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Chapter 6: Learning Flashcards

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676057672classical conditioningPavlov (Pavlov's dog), Watson
676057673operant conditioningSkinner
676057674observational/social learningBandura
676057675learninga relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience
676057676associative learninglinking two events occurring close together in time
676057677conditioningprocess of learning associations between events and behavioral responses i.e. stimulus 1: seeing lightning, stimulus 2: hearing thunder
676057678classical conditioningtype of learning where we associate two stimuli and anticipate events i.e. after repetition - stimulus: seeing lightning, response: covering ears to avoid the sound
676057679operant conditioningassociating a behavior and its consequence learning to repeat behaviors followed by desirable results learning to avoid behaviors followed by undesirable results
676057680behaviorismpsychology should be an objective science, studies behaviors without taking mental processes into consideration
676057681Ivan Pavlovaccidentally discovered classical conditioning through his study on salivation and dogs
676057682Pavlov's Dog/Conditioning(NS, US, UR, CS, CR) 1. Before conditioning: Neutral Stimulus → No Response 2. Before conditioning: Unconditioned Stimulus → Unconditioned Response: dog salivates 3. During conditioning: Neutral Stimulus + Unconditioned Stimulus → Unconditioned Response: Dog salivates 4. After Conditioning: Conditioned Stimulus → Conditioned Response: Dog salivates
676057683applications of learning theories- behavior modification - advertising - therapy (desensitization, avoidance, training, biofeedback) - state-dependent learning - token economics
676057684behavior modificationanalyze behavior, create a plan, try it out!
676057685acquisitioninitial learning of the stimulus-response relationship NS & US paired more often, CR ↑
676057686extinctiondiminished CR when US no longer follows CS
676057687spontaneous recoveryreappearance of a weakened CR after a brief pause
676057688generalizationonce response is conditioned, tendency to respond in a similar way to stimuli similar to the CS i.e. dog conditioned to salivate for the dinner bell may also salivate to the sound of a doorbell
676057689discriminationlearned ability to distinguish between a CS and other similar stimuli not signaling a US i.e. infants' ability to pick out their mother's voice in a sea of other women
676057690Little Albert Experiment/John Watson1. Before conditioning: NS Rat → Baby No fear 2. US: Steel bar hit with hammer → natural reflex: fear 3. During conditioning: NS Rat + US Steel bar hit with hammer → Natural reflex: Baby fear 4. After conditioning: NS Rat → Conditioned reflex: Baby fear
676057691classical conditioning- associations between stimuli (CS and US) - involves automatic reactions to stimuli (respondent behavior) - stimulus follows the response and enforces it
676057692operant conditioning- associations of behavior with consequences - stimulus follows response, strengthens it - actions followd by reinforcers increase - actions followed by punishers decrease
676057693reinforcementstrengthens the behavior you want
676057694punishmentstops the behavior you don't want
676057695classical conditioningorganism learns associations between events that it does not control
676057696operant conditioningorganism learns associations between its behavior and the result events
676057697Thorndike and the Law of Effectcats in a puzzle box w/ a food reward outside of the box; recorded the amount of time it took them to escape and obtain the reward
676057698law of effectrewarded behavior likely to recur
676057699operant chamber/Skinner boxbar/lever, trigger, food/water dispenser, reward, speaker, recording device
676057700shaping behaviorrewarding behavior until it results in a desired behavior shaping it little by little until you get what you want
676057701reinforcerevents increasing the likelihood of a repeated behavior
676057702positive reinforcementrewarded stimulus after a response
676057703negative reinforcementremoving an unpleasant stimulus after a response
676057704primary reinforcersnaturally reinforcing i.e. taking medication to stop pain
676057705secondary reinforcersi.e. reinforcing via money etc.
676057706fixed-ratio schedulesreinforcing behavior after a set number of responses i.e. buy 10 boba drinks, get the 11th drink free on us! results in high rates of response
676057707variable-ratio schedulesreinforcing behavior after an unpredictable number of responses i.e. slot machines results in high rates of response
676057708variable-interval schedulesreinforcing first response after varying time intervals i.e. checking for email results in slow, steady responses
676057709positive punishmentadministering an aversive stimulus i.e. receiving a parking ticket, spanking
676057710negative punishmentwithdrawing a desirable stimulus i.e. a revoked driver's license, time outs
676057711punishment decreases the frequency of a behavior...
676057712stimulus presentedpositive reinforcement increases the likelihood of behavior positive punishment decreases the likelihood of behavior
676057713stimulus is removednegative reinforcement increases the likelihood of behavior negative punishment decreases the likelihood of behavior
676057714classical conditioningdefinition: organism learns associations between events that it does not control response: reflexive, involuntary behaviors basis of learning: associating two stimuli (CS + US) extinction process: CR decreases when CS is repeatedly presented alone
676057715operant conditioningdefinition: organism learns associations between its behavior and resulting events response: nonreflexive, voluntary behaviors basis of learning: associating a response and consequence extinction process: responding decreases when reinforcement stops
676057716observational learninglearning by observing others, imitating models, without direct experience
676057717modelingobserving and imitating specific behaviors
676057718mirror neuronsneurons in the frontal lobe that fire when performing certain actions or observing others perform those actions, enabling imitation and empathy, underlie humans' social nature i.e. experiencing pain personally vs. observing a loved one experience pain
676057719Albert BanduraBobo Doll experiment, observational learning in children
676057720prosocial influenceorganizations use behavior modeling to teach skills, positive behaviors and messages modeled to children
676057721antisocial influencemodeling can be antisocial, abusive parents model aggression to their children thus perpetuating a cycle of violence, media modeling violence as acceptable/"cool" as opposed to being harmful
676057722violencecommited to attractive perpetrators, most unpunished, victims' pain not portrayed, "justified" violence, desensitization - children indifferent to violence

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