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chapter 38 Flashcards

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149206538Bay of PigsFailed 1961 CIA-sponsored invasion of Cuba.0
149206539Berlin AirliftAmerican and British response to the Berlin blockade (1948-1949) in which supplies were airlifted into the city.1
149206540Berlin BlockadeSoviet effort (1948-1949) to choke West Berlin into submission through the closing of roads and trains into Berlin.2
149206541Berlin WallBarrier of barbed wire constructed by the Soviets between East and West Berlin (1961) intended to stop the flow of refugees from East to West Germany.3
149206542Brezhnev DoctrinePolicy developed by Leonid Brezhnev (1906-1982) that claimed for the Soviet Union the right to invade any socialist country faced with internal or external enemies; the doctrine was best expressed in Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia.4
149206543COMECONThe Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, which offered increased trade within the Soviet Union and eastern Europe; it was the Soviet alternative to the United States' Marshall Plan.5
149206544ContainmentConcept associated with the United States and specifically with the Truman Doctrine during the Cold War that revolved around the notion that the United States would contain the spread of communism.6
149206545Cuban Missile CrisisStandoff between Soviet Union and United States in 1962 over Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba. Following blockade by President Kennedy, Khrushchev agrees to remove the missiles.7
149206546De-StalinizationA brief trend following Stalin's 1953 death where many political prisoners were released and censorship was relaxed.8
149206547DĂ©tenteA reduction in Cold War tension between the United States and the Soviet Union from 1969 to 1973.9
149206548Five-year plansFirst implemented by Stalin in the Soviet Union in 1928; five-year plans were a staple of communist regimes in which every aspect of production was determined in advance for a five-year period; five-year plans were opposite of the free market concept.10
149206549GlasnostRussian term meaning "openness" introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985 to describe the process of opening Soviet society to dissidents and public criticism.11
149206550Korean WarConflict from 1951 to 1953 during which U.S. and UN troops battle North Korean and later Chinese troops, eventually agreeing to a border between North and South Korea at the 38th parallel.12
149206551Marshall PlanU.S. plan, officially called the European Recovery Program, that offered financial and other economic aid to all European states that had suffered from World War II, including Soviet bloc states.13
149206552Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)Term signifying the ability of the Soviet Union and the United States to destroy each other in a nuclear war.14
149206553NATOThe North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which was established by the United States in 1949 as a regional military alliance against Soviet expansionism.15
149206554PerestroikaRestructuring, a Russian term associated with Gorbachev's effort to reorganize the Soviet state.16
149206555Prague SpringLiberal movement in Czechoslovakia that was crushed in 1968 by Soviet and east European forces.17
149206556RealpolitikThe Prussian Otto von Bismarck's "politics of reality," the belief that only the willingness to use force would actually bring about change.18
149206557SEATOSoutheast Asian counterpart of NATO.19
149206558SovietsRussian elected councils that originated as strike committees during the 1905 St. Petersburg disorders; they represented a form of local self-government that went on to become the primary unit of government in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The term was also used during the cold war to designate the Soviet Union.20
149206559SputnikFirst satellite, launched by the Soviet Union in 1957.21
149206560Strategic Arms Limitations Talk (SALT)Agreement in 1972 between the United States and the Soviet Union.22
149206561Truman DoctrineInterventionist policy of the United States to contain communism and support "free peoples resisting subjugation."23
149206562United Nations (UN)Successor to the League of Nations, an association of sovereign nations that attempts to find solutions to global problems.24
149206563Velvet revolutionA term that describes the nonviolent transfer of power in Czechoslovakia during the collapse of Soviet rule.25
149206564Warsaw PactWarsaw Treaty Organization, a military alliance formed by Soviet bloc nations in 1955 in response to rearmament of West Germany and its inclusion in NATO.26

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