Ch. 32 AP World History The Earth and Its Peoples
377123272 | Proxy Wars | Local or regional wars in which the superpowers armed, trained, and financed the combatants (ex: Vietnam, Afganistan, Cuba, etc) | 0 | |
377123273 | Salvador Allende | Socialist politician elected president of Chile in 1970 and overthrown in 1973 by the military. He died during the military attack. | 1 | |
377123274 | Dirty War | War waged by the Argentine military againts leftist groups. The military illegally imprisoned, tortured, and executed many. | 2 | |
377123275 | Sandinistas | Members of a leftist coalition that overthrew the Nicaraguan dictatorship and attempted to install a socialist economy. The U.S. financed armed opposition by the Contras. | 3 | |
377123276 | Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini | Shi'ite philosopher and cleric who led the overthrown of the shah of Iran and created an Islamic republic. | 4 | |
377123277 | Neo-liberalism | term used in Latin America and other developing regions to describe free-market policies that include reducing tariff protection for local industries, the sale of public-sector industries to private investors, and the reduction of social welfare policies and public-sector employment. | 5 | |
377123278 | Saddam Husain | President of Iraq until overthrown by an American invasion in 2003. He had previously waged waged war on Iran and attempted to invade Kuwait. | 6 | |
377123279 | Keiretsu | Alliances of corporations and banks that dominate the Japanese economy. | 7 | |
377123280 | Asian Tigers | Collective name from South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore nations that became economic powers in the 1970/80's | 8 | |
377123281 | Newly Industrialized Economies | Rapidly growing, new industrial nations of the late 20th century, including the Asian Tigers. | 9 | |
377123282 | Deng Xiaoping | Communist party leader who forced Chinese economic reforms after the death of Mao Zedong | 10 | |
377123283 | Tiananmen Square | Site in Beijing where Chinese students and workers gathered to demand greater political openness. This was crushed by the Chinese military with GREAT loss of life. | 11 | |
377123284 | Mikhail Gorbachev | Head of Soviet Union who liberalization efforts improved relations with the West. He lost power after his reforms led to the collapse of the communist governments in Eastern Europe. | 12 | |
377123285 | Perestroika | policy of "restructuring" that was the center piece of Gorbachev's efforts to liberalize communism in the Soviet Union | 13 | |
377123286 | Solidarity | Polish trade union created in 1980 to protest working conditions and political repression. Their nationalist opposition to communist rule led to the fall of communism in Eastern Europe. | 14 | |
377123287 | Ethnic Cleansing | Effort to eradicate a people and its culture by means of mass killing and destruction of historical building and cultural materials. Used by both sides in the conflicts that accompanied the disintegration of Yugoslavia in the 1990's | 15 | |
377123288 | Thomas Malthus | 18th century English intellectual who warned that population growth threatened future generations. Too many people, too little food/water | 16 | |
377123289 | Demographic Transition | Change in rates of population growth. | 17 | |
377123290 | Globalization | The trend toward increased cultural and economic connectedness between people, businesses, and organizations throughout the world. | 18 | |
377123291 | Glastnost | Program leading to increased freedom of expression under Mikhail Gorbachev. | 19 | |
377123292 | Islamic Revolution | A resurgence of Islamic fundamentalism after decades of "Westernization" resulted in economic troubles for the country, and also societal boons such as more hospitals, schools, and libraries | 20 |