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Chapter 6: A Tour of the Cell

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microscope that uses a beam of light passing through one or more lenses to magnify an object
microscope that focuses a beam of electrons through the specimen.
jelly-like membrane in which organelles and other components are found.
cell in which most of DNA is in the nucleus.
cell in which DNA is concentrated in a region called the nucleoid.
region between the nucleus and the plasma membrane.
selective barrier that allows sufficient passage of oxygen, nutrients, and wastes to serve the entire cell.
organelle that contains most of the genes in the eukaryotic cell.
encloses the nucleus, separating its contents from the cytoplasm.
netlike array of protein filaments that maintains shape of the nucleus.
DNA is organized into discrete structures that carry the genetic information.
complex of proteins and DNA; chromosomes are made of these.
structure within the nucleus that synthesizes rRNA.
complexes that carry out protein synthesis.
comprised of all the membranes in a eukaryotic cell.
sacs made of membrane.
synthesis of lipids, metabolism of carbohydrates, and detoxification of drugs and poisons.
has ribosomes on it and makes a lot of protein
structure that modifies and stores products of ER, then sends to other destinations.
proteins that have carbohydrates covalently bonded to them.
vesicles in transit from one part of cell to another.
enzymes that digest macromolecules in cell.
process protists use to 'eat' smaller organisms and food particles.
vacuole formed by phagocytosis.
vacuole that pumps out excess water to maintain a suitable concentration of ions and molecules inside the cell.
vacuole that is specific to mature plant cells.
organelle that generates ATP by extracting energy from sugars.
organelle that converts solar energy into chemical energy to synthesize organic compounds.
oxidative organelle that imports its proteins from the cytosol.
inner membrane that divides mitochondrion into two compartments.
compartment which contains many enzymes in mitochondrion.
closely related plant organelles
flattened, interconnected sacs present in chloroplasts.
the 'stack' in a thylakoid.
fluid outside of a thylakoid, which contains chloroplast DNA and ribosomes.
network of fibers extending throughout the cytoplasm. (plays major role in organization of structures and activities in cell)
shapes and supports the cell; tracks along which organelles equipped with motor proteins can move.
region in which microtubule grows out from.
one of two small cylindrical cell organelles composes of 9 triplet microtubules
specialized arrangement of microtubules that helps movement of eukaryotes.
microtubule containing extensions that project from some cells.
twisted double chain of actin subunits.
A globular protein that links into chains, two of which twist helically about each other, forming microfilaments in muscle and other contractile elements in cells.
thousands of actin filaments arranged parallel to each other.
wall that protects the plant cell, maintains shape, and prevents excessive uptake of water.
glycoprotein in extracellular matrix that forms strong fibers outside the cell.
cell walls are perforated with these channels.
junction in which plasma membrane of neighboring cells are pressed against each other.
junction that fastens cells together into strong sheets.
junction that provides cytoplasmic channels from one cell to an adjacent cell.

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