Alex Pagel
Zachary Gue
72872400 | The area was filled with hunters and had many different animals such as elephants, giraffes, rhinos and crocodiles due to the amount of water available. | What is the earliest image of the Saharan area? | 0 | |
72872401 | The Saharan habitat changed overtime due to the increased temperature which removed most of the water in the said area. | Why did the Saharan habitat change overtime? | 1 | |
72872402 | Equitorial Africa is the wettest part as it contains no deserts and has a major river running through it. | What part of Africa has the most rainfall? | 2 | |
72872403 | The Sahara desert nearly blocked all trade to Africa before 1000 C.E. | How did the Sahara desert affect trade? | 3 | |
72872404 | The Saharan culture focused on cattle which they herded around. | What was the common source of food for Saharan people? | 4 | |
72872405 | A great tradition usually contains a written language, common legal and belief systems and ethical codes. | What does a great tradition normally contain? | 5 | |
72872406 | The land changes from Steppes to tropical savannas covered long grasses and scattered forest and then finally to rain forests. | What environmental changes occur during the Sub-Saharan Africa? | 6 | |
72872407 | Africa was isolated from the rest of the world which allowed for them to connect internally and be shaped by the Great traditions rather than be shaped by the Imperial conquests from other countries. | How was Africa shaped differently then the rest of the world? | 7 | |
72872408 | Over two thousand languages are spoke throughout the vast land. | How many languages are spoke in Africa? | 8 | |
72872409 | The Saddle was created which allowed for nomad and traders to have a more comfortable ride across the long desert and to be able to carry bags without holding them. | What important device was created for camels? | 9 | |
72872410 | The saddle was inefficient for military use as you could not hold and shoot a weapon wile trying to stay onto the camel. | Did the saddle effect the military warfare of the Sahara? | 10 | |
72872411 | A hoe and digging stick was used to cultivate the land. | What was the common tools for agriculture? | 11 | |
72872412 | African society was divided up into groups based on jobs, money, and wealth/power. | How was the African society grouped? | 12 | |
72872413 | Bantu is a word meaning people in the many different languages of Africa. | What does Bantu mean? | 13 | |
72872414 | The battle between the the imperial powers of Iranian states in south and east Mediterranean states. | Armenia is home of which reoccurring battle? | 14 |