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Chapter 4-Imperialism Flashcards


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257967208Social Darwinismusing survival of the fittest as justification to imperialistic countries0
257967209Berlin ConferenceOtto von Bismarck called a meeting of European powers to divide up Africa1
257967210New Imperialism19th- early 20th century Western Powers' conquests over other countries2
257967211"White Man's Burden"God sanctioned duty to make other countries as close to the white image as possible3
257967212protectorateOwn Government but the general policies are decided by the parent country4
257967214hegemonyone state dominates its allies6
257967215paternalismcontrolled in a fatherly way for one's own good7
257967216assimilationmixing cultures8
257967217indigenousthe group/object/thing/stuff already in a particular place; indigenous population9
261799037nationalismpride for one's country10
261799038destituteextremely poor; dire circumstances11
261799039indolentlazy; not wanting to work12
261799040faminefood shortage that leads to widespread malnutrition and death13
261799041heathendoes not acknowledge the same god as another ex. Hindu vs. Muslim14
261799042indirect rulelocal rulers have authority but not a lot in a colony15
261799043direct rulethe mother country controls the colony16
261799044extractive colonycolony that revolves around mining ex. silver, diamonds, gold, rubies, emeralds, etc.17
261799045Boer WarDutch vs. Britain for control over South Africa; Dutch fought on the Zulus' side to get Britain out18
261799046Sphere of influenceimperial country controls economy of another19
261799047Creolesdescendants of Spanish BUT born in Latin America20
261799048mestizosNative American + European+procreation= Mestizos21
261799049Monroe DoctrineAmuuricans said no one who is not from the western hemisphere can mess with their affairs22
261799050Panama Canal40mi canal built by Amuuricans to shorten voyages from one side of Amuurica to the other23
261799051Suez Canalcanal that connected the Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea; created a muuuuch shorter journey to India.24
261799052Sepoy MutinyBritish were using pig(sacred Muslim animal) fat on bullets=>Hindus and Muslims soldiers revolting a.k.a. mutiny25
261799053viceroyrep/governor for home country in other occupied countries26
261799054Indian National Congressmovement/political party that wanted greater representation for the Indians with Britain27
261799055Opium WarBritain got Chinese illegally hooked on opium; Chinese wanted Britain to stop giving opium to Chinese people=> China demanded they stop, Britain said no=> war that the Chinese lost28
261799056Tai Ping Rebellionpeasant revolt led by Hong Xiuquan. The goals: give land to peasants,treat women as equal.Got Nanjing. Europeans helped China, stopped rebellion. twenty million killed29
261799057self-strengthening policy3 major principles- Nationalism, Democracy, and Livelihood30
261799058Open Door PolicyEqual trade opportunities in Chyna; proposed by Amuuricans31
261799059Boxer RebellionChinese rebellion against foreign intruders32
261799060Kuomintangor is it Guomindang? anyway....political party founded by Sun Yat-Sen33
261799061King MongkutSiam king; promoted western learning34
261799062Emilio AguinaldoFilipino independence against Spain; He proclaimed the independence in 1899, but smashed and captured by the Amuurican Army in 190135
261799063Rudyard KiplingBritish author; lived in India; wrote "Jungle Book"36
261799064Cecil RhodesBritish money person in South Africa37
261799065Muhammad AliAlbanian soldier for Turkey; made viceroy of Egypt and took control from Ottoman Empire and made Egypt a modern state38
261799066David LivingstoneScottish missionary/explorer; discovered the Zambezi River and Victoria Falls39
261799067Henry StanleyBritish-American explorer; searched for David Livingstone; helped King Leopold II establish the Congo Free State40
261799068Mohandas "Mahatma" Gandhicompletely against violence; supported Indian freedom; on Indian currency41
261799069King Leopold IIRuler of Congo; King of Belgium; complete buttface42
261799070Otto von BismarckPrussian/German; organized Berlin conference43
261799071Sun Yat-Sendedicated to China's restructuring; based party off "3 principles of people"44
261799072Chiang Kai-ShekGeneral/leader of Nationalist China after 1925. succeeded Sun Yat-sen as Guomindang head, he became military dictator; major goal:crush the commi movement led by Mao Zedong45
261799073BoersDutch farmers in Africa46
261799074Zulu"tribe" of Africa; beat British in 1 battle47
261799075Queen Victoriaqueen of Great Britain and Ireland; became ruler of India too...(1819-1901)48
261799076Jose de San Martinhelped liberate Argentina, Chile, Peru from Spain; Fought with Spain against Napoleon49
261799077Simon BolivarVenezuelan who helped revolt against Spain; influenced by the original T. Paine50
261799078Benito JuarezMex. hero; brought reforms:separation of church/state, land distribution to the poor, and educational system for Mexicans everywhere51

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