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Chapter 27 Vocabulary Flashcards

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330100568Holy AllianceAlliance among Russia, Prussia, and Austria in defense of religion and the established order; formed at Congress of Vienna by most conservative monarchies of Europe.0
330100569Decembrist UprisingPolitical revolt in Russia in 1825; led by middle-level army officers who advocated reforms; put down by Tsar Nicholas I.1
330100570Crimean WarWar bewteen the Ottoman Empire and Russia from 1853 to 1856. Britain and France supported the OE so that the Eastern Question wouldn't have to be answered. Russia loses.2
330100571Emancipation of the serfsTsar Alexander II ended rigorous serfdom in Russia in 1861; serfs obtained no political rights; required to stay in villages until they could repay aristocracy for land.3
330100572zemstvoesLocal political councils created as part of Alexander II's reforms; gave the middle class professional experience in government but did not influence national policy.4
330100573Trans-Siberian RailroadConstructed in 1870s to connect European Russia with the Pacific; completed by the end of the 1880s; brought Russia into a more active Asian role.5
330100574Sergei WitteRussian minister of finance from 1892 to 1903; economic modernizer responsible for high tariffs, improved banking system; encouraged Western investors to build factories in Russia.6
330100575IntelligentsiaRussian term for articulate intellectuals as a class; desired radical change in the Russian political and economic systems; wished to maintain a Russian culture distinct from that of the West7
330100576AnarchistsPolitical groups that sought the abolition of all formal government; particularly prevalent in Russia; opposed tsarist autocracy; eventually became a terrorist movement responsible for assassination of Alexander II in 18818
330100577BolsheviksLiterally, the majority party; the most radical branch of the Russian Marxist movement; led by V.I. Lenin and dedicated to his concept of social revolution; actually a minority in the Russian Marxist political scheme until its triumph in the 1917 revolution.9
330100578Vladimir Ilyich UlyanovBetter known as Lenin; most active Russian Marxist leader; insisted on importance of disciplined revolutionary cells; leader of Bolshevik revolution of 191710
330100579Russo-Japanese War1904-05 war between Russia and Japan over imperial influence and territory in Manchuria; Japan won and gained Manchuria and Port Arthur11
330100580DumaNational parliament created in Russia in the aftermath of the revolution of 1905; progressively stripped of power during the reign of Tsar Nicholas II; failed to forestall further revolution.12
330100581Stolypin ReformsReforms introduced by the Russian minister Stolypin intended to placate the peasantry in the aftermath of the Revolution of 1905; included reduction in redemption payments, attempt to create market-oriented peasantry.13
330100582KulaksRich peasants in the Russian Empire who owned larger farms and used hired labour. They were their own class.14
330100583TerakoyaCommoner schools founded during the Tokugawa shogunate to teach reading, writing, and Confucian rudiments; by the middle of the 19th century resulted in the highest literacy rate outside of the West, about 40% for Japanese Males.15
330100584Dutch StudiesGroup of Japanese scholars interested in implications of Western science and technology beginning in the 18th century; urged freer exchange with West; based studies on few Dutch texts available in Japan.16
330100585Matthew PerryAn American commodore in the navy, who made a couple trips to Japan. He forced the opening of Japan to western trade, and prompted a revolution against the shogunate. It also foreshadowed later American imperialistic foreign policy.17
330100586ZaibatsuHuge industrial combines created in Japan in the 1890s as part of the Meiji Reforms as part of the process of industrialization18
330100587Sino-Japanese WarWar fought between Japan and Qing China between 1894 and 1895; resulted in Japanese victory; frustrated Japanese imperial aims because of Western insistence that Japan withdraw from Liaodong peninsula.19

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