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Chapter 5-6 Flashcards

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88182409What two religions are growing rapidly in China (not including confucianism)? (Ch. 5)Buddism, Christianity0
88182410Around 500 BEC many new religons and philosophies were being created around the world, what religous activities were taking place or being created in the following areas?China-confusianism, daoism, India-religious writings called upon islands, Persia-zorastrianism, Isreal-Judism, Greece-Religous writing by socrates,plato, aristotle, ect.1
88182411Why did these traditions emerge at about the same time?Social changes, technology, inc. pop.2
88182412What was the age of the warring states and when did it take place? How id the warring states period lead to legalism, confucianism, daoism, ect.Peroid of chaos and violence, (403-221 BCE), Chinese thought older way would restore peace3
88182413What is legalism? Who was the leading legalist philosopher?Hard headed and practical philosophy, Han Feici4
88182414What are the principles of LegalismCaused harsh reunification, essential functions, promote what gov. likes perish the wortthless5
88182415Who should act in the peoples long term interest and why?Rulers and the state because most people only see it one way6
88182416What two groups of people are seen as being the most productive in society?Farmers, soldiers7
88182417What dynasty was inspired by Legalism and helped to reunigy China? What did this dynasty do to help discredit the philosophyShinuangi and win dynasty, its brutality and short reign8
88182418After Legalism was discredited what became the offical ideology of the chinese stateConfucius9
88182419What are the AnalectsConfuciouses teachings and thoughts in a small book10
88182420What is confucainismA body of though (religion of the chinese)11
88182421What is the key to human improvement according to confucianismEducation was the key to moral betterment12
88182422How was Confucianism nonreligousHe did not believe in the life beyond death13
88182423What is DaoismA school associated with Laozi-archivist14
88182424Who were the two men associated with the Daoist faithZhuangzi, Laozi15
88182425Why was the concept of the ying and yang importantBelief of the unity between opposites16
88182426Who was the founder of HinduismHad no founder, it just grew with the India civilization17
88182427What are the UpanishadsA body of sacred text18
88182428The central idea is that the Brahman (the word soul) is the ultimate reality, but what are the other key aspects of this religionBeyond the gods and individual belief lay, a unitary energy or divine reality infusing all things19
88182429What does Buddha mean? What is the central Buddhist teaching?The enlightened one, suffering and then end to suffering20
88182430What are some major elements of hinduism that are present in Buddhist teachingsordinary life is a illusian, karma, rebirth, overcoming ego, meditation21
88182431What are the two groups of BuddhismTherdvada-(teaching of elders) more yosychological than religious principles rather thean belief, search for enlightenment, Mahayara-(great vehicle), Bodhisttaus delayed their enlightenment to assist others, buddah became god, salvation, acts of devotion22
88182432How had hinduism became more popular after the first millenia CE?The masses found it more accesible than the elaborate sacrafices of the Brahmins23
88182433According to the Zoroastrian who will win the struggle between the good (ahura Mazada) and the evil (Angra Mainyu)?Ahura Mazda24
88182434What empires did zoroastrianism flourishEgypt, mesopatamia, anatolia25
88182435Eventually how was Isreal divided? When was each territory conquered and by whom?Northern kingdom- Isreal (assyria 722BC) Southern State- Judah (babylon 586 BC)26
88182436What was unique about the Judean exiles in BabylonThe elite class was shipped off to exile27
88182437Who is Yahweh? What does he demand?Jewish god, demanded exclusive loyalty28
88182438How has Yahweh transformed throughout timefrom a god of war, to a god of social justice29
88182439How was Greek rationalsim able to spread widely?Through different religions (Roman Empire)30
88182440What did the Chinese use to select their officials? How long did the system last? Who did this system favor?They rated officials through a series of examinations, favored the wealthy families, 20th century31
88182441What did the examination system offer?A realm of high privelage and enourmous prestige32
88182442Who was Wang Mang? What were some of the reforms that were created by Wang Mang? What happened to Wang mang and his reforms?A high court official of the Han dynasty, He had the wealthy distrubute there land, gov. loans to peaseants, limits on land, end to private slavery, eventually colapsed due to the fact that it couldnt be enforced33
88182443What are some reasons as to why many of the peasants were barley surviving?Lost land, high taxes, no income, drought, pest, famines, flood, hail34
88182444What were two major reasons for the yellow turban rebellion in 184 CEFlood, Epidemics, (poverty)35
88182445Why did the Chinese cultural elites dislike the merchants?Unproductive, shamefull profit by selling others merchandise36
88182446What is the Caste systemWhere aspects of indian society have been enbodied37
88182447How did the caste systems in India evolve?The encounter of the light and dark skins, and evoled through culture in the Southern Asia Pennesila38
88182448Around 500 BCE there was a clear belief that society was divided into four classes called the _______ and postitons were determined by ____________Varna, Birth39
88182449What were the Aryans called and what does it mean?Twice born, they had physical virth and formal initation into there respected varna40
88182450List and explain each of the three segments of the Aryans in the varnaTop class- Brahmins, Vaisya class- commoners who cultivated land, Ksatriya class- warriors and soldiers41
88182451What was the varna theoryThe four classes were formed by the body of the god purusha and were therfore eternal and chungless42
88182452Who are the untouchables and what jobs did they do?People who did unclean and poluting work (executions) (Cremation) (dealing with the skins of dead animals)43
88182453What is the purpose of the jati? What system did the jati blen in with to create a full caste systemSpecialize occupations, organize guilds that regulated affair, The varna system44
88182454What is Karma? What is dharmaBeing born into a certain caste, Any hop for regirth in a higher caste relied on the faithfulness and selfishness of current caste duties45
88182455Why was it so hard for people to move up and down the caste systen in IndiaThe caste system tightened46
88182456What percentage of the population were slaves in China and who were slaves in this empire?1 percent, convicted criminals47
88182457Who were slaves in IndiaCriminals, Debtors, Prisoners of war48
88182458The greco roman world was a slave society, what was aristotles point of view on slaverySlaves by nature should be inslaved for there own good49
88182459How did people become slaves in the Mediterranean/Western civilizations?Pirates captured them and traded them, they were funneled into italy and sicily50
88182460The most famous slave rebellion was led by whom? What happenedSpartacus led 70 soldiers to freedom51
88182461How were men viewed compared to women and give some examples to prove your answer?They were viewed superior, men owned property and could vote52
88182462According to confucian theory a mans sphere is ___________ and a womens sphere is ____________Political, domesticated53
88182463In the han dynasty what were some examples of how women were not always seen as being subordinate? What roles did allow them some powerWomen were blamed for bad happenings and had little athority54
88182464Who was Empress Wu and why was she improtantA former high ranking concubine in the imperial court, only women to ever rule55
88182465How were women treated in Sparta? WhyThey were treated well with freedom and few restriction, they believed women to be equal and needed for reproduction and raising56

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