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Chapter 6: A Tour of the Cell

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269045518Compound Light Microscope (CLM)A microscope that uses a series of lenses to see light passed through a sample
269045519Electron Microscope (EM)A microscope that uses magnets to aim a beam of electrons at a sample
269045520OrganellesSpecialized structures that carry out specific cell functions
269045521NucleusA special organelle that contains the cell's DNA, and stores information the cell needs to perform protein synthesis
269045522Plasma MembraneA special boundary that surrounds the cell and controls what gets into & out of the cell
269045523Unicellular OrganismsOrganisms made of just one cell, such as bacteria
269045524Selective PermeabilityThe ability to allow some substance to pass through, while keeping others out
269045525PhospholipidsThe molecules that make up the plasma membrane are a special lipids
269045526Polarwith a charge
269045527Non-polarwithout charge
269045528phospholipid bilayertwo layers of phospholipids are arranged tail-to-tail with the heads on the outside/ the head is hydrophilic and the tail is hydrophobic
269045529Transport Proteinsproteins that create tunnels through which are polar or big to get the bilayer can enter and leave the cell
269045530Diffusionthe movement of substances from an area where there is high concentration of the substance to an area where there is a lower concentration of the substance
269045531dynamic equilibriumthe point at which there is an equal concentration of a substance, or on both sides of the membrane
269045532Passive Transportmovement of substances through the plasma membrane without the use of energy energy by the cell
269045533concentration gradientfollowing the natural "flow" or tendency for things to want to move from areas where they are highly concentrated , to areas where they are less concentrated
269045534simple diffusiontypr of passive transport in which substances pass through the plasma membrane on their own
269045535facilitated diffusiontype of passive transport in which substances use a transport protein to get through the plasma membrane
269045536transport proteinsproteins embedded in the plasma membrane which create tunnels for certain substances to pass through the plasma membrane
269045537osmosistype of passive transport in which water molecules move through the plasma membrane
269045538solutionliquid with other substances dissolved in it
269045539solventthe liquid part of a solution
269045540solutethe substance dissolved in a solution
269045541active transportmovement of substances through the plasma membrane with the use of energy by the cell
269045542ATP(Adenosine Triphosphate) the type of energy used by cells
269045543ADP(Adenosine DiPhosphate) when a bond is broken between the phosphate groups, energy is released and this is the reaction of ATP
269045544Endocytosisprocess by which the cell brings a substance in by surrounding it in a segment of the plasma membrane
269045545Exocytosisthe process by which a cell releases a substance by enclosing it in a vesicle, and fusing the vesicle to the plasma membrane
269045546protein synthesisbuilding proteins
269045547cytoplasmthe semi-fluid environment inside of a cell
269045548cytoskeletona network of fibers which create support for the cell, and anchor organisms in place inside of the cell
269045549nuclear envelopea double membrane that surrounds the nucleus
269045550nucleolusthe site where ribosomes are made
269045551ribosomesthe organelles that build proteins
269045552endoplasmic reticuluma folded system of membranes where proteins, lipids and carbohydrates are made
269045553Rough ERthe area of the ER where ribosomes are attached
269045554Smooth ERthe area of the ER where no ribosomes are attached
269045555Golgi Apparatusa flattened sack of membranes that modifies, sorts and packages the proteins made in the rough ER
269045556Vesiclessacs from the golgi apparatus
269045557vacuolean area used to store food, waste and other substances needed by the cell
269045558Lysosomesvesicles that contain digestive enzymes which break down food particles, waste, and worn-out organelles
269045559centriolesbundles of fiber that function during cellular division
269045560mitochondriaorganelles that make ATP energy for the cell by turning sugars into energy using the process of cellular respiration
269045561chloroplastsorganelles that capture light energy(from the sun) and convert it to food for the plant(glucose) through the process of photosynthesis
269045562Thylakoids & Chlorophyllfound in chloroplasts
269045563cell walla thick rigid network of fibers that surrounds the plasma membrane and protects the cell
275997993Cell Theory1. All living organisms are made of one or more cells 2. Cells are the basic units of structure & organization of organisms 3. All cells come from other cells
275997994Eukaryotic Cells1. Include plant and animal cells 2. have organelles 3. have nucleus 4. have a plasma membrane
275997995Prokaryotic Cells1. include unicellular organisms 2. do not have a nucleus or any other organelle 3. have a plasma membrane 4. has DNA that floats freely
275997996Types of Passive TransportSimple diffusion, facilitated diffusion(including transport proteins), and osmosis
275997997types of osmosisisotonic, hypotonic, and hypotonic
275997998Isotonicconcentration of water inside & outside of the cell are the same
275997999Hypotonicconcentration of water outside of the cell is Higher than the concentration of water inside of the cell
275998000Hypertonicconcentration of water outside the cell is LOWER than the concentration of water inside the cell
275998001Types of Active TransportProtein pumps, endocytosis, and exocytosis

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