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chapter 6 ap stearns Flashcards

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48340259khedivesdescendants of muhammad ali in egypt after 1867; formal rulers of egypt despite french and english intervention until overthrown by military coup in 19520
48340260Muhammad Achmadalso know as mahdi; head of a sudanic sufi brotherhood; claimed descendent from prophry muhammad; proclaimed both egyptians and british as infidels; launched revolt to purge islam of impurities; took khartoum in 18831
48340261Selim IIIsultan who ruled ottoman empire from 1789 to 1807; aimed at improving administrative efficiency and building a new army and navy; toppled by janissaries in 18072
48340262tanzimat reformsseries of reforms in ottoman empire b/w 1839-1876; established western-styl university, state postal system, railways, extensive legal reforms; resulted in creation of new constitution in 18763
48340263Taiping Rebellionbroke out in south china in the 1850s and early 1860s; led by Hong Xiuquan, a semi-christianized prophet; sought to overthrow qing dynasty and confucian basis of scholare entry4
48340264boxer rebellionpopular outburst in 1898 aimed at expelling foreigners from china; failed because of intervention of armies of western powers in china; defeat of chinese enhanced control by europeans and the power of provincial officials5
48340265opium warfought b/w the british and qing china beginning in 1839; fought to protect british trade in opium; resulted in resounding british victory, opening hong kong as british port of trade6
48340266Mahmud II(1785-1839) ottoman sultan; built a private, professional army; fomented revolution of janissaries and their religious allies; initiated of ottoman empire on western precedents.7
48340267self strengthening movementlate 19th century movement in china to counter the challenge from the west; led by provincial leaders8
48340268Muhammad Aliwon power strugle in egypt following fall of mamluks; established mastery of all egypt by 1811; introduced effective army based on western tactics and supply and a variety of other reforms; by 1830s was able to challenge ottoman government in constantinople; died 18489
48340269sun yat-senhead of revolutionary alliance, organization that led 1911 revolt against qing dynasty in china; briefly elected president in 1911, but yielded in favor of yuan shikai in 1912; created nationalist party of china(guomindang) in 1919; died 192510
48340270ottoman society for union and progressorganization of political agitators in opposition to rule of abdul harmid; also called young turks; desired to restore 1876 constitution11
48376192infidelnon believer of islam12
48376193multinational empirean empire that expands over many nations13
48376194janissariesottoman infantry divisions that dominated ottoman armies; forcibly conscripted as boys in conquered areas of balkans, legally slaves; translated military service into political influence particularly after 15th century14
48376195mahdist revolt(1883-1896) led by Muhammad achmad. wanted to purge islam of supersticious beliefs and degrading practices. got rid of egyptian rule, built strong state,forbade and severly punished unacceptable actions. slavery allowed. started with a jihad against egyptians and british15
48376196jihadstruggle; often used for wars in defense of the faith16
48376197spheres of influenceforeign country has economic control over a certain part of another country; grants special rights to the citizens of the country thats controlling the area; non dominant country also has to favor them17
48376198extraterritorialitymake the land you take over an additional territory of yours; right to follow laws of homeland18
48376199General Kitchenerbritish general that was sent with an expeditionary force to put an end to one of the most serious threats to european domination in africa. defeated mahdist cavalry at battle of omdurman in 189819
48376200mamluksliterally "slaves"; suggests turkic origins of the regime in egypt. began as slaves who served muslim overlords, risen in the ranks as military commanders and seized power in their own name.20
48376201abdul hamid(1878-1908)ottoman sultan; attempted a return to despotic absolutism. nullified consitution and restricted civil liberties(esp freedom of the press). suspected troublemakers were imprisoned and sometimes tortured and killed. pushed for westernization in certain areas(military, railways, and telegraph) abrupt end in 190821
48376202young turksottoman regime tht exiled turkish intellectuals and political agitators. determined to restore 1876 constitution and resume far-reaching reforms within the empire success had to do with sympathetic military had to do much w/ its success22
48376902treaty of nanjingit was the treaty that britain forced chinatosign at gun point it gave them a VERY large sum of silver that they had to pay in installments as well as control over hong kong it forced open a lot of ports basically: britain now controls chinese trade if not all of china(but of course european powers all come in after looking for a piece as well)23
48383866unequal treatiestreaty that favors one country over the another (ex: Treaty of Nanjing)24
48383867"most favored nation" clauseclause, often inserted in treaties, by which each of the contracting nations binds itself to grant to the other in certain stipulated matters the same terms as are then, or may be thereafter, granted to the nation which receives from it the most favorable terms in respect of those matters. It is used most frequently in treaties regarding the terms of trade between countries, as regarding tariffs and non-tariff barriers to trade. (Britain forced China)25
48383868manchus/qing dynastyManchu dynasty that seized control of China in mid-17th century after decline of Ming; forced submission of nomadic peoples far to the west and compelled tribute from Vietnam and Burma to south26
48383869Muhammad Abduh & al-AfghaniMuslim thinkers at end of 19th century; stressed need for adoption of Western scientific learning and technology, recognized importance of tradition of rational inquiry27
48383870Ahmad Orabistudent of Muhammad Abduh; led revolt in 1882 against Turkish influence in Egyptian army; forced khedive to call on British army for support28
48383871Khalifa Abdallahi-successor of Muhammad Achmad as leader of Mahdists in Sudan; established state in Sudan; defeated by British General Kitchener in 159829
48383872Nurhaciarchitect of Manchu unity; created distinctive Manchu banner armies; controlled most of Manchuria; adopted Chinese bureaucracy and court ceremonies in Manchuria, entered China and successfully captured Ming capital at Beijing30
48383873KangxiConfucian scholar31
48383874Lin Zexudistinguished Chinese official charged with stamping out opium trade in southern China; ordered blockade of European trading areas in Canton and confiscation of opium; sent into exile following the Opium War32
48383875Hong Xiuquanleader of the Taiping rebellion; converted to specifically Chinese form of Christianity; attacked traditional Confucian teachers of Chinese elite33
48383876Puyi-last emperor of China, small boy, who was asked to establish a republican government in China34

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