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Chapter 3 Flashcards

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114603997Alexander the Greatsuccessor of Philip II; successfully conquered Persian Empire prior to his death in 323 BCE; attempted to combine Greek and Persian cultures0
114603998AryansIndo European nomadic pastoralists who replaced Harappan civilization; militarized society1
114603999Mauryan Dynastydynasty established in Indian subcontinent in 4th century BCE following invasion by Alexander the Great2
114604000AshokaGrandson of Chandragupta Maurya; completed conquests of Indian subcontinent; converted to Buddhism and sponsored spread of new religion throughout his empire3
114604001caste systemrigid system of social classification first introduced into Indian subcontinent by Aryans4
114604002Hinduisma religion of India that emphasizes freedom from the material world through purification of desires and elimination of personal identity; Hindu beliefs include reincarnation5
114604003Buddhisma religion, founded by the Buddha, that emphasizes physical and spiritual discipline as a means of liberation from the physical world; the goal for the Buddhist is to attain nirvana, a state of complete peace in which one if free from the distraction of desire and self-consciousness; Buddhists are found in the greatest numbers in eastern Asia6
114604004untouchableslow social caste in Hindu culture; performed tasks that were considered polluting- street sweeping, removal of human waste, and tanning7
114604005Ramayanaone of the great epic tales from classical India; traces adventures of King Rama and his wife, Sita; written 4th to 2nd centuries8
114604006gurusoriginally referred to as Brahmans who served as teachers for the princes of the imperial court of the Guptas9
114604007dharmathe caste position and career determined by a person's birth; Hindu culture required that one accept one's social position and perform occupation to the best of one's ability in order to have a better situation in the next life10
114604008Upanishadslater books of the Vedas; contained sophisticated and sublime philosophical ideas; utilized by Brahmans to restore religious authority11
114604009karmathe sum of merits accumulated by a soul at any given point in time; determined the caste to which the soul would be assigned in the next life12
114604010MahabharataIndian epic of war, princely honor, love, and social duty; written down in the last centuries BCE; previously handed down in oral form13
114604011reincarnationthe successive attachment of the soul to some animate form according to merits earned in previous lives14
114604012nirvanathe Buddhist state of enlightenment, a state of tranquility15
114604013GuptasDynasty that succeeded the Kushans in the 3rd century CE; built empire that extended to all but the southern regions of Indian subcontinent; less centralized than Mauryan Empire16
114604014Sanskritthe sacred and classical Indian language17
114604015Buddhacreator of a major Indian and Asian religion; born in 6th century BCE as son of local ruler among Aryan tribes located near Himalayas; became an ascetic; found enlightenment under bo tree; taught that enlightenment could be achieved only by abandoning desires for all earthly things18
114604016Chandragupta Maurya(332-298 BCE) founder of Maurya dynasty; established first empire in Indian subcontinent; first centralized government since Harappan civilization19
114604017Himalayasmountain region marking the northern border of the Indian subcontinent; site of the Aryan settlements that formed small kingdoms of warrior republics20
114604018monsoonsseasonal winds crossing Indian subcontinent and southeast Asia; during summer bring rains21
114604019VedasAryan hymns originally transmitted orally but written down in sacred books from the 6th century BCE22
114604020Varnasclusters of caste groups in Aryan society; four social castes- Brahmans (priests), warriors, merchants, and peasants; beneath four Aryan castes was group of socially untouchable Dasas23
114604021Kushansdynasty that succeeded the Mauryas in northwestern India; sponsors of Buddhism; empire did not extend to Ganges River valley24
114604022Bhadavad Gitaa portion of the sacred books of Hinduism; the name means "the song of God"; It contains a discussion between the deity Krishna and the Indian hero Arjuna on human nature and human purpose25

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