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chapter 7 Flashcards

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89054794What problems were the Abbasid facing from Shi'a opposition?- revolts and assassination attempts0
89054795What problem continued to go on even after the death of Al-Mahdi-Arguing about who will the successor1
89054796Who did Harun al-Rashid become heavily dependent upon during his reign?- a family of persian advisors2
89054797what problems began surfacing in the royal court of the Muslim Empire that was very similar to problems China felt during the Han Dynasty?- advisers got more and more powerful; people on the thrown turned into figure heads3
89054798What occured after Harun's death?-several full scale civil wars over succession4
89054799What became the solution to potential heirs to the Muslim Empire in regards to civil war?-build personal armies5
89054800How did slave mercenaries play a role in the decline of the Abbasids?- 846 c.e. slave mercenaries murdered the reigning caliph -mercenaries became a major force for social unrest.6
89054801List the three causes for the Muslim Empire's treasure have on Muslim people?- constant civil violence - construction of public works - the armies needed more money7
89054802What affect did the low funds in the treasury have on Muslim people?-people had to pay taxes - great irrigation works needed for agriculture broke down and in some areas collapsed entirely. -peasants perished due to famine, flood, or violent assaults - others fled to wilderness areas - some formed bandit gangs8
89054803What two things become common practices in gender relations during the Abbasid era?- the harem - women wearing a veil.9
89054804What is a harem?- wives and slaves are confined to a certain part of the home10
89054805How were female slaves treated in comparison to freeborn women?- more personal freedom - could win their freedom and gain power by bearing healthy sons for rulers - learned more11
89054806What difference was there in gender relations between lower class and upper class women?- lower class women could have jobs and upper class could not.12
89054807What took place in 945 in the Muslim Empire?- Buyids captured Baghdad13
89054808What does sultan translate to mean?- victorious14
89054809What group replaced the Buyids around 1055?- seljuk turks -kill a lot of the Shi'a and Byzantines15
89054810What two things allowed the First Crusade to become a success- muslim political division - element of surprise16
89054811Who would successfully lead the Muslims during the end of the 12th century?- salah- ud din17
89054812List the areas of influence the Muslims had on Europe after the Crusades?- new weaponry - techniques of building fortifications - modern medicine18
89054813What language nearly replaced Arabic entirely in Muslim culture?- persian19
89054814What two works are considered masterpieces of Muslim writing?- Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam - Shan- hama; ferdaissi firawsi20
89054815What advances did Muslims make in the field of math?- algebra, geometry, trigonometry21
89054816What discoveries were found in the field of chemistry?- creation of objective experiment - Razi's scheme of classifying all material22
89054817Why did Cairo's hospitals have the best physicians?- doctors had to pass a course of study and end of course test in order to practice.23
89054818What trend emerged in the Muslim religious community after the Crusades?- suspicious of non- Islamic ideas and scientific thinking24
89054819What did sufis seek?- wondering mystics who sought personal union with Allah.25
89054820What group began invading the Abbasid empire in the early 13th century and who led these people?- Mongols -Chinggis Khan26
89054821Who took control of this group later during the 1250s and took the capital Baghdad?- Hulegu27
89054822Who were the Mamluks?- Turkic slaves who then ruled Egypt - defeated Mongols in late 1200s28
89054823How were the HIndu and Muslim faiths in direct opposition to one another?- Islam is much more structured - Hindu is more flexible29
89054824what was the first contact between Muslim and HIndu groups around 711?- peaceful trading contacts - attack by sind pirates on same arab traders.30
89054825How did Mahmud of Ghazni affect northern India?- began to invade and raid northern India31
89054826Where did these Muslims place their capitol? Why is this significant?- Delhi - not associated with the Umayyads or the abbasids32
89054827Where did most Indian converts to Islam come from?- Buddhists or low cast groups and untouchables. - shudras33
89054828Why did India become a place of refuge for many Muslims around the 13th and 14th centuries?- Mongols and tinerants are invading the middle east - Muslims are running for their lives to India34
89054829What sort of social relationship did Hindus ave with their Muslim conquerors?- saw them as out castes; animosity; did not interact with them35
89054830Explain what the majority of HIndus believe would happen to their Muslim conquerors as had happened to previous invading groups.- they would be absorbed36
89054831How were women in India affected by the Muslim invasion?- sati; widows threw themselves onto their husbands dead burning bodies - lost a lot of rights - widows couldn't remarry37
89054832After Hundus realized the Muslim faith was not going to be absorbed what did they resort to in order to keep more people from converting to Islam?- put a greater emphasis on devotion - Bhaktic cults included women and untouchables - for personal relationships with gods or goddesses38
89054833How did these cults stem the flow of converts to Islam?- increase involvement in Hindu worship in all groups39
89054834Why did neither the Muslims or Hindus of India really absorb the other?- Both worked hard to keep themselves seperate40
89054835What group prevented the spread of Muslim ideas in the Southeast Asia?-Shrivijaya41
89054836what city played a vital role in the spread of Islam across Southeast Asia?- Malacca42
89054837Why were the Sufis so successful in converting people?- they varied in personality and approach - allowed people of southeast Asia to keep some ideas of the various religions in the area43
89054838how were women treated in this are of Muslim control?- much stronger status in family and community than other areas - lineage still traced through the woman44

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