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Chapter 27 Flashcards

Tradition and Change in East Asia

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282177046Ming DynastyRestored native rule to China Brilliant dynasty Hongwu drove mongols out and rebuilt state0
282177047MandarinImperial officials who traveled throughout the land and oversaw implementation of government policy1
282177048Forbidden CityA vast imperial enclave in Beijing and received news about the outside world from eunuch servants and administrators2
282177049Qing DynastyThe pure dynasty after Ming dynasty Rose when Manchus moved to China3
282177050ManchuPastoral nomads from lands directly north of the Great Wall, who turned to agriculture in the very fertile region of southern manchuria4
282177051Son of HeavenDerived from Mandate of Heaven The human being designated by heavenly powers to maintain order in the earth-the Chinese Emperor5
282177052Scholar-BureaucratsCame from a class of well-educated and highly literate men known as the scholar-gentry Dominated China's political and social life6
282177053Filial PietyDuties of children of children toward their fathers and loyalty of subjects to the emperor7
282177054Foot BindingBinding of feet so they would not grow (only women) Their size was originally meant to erotically arouse men Widespread in wealthy classes8
282177055ShogunMilitary governor who ruled Japan from 1200-16009
282177056DaimyoA japanese feudal lord who commanded a private army of samurai Had to keep family in Edo (Tokyo) and spend every other year in the Tokugawa court10
282177057TokugawaMilitary government started with Ieyasu Dynasty after "country at war" Ended in 186711
282177058Floating WorldsUkiyo Entertainment and pleasure quarters: teahouses, theaters, brothels and public baths12
282177059KabukiA form of drama which featured several acts consisting of lively and sometimes bawdy skits where styled acting combined with lyric singing, dancing and spectacular staging13

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