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Chapter 7 Flashcards

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218632462Al-ArdulasArabic name for Spain0
218632463Bedouinnomadic peoples of northern Arabia1
218632464Caliphthe secular leader of the Islamic community, developed in period after the death of Muhammad2
218632465Corpus Luirs Civilis"Body of Civil Law", Justinian's codification of Roman law3
218632467Hadithcollected sayings of the prophet Muhammad5
218632468Hegirathe flight of Muhammad form mecca to median in 622, which marks the first date on the official calender of Islam6
218632469Iconoclasman eighth-century Byzantine movement against the use of icons which was condemned as idolatry7
218632470ImamIslamic religious leader8
218632471Islammonotheistic faith given shape by Muhammad, in the tradition of Judaism and Christianity term means "submission"9
218632472Jihadin Islam,"striving the way of the Lord", sometimes translated as "holy war"10
218632473Mihrabniche in the wall of a mosque facing Mecca11
218632474Mezzinmeans "crier", person who calls faithful to worship five times a day from the minaret of a mosque12
218632475Qur'an (Koran)holy book of Islam, believed to contain the revelations of Allah as given to Muhammad means "recitation"13
218632476Ramadanholy month of Islam, one of the Five Pillars, Muslims fast during the daylight hours14
218632477Shari'aIslamic law code15
218632478Sheikhruling member of a Bedouin tribe16
218632479Shi'itessmaller of two main sects of Islam, drawn for the Arabic phrase Shi'ite Ali ("partisans of Ali"), believe that leadership should come from the line of Ali17
218632480Sufismform that Islamic belief that called for mystical relationship between Allah and human beings18
218632481Sultanleader of the Selijuk Turks, means "holder of power"19
218632482Sunnilarger of two main sects of Islam, translated as "orthodox", leadership drawn from any true believer20
218632483ThemeByzantine administrative unit21
218632484Ulamaa convocation of leading Muslim Scholars22
218632485Ummathe Muslim community as a whole23
218632486Vizierleader of the council who advised the Caliph24
218632487Zakatgiving aims to the poor, one of the Five Pilars25

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