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Chapter 6 Vocab Flashcards

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235407026Bedouinnomadic pastoralists of the Arabian peninsula with a culture based on herding camels and goats.0
235407027Shaykhsleaders of tribes and clans within bedouin society; usually possessed large herds, several wives, and many children.1
235407028MeccaArabian commercial center; dominated by the Quraysh; the home of Muhammad and the future center of Islam.2
235407029Medinatown northeast of Mecca; asked Muhammad to resolve its intergroup differences; Muhammad's flight to Medina, the hijra, in 622 began the Muslim calendar.3
235407030Umayyadclan of the Quraysh that dominated Mecca; later an Islamic dynasty.4
235407031Muhammad(570-632); prophet of Allah; originally a merchant of the Quraysh.5
235407032Khadijahthe wife of Muhammad.6
235407033Ka'barevered pre-Islamic shrine in Mecca; incorporated into Muslim worship.7
235407034Qur'anthe word of god as revealed through Muhammad; made into the holy book of Islam.8
235407035Ummacommunity of the faithful within Islam.9
235407036Zakattax for charity obligatory for all Muslims.10
235407037Five pillarsthe obligatory religious duties for all Muslims: confession of faith, prayer, fasting during Ramadan, zakat, and hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca).11
235407038Caliphthe successor to Muhammad as head of the Islamic community.12
235407039Alicousin and son-in-law of Muhammad; one of the orthodox caliphs; focus for the development of shi'ism.13
235407040Abu Bakrsucceeded Muhammad as the first caliph.14
235407041Riddawars following Muhammad's death; the defeat of rival prophets and opponents restored the unity of Islam.15
235407042JihadIslamic holy war.16
235407043Uthmanthird caliph; his assassination set off a civil war within Islam between the Umayyads and Ali.17
235407044Siffinbattle fought in 657 between Ali and the Umayyads; led to negotiations that fragmented Ali's party.18
235407045Mu'awiyafirst Umayyad caliph; his capital was Damascus.19
235407046Copts, NestoriansChristian sects of Syria and Egypt; gave their support to the Arabic Muslims.20
235407047Sunnisfollowers of the majority interpretation within Islam; included the Umayyads.21
235407048Shi'afollowers of Ali's interpretation of Islam.22
235407049Karbalasite of the defeat and death of Husayn, the son of Ali.23
235407050Mawalinon-Arab converts to Islam.24
235407051Jizyahead tax paid by all non-Muslims in Islamic lands.25
235407052Dhimmis"the people of the book," Jews, Christians; later extended to Zoroastrians and Hindus.26
235407053Abbasidsdynasty that succeeded the Umayyads in 750; their capital was at Baghdad.27
235407054Hadiths"traditions" of the prophet Muhammad; added to the Qur'an, form the essential writings of Islam.28
235407055Battle of the River Zab750; Abbasid victory over the Umayyads, near the Tigris. Led to Abbasid ascendancy.29
235407056BaghdadAbbasid capital, close to the old Persian capital of Ctesiphon.30
235407057Wazirchief administrative official under the Abbasids.31
235407058DhowsArab sailing vessels; equipped with lateen sails; used by Arab merchants.32
235407059Ayanthe wealthy landed elite that emerged under the Abbasids.33

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