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Chapter 36 Flashcards

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58983480Albert Einsteinis a German physicist who developed the theory of relativity, which states that there is no single spatial and chronological framework and that time, space, and mass are relative to the observer.0
58983481Sigmund Freudwas an Austrian neurologist who originated psychoanalysis and said that human behavior is irrational. He believed that dreams held the key to the deepest revesses of the human psyche. He claimed to have discovered a so-called Oedipus complex in which male shildren develop an erotic attatchment to their mother and hostility toward their father.1
58983482Pablo Picassowas the leading proponent of cubism and his art displayed the influence of African art forms.2
58983483Getulio Vargaswas the dictator-president of Brazil who overthrew the government and created Estado Novo ("New State). He emphasized industrialization and helped the urban poor but did little to alleviate the problems of the peasants.3
58983484John Maynard Keyneswas the most influencial economist of the twentieth century. His seminal works of "The General Theory of Employment", "Interest", and "Money" was his answer to the central problem of the depression that millions of people who were willing to work could not find employment. He came up with a brilliant plan to stimulate the economy by governments o increase the money supply.4
58983485Franklin Delano Rooseveltwas the 32nd U.S. President. He was the only president to serve more than 2 terms. (He served 4) His proposals for dealing with the national calamity which swept economic and social reforms were called the New Deal. The New Deal protected the social and economic welfare of the American people during the Great Depression.5
58983486Joseph Stalinwas the general secretary of the Communist Part of the Soviet Union. His Five-Year Plan brought success to the Soviet Union during the Great Depression . Though controversial, he made Communism seem like a viable alternative.6
58983487Benito Mussoliniwas a fascist who seized power in Italy and forma=ed a fascist government that abolished free speech; He intergrated anti-Semetic policies shortly before making a Pact of Steel with Hitler's Nazi Germany7
58983488Adolf HitlerBorn in Austria, Hitler became a radical German nationalist during World War I. He led the Nazi Party in the 1920s and became dictator of Germany in 1933. He led Europe into World War II. He persecuted thousands of Jews with anti-Semetic policies; He outlawed all other political parties.8
58983489Mohandas Gandhiwas a pacifisti leader in the movement for Indian independence; he fought against racial prejudice against Indians, advocated civil disobedience, equal rights, no caste system, led salt march and other protest; His passive resistance and nonviolence overthrew British rule.9
58983490Muhammad Ali Jinnaha lawyer; He felt that a unified India was impossible to reach and it is better of being split.10
58983491Mao Zedongwas a former teacher and librarian who viewed a Marxist-inspired social revolution as the cure for China's problems. He was a member of the Chinese Communist Party.11
58983492Jiang JieshiHe launched the Northern Expedition that unified China and brought it under Guomindang rule.12
58983493Uncertainty PrincipleThe idea that we know nothing for certain and all we know is possibilities, probabilities, and tendencies. Put forth by German physicist Heisenberg.13
58983494Psychoanalysiswas Sigmund Freud's theories about the link between dreams and the subconscious mind14
58986476Bauhausis a community of innorators that created the famous glass box skyscrappers15
58986477Smoot-Hawley Tariffwas a tariff passed by U.S Congress that resulted in other nations raising tariffs on U.S. imports which hurt production and income16
58986478New Dealwas Franklin Roosevelt's economic reform program designed to solve the problems of the Great Depression17
58986479New Economic Programwas a policy which was implemented by Lenin that restored the maeket economy18
58986480Five-Year Planwas Joseph Stalin's economic plan that increased production and replaced the New Economic Policies19
58986481Collectivizationthis forced peasants onto government run farms that resulted in the starvation of at least 3 million people20
58986482Fascisma political system headed by a dictator that calls for extreme nationalism and racism and no tolerance of opposition21
58986483National Socialisma.k.a. Nazism; it eliminated other parties and persected Jews22
58986484Weimar RepublicWas the democratic government which ruled over Germany form 1919 to 1933. Was Germany's first democracy and it failed after the Nazis came and overthrew it for arresting Adolf Hitler23
58986485Mein Kampfwas the book written by Hitler that was used as the Nazi Bible; meaning "My Struggle"24
58986486KristallnachtNight of Broken Glass, Nov 9 1938 night when the Nazis killed or injured just about 100,000 jews & destroyed many jewish properties25
58986487Ahimsaa Buddhist and Hindu and especially Jainist doctrine holding that all forms of life are sacred and urging the avoidance of violence26
58986488India Actwas the act which gave India tghe istutions of a self-governing state27
58986489Chinese Communist Partywas a party of Chinese anti- imperialists organized and led by Mao Zedong28
58986490Long Marchwas a 10,000 km journey held by Mau Zedong where Chinese communists fled from Nanjing China to Yan'an.29
58986676Eugenicsscience dealing with improving the hereditary qualities of the human race30
58986677Nuremberg Lawswere established legal basis in Nazi Germany for discrimination against Jews.31

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