | What is the name of the American president who refused to annex Hawaii on the grounds that the native ruler had been unjustly deposed? | Grover Cleveland | |
373096333 | What is the name of the American Secretary of state who attempted to preserve Chinese independence and protect American interests in China? | John Hay | |
373096334 | What prompted the "nation's ambition for overseas expansion"? | Many developments such as farmers and factory owners looking beyond American shores for markers when the agricultural and industrial production boomed. | |
373096335 | What role did religion play in overseas epansion? | Pious missionaries wanted to spread their religion to the world. | |
373096336 | How did Alfred Thayer Mahan's book "The Influence of Sea Power upon History" affect the nation's drive to build an empire? | He argued that control of the sea was key to world dominance. | |
373096337 | What were the major causes of diplomatic crises in 1880s and 1890s? | The American and German navies nearly came to blows, the lynching of eleven Italians brought Italy and U.S. nearly to war, and Americans demand for retribution for the death of two sailors at Chile. | |
373096338 | Through out the 1800s, the Hawaiian Islands came to serve multiple purposes for Americans. What were they? | Vacation spots, laborers, good for sugar cane, and products/goods were cheaply made. | |
373096339 | Why did the population of the islands become largely Asian? | Once the Hawaiians started to die off as laborer, the white industrialists replaced them with Asians. | |
373096340 | Why were the American planters so motivated to arrange for the annexation of Hawaii by the U.S.? | So that they could work around the McKinley Tariff and import cheap goods. | |
373096341 | Why did the move to annex the islands fail? | Grover Cleveland came into power when Harrison's term ended and he felt that they had wronged the Hawaiians. | |
373096342 | Why were Americans concerned when Cuba's masses revolted against the Spanish? | The people who revolted torched cane-fields and sugar mills and dynamited passenger trains, and as a result Americans started to lose money. | |
373096343 | How did the American media respond to the atrocities committed by the Spanish against the Cuban people? | They wrote about them and exxaggerated the stories to a point where it was untrue. | |
373096344 | Why did the U.S. send the Maine to Cuba in 1898? | To protect and evacuate Americans if a flare-up should occur. | |
373096345 | How did the nation respond when the Maine exploded, killing 260 American sailors? | The nation was appalled by the Spanish rulers in Cuba and demanded for war. | |
373096346 | What was President McKinley's war message to Congress on April 11, 1898? | That America would use armed intervention t free the oppressed cubans. | |
373096347 | What was the Teller Amendment? | That once the U.S. had overthrown Spanish rule in Cuba it would give the Cubans their freedom. | |
373096348 | As Secretary to the Navy, what were Theodore Roosevelt's orders to Commodore George Dewey in February 1898? | To descend on Spain's Philippines in the distant war. | |
373096349 | Why did Dewey become a "national hero" overnight? | He successfully carried out his ordered and destroyed an entire fleet of Spaniard ships, without a single loss of American Life. | |
373096350 | Why did the U.S. hurry to annex the Hawaiian Islands in July of 1898? | They were scared Japan might take the island while they where busy with war. | |
373096351 | What challenges did the invading American army face before heading into battle in Cuba? | They were unequipped for war in the tropics and were prepared for war with indians instead. | |
373096352 | Who were the Rough Riders? | A regiment of volunteers that were mostly ex-convicts and ex-polo players. | |
373096353 | What was the outcome of the American invasion of Cuba and Puerto Rico? | They met little resistance in Cuba and with help from their regiments, the Spaniards didn't have a chance. Four-hundred lost their lives to bullets and five-thousands to disease in Puerto Rico, however it was eventually taken over. | |
373096354 | What did the U.S. gain after meeting with the Spanish at Paris in late 1898? | They had the islands of Cuba, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. However, the U.S. had to purchase the for 120 million. | |
373096355 | What were President McKinley's concerns regarding the Philippine Islands? | They couldn't give it back to Spain, they didn't want the responsibility for so many new people, but they knew if they just left the citizens might fall into anarchy. | |
373096356 | Why were some Americans in favor of the idea of acquiring the Philippines as a colony? | That wanted the manual labor and goods of the Phillips and felt like it was their duty to Christianize them. | |
373096357 | Why were other Americans opposed to the idea of acquiring the Philippines as a colony? | The annex would violate the "consent of the governed" ideology of the constitution; imperialism was costly and would hardly turn a profit; annexation would propel the U.S. into the political and military mess of East Asia. | |
373096358 | Briefly summarize the relationship and interactions that the U.S. and Puerto Rico had in the early 1900s. | Congress granted U.S. citizenship to Puerto Ricos but withheld full self-rule. | |
373096359 | In what ways did the U.S. successfully help the people of Cuba? | They made improvements in education, sanitation, and transportation. | |
373096360 | Although the U.S. withdrew from Cuba in 1902, the Cubans were forced to include int he new constitution the Platt Amendment. What did the Platt Amendment require of Cubans? | That the Cubans were forced to not conclude treaties that might compromise their independence, not to take on debt beyond their resources, and that U.S. can intervene when it saw fit. | |
373096361 | What impacts did victory have in the Spanish-American War have on Americans | The U.S. was officially treated as a world power and European countries started to treat them with more respect. It also further closed the chasm between the North and South of America. | |
373096362 | How did the people of the Philippines respond to America's decision to stay in the islands indefinitely? | They assumed that they would be granted independence after the war and felt better towards the U.S. for deceiving them. | |
373096363 | What was the outcome of the war in the Philippines? | The Philippines lost the war to the U.S. despite their tactics for guerila warfare. | |
373096364 | What improvements did U.S. dollars make in the Philippines? | They poured millions of dollars into improving roads, sanitation, public health, economics, school systems, and trades in sugar. |
Chapter 27: Empire and Expansion Flashcards
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